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Is your consent asked for or given?

Is that a syringe in your sock or are you just happy to see me? I never asked for this, not so deep, not this, do you have protection? Not this, not no, but not where I can feel anything. Back off. Just the skin. Don't say that. Don't say it again. Don't answer your pager. Don't mention the syringe and I won't. Don't say it. I already know. It's the drug. And you love me.

Are you able to withdraw consent and stop at any time?

I rented the porno, but you weren't in it, even though you said you were. And you weren't in the one with the Boy Scouts. Not real Boy Scouts, but full-grown men climbing over rocks, wearing bandannas around their necks like that, and hiking boots. If I was straight, if you were a girl, when this happens, can we still get hot late at night to Boy Scouts? Or is that someone else? Wait I love you. Look at us, lit by television, late-night club boys, both of us stinking of cigarettes and lonely, looking for a transfer, riding each other. We get off.

Are all your needs and limits respected at all times?

You didn't call. Why didn't you call. You said you'd call. I thought you'd call. I'm sorry I didn't call. I've been really busy. I never got the message. I don't have an answering machine. I was out of town. I wasn't near a phone. I didn't know it was an emergency. I didn't know you cared. I didn't know it mattered. I promise. I won't. It won't happen again. I won't tell anyone. Don't worry. You can't get pregnant. Do you want me to come in your face? My insurance will cover that dent. Is that my hand? Is that your sock?

Do you feel good after a scene?

(Interlude) Lights come up on female, lying seductively, fallen-angel style under the covers. She sits in dim light, rumpled. The sound of a toilet flushing, distantly. This is back when people smoked indoors. She exhales smoke slowly through the nose. She looks beatific. Love, being beloved, makes her glow. She got made, her skin is flushed, hot, sticky with come. It could be hers. Someone is coming out of the bathroom.

Do you feel good after a scene?

Cash first. Up front. The world's worst coke whore buys the coke and fucks you anyway. I mean, I've read about stuff like that.

Do you feel good after a scene?

I hurt you, I didn't mean it, are you okay, I didn't want to and you wanted it, wanted it like that, that hard, more than I could stand to hurt you and you yelled at me until I did it and I hate to be yelled at you made me mad and so I did it I was mad at you and so I did it and I hate you for what you made me you made me do it slapped the grin off your face my hand so deep in you, the other hand on your throat and you laughed so hard you came you laughed oh fuck you for getting what you wanted and not knowing how what cost/ you wouldn't hit me in the face and I know what you thought of me for wanting that/for wanting you to slap me/just then/like that/ and so I couldn't see you again. I was just dirty. Your look was unclean.

Do you feel good after a scene?

I'm sorry. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep.

Can you function in everyday life?

Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot.

Can you function in everyday life?

I'm sorry. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep.

Can you refuse to do illegal activities?

Fully loaded semiautomatic poem. Is that a syringe in your sock? Say red say yellow say green say my name more just like that/ just like that it began when I pushed you up against a wall, remember? I could be reading a dirty book you bought me, and instead I'm writing about dirty you.

Can you go wherever you want, whenever you want to?

It's hard to talk when my legs are tied together like this. You. Undo me.

Is your relationship built on trust, honesty and respect?

It's hard to talk when my legs are tied together like this. You. Undo me.

Can you insist on safe sex practices?

The distance between pertinent and prurient. How did you know/I'm probably contagious. I'm probably diseased. You made me like this. I've got that Diana Ross song, the sweetest hangover, stuck on my skin, drag queen come/hither. I love you.

Are you able to express feelings of guilt or jealousy or unhappiness?

Dear Mom, I've learned a lot.

Can you interact with family and friends whenever you like?

Dear Mom, take me. I'm yours.

San Francisco-based performance poet Daphne Gottlieb stitches together the ivory tower and the gutter using just her tongue. She is the author of Final Girl (Soft Skull Press, August 2003), Why Things Burn (Soft Skull Press, 2001) and Pelt (Odd Girls Press, 1999).

the Sex & Drugs issue  
SubURBAN Photography by Robert Petrie
One, Two by Ian Spiegelman
Lucy & Rachel by Lisa Carver

Romancing the Stoner by Ondine Galsworth
/personal essay/

Clean by James Frey
/personal essay/

Sexy Dancer by Erin Cressida Wilson & Sean San Jose
Dirty by Daphne Gottlieb
I Did It for Science: Drugs by Grant Stoddard
The Night Visitor by David Amsden
/personal essay/
Tweak by Nicolas Sheff
James by Bruce Benderson
Dirty and Sober by Em & Lo
Amanita Virosa by Jenny Boully
A Life of Substance by Richard Hell
7 Days to Better Sex Through Recreational Drug Use by Carrie Hill Wilner
Slippy for President by Steve Almond

©2003 Daphne Gottlieb and
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