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Lost by John Haskell
"I could feel my belt being unbuckled and I knew that hands were touching me but I couldn't tell whose hands they were."
Unwrapped! by Various
December photo contest winners.
Unwrapped! by Various
Not your typical holiday hangover: December photo contest winners.
Bedside Manner by Jerry Weinstein
Dr. House takes the pulse of procedural TV.
Bedside Manner by Jerry Weinstein
Dr. House takes the pulse of procedural TV.
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Brad and Jen: the nation mourns.
"The One" Is the Loneliest Number by Tobin Levy
When you're dumped by a soul mate, no book can help.
Horoscopes by the Hooksexup staff
Your week in sex.
The Life Aquatic by SarahThomas
The weight of water.
Film Reviews by Logan Hill
Date DVD: How to woo that sleepy-eyed pothead.
Sex Advice From . . . Sexuality Professors by Erica Schlaikjer
Q: The best way to tell someone they give bad head without hurting their feelings?
A: You can't.
The Professionals by Grant Stoddard
At least two members of Inouk will sleep with you for money.
How to be Good by Rev. Jen Miller
Putting this season's sexual self-help books to the test.
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Jenny don't change your number / weirdos need to make you theirs.

Yes, I Use Condoms (And Other Lies I've Told) by Emma Taylor  1.8.2001
A list of excuses for behavior that has no excuse. 

Dysfunction Junction, What's Your Function? by Jessica Baumgardner  12.6.2000
Is female frigidity making a comeback? 

Scrambled Eggs by Lorelei Sharkey  11.8.2000
What to expect when you're expecting the worst. 

Little Bo Sleaze by Emily Nussbaum  10.4.2000
Will editing Hooksexup make me the black sheep of the family? 

In Search of Indecency by Albert Lee  9.4.2000
Where is web regulation headed next? 

What Light Through Yonder Inbox Breaks? — The Romance of Low Bandwidth by Rufus Griscom  8.1.2000
Love letters for the electronic age. 

Are You There God? It's Me, Emma by Emma Taylor  7.1.2000
What's a good Christian girl like you doing at a sex magazine? 

My Therapist's Thong by Susan Dominus  6.1.2000
What you don't want to find on the floor at the shrink: someone's undies. 

Tough Calls by Jack Murnighan  5.1.2000
In our exploration of sex, where should we draw the line? 

Why Print? by Rufus Griscom  4.3.2000
In its latest incarnation, Hooksexup gets tactile. 

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