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August 31 2009, 09:08P
"Don't feel bad about cheating on your boyfriend with me, I just have a thing for unavailable women. I'd hate for you to break up with him — the sex wouldn't be as good after that."

August 31 2009, 07:45P
"He dines and wines me. Is charming. We go to my place. First (and only) kiss. Literally sixty seconds later he gets me from behind, lifts my skirt, tears my (expensive) undies and inserts his cock in my ass. Then he gets all irritated because I say 'hey wait a second here'. Hello? Foreplay?!?! (I kicked him out)"

August 31 2009, 07:21P
"I secretly feel that I'm not hot enough for you, because I'm overweight and you're a GOD. You are clearly interested in me the way I am, but every time I leave your bed I am convinced that you are secretly grimacing and will never want to see me again. And every time, I am wrong — you are always happy to hear from me and be with me. I really want to stop hating my body because I want to have even more fun in bed with you."

August 31 2009, 10:46A
"If you don't kiss me on the first date, then it doesn't count towards the three dates you have to wait to get some."

August 29, 2009, 9:36 a.m.
"I'm interested in two guys. One is extremely emotionally unavailable but can fuck the shit out of me like no tomorrow, the other is an alcoholic whom I've only slept with once but satisfies my desire for cuddling. If they were one man I wouldn't want him..."

August 29, 2009, 4:14 a.m.
"I just had sex four times with two different men within 12 hours. I can't stop giggling."

August 29, 2009, 3:00 a.m.
"He called! He called!! He called!! And I was out! And he sounded sad...good!! I've been crying for weeks...thank GOD I was out and having a good time...who knows what would've happened had I been at home, lonely, thinking about him when he called...ohmy God, he CALLED!! Oh shit, does this mean I have to 'get over him' all over again? Right now, I don't care...he called...."


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i wish i could just be multiplied and just fuck myself so i dont have to deal with other people's bull shit.

MM commented on 09/08

@10:24P sounds like a good deal to me!

mo commented on 09/08

Wow, these "confessions" really make a guy disappointed in women. Wish I were attracted to men. I hope it's just the type of woman who would post here in the first place that sucks, and not all of them.

NG commented on 09/08

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