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Experiment: "God was very generous with you," a Parisian friend once told me. Sadly, he wasn't referring to my IQ or ability to find a parking space. No, he was talking about my breasts, big and especially disproportionate to my five-foot frame. Since the day I fully bloomed, I've struggled to accept them, often resorting to guerrilla minimizing tactics: doubling up sports bras, duct-taping, and strapping on heavy chest armor.

When I started developing breasts, I never embraced them or felt excited by them like many other women do. I didn't find anything amusing about men blatantly staring at my chest and mumbling crudely, and the feeling of vulnerability crushed me.

But for science, I was willing to rethink the matter. I decided to find out how much power breasts really have. Am I neglecting an asset I could use to get everything I want in life? Let the tests begin.

Hypothesis: (Cup Size > AA) Breast x 2 + Cleavage = Power

A properly fitted bra
•A sports bra/minimizer
• A v-neck top or dress
• A loose t-shirt
• Twenty males (preferably strangers)
• An expensive bar
• A flat-chested girlfriend

Preparation: I desperately needed to update my lingerie collection, which consisted of hideously un-sexy minimizers and old bras from ninth grade (a sign of wishful thinking that one day I'd wake up to a magically deflated chest). So I headed up to Townshop, a quaint lingerie store on Manhattan's Upper West Side specializing in the "art of fitting." The last time I checked my size I was a 36DD, but according to my bra fitter, Chauntelle, I was a 30F. Although Chauntelle swore that I wasn't "big" ("we carry size K"), I was appalled.

If you've never been professionally bra-fitted before, let me warn you: it may be an art, but it feels like an intense military operation, involving awkward physical positions and rough handling of intimate body parts.

Am I neglecting an asset I could use to get everything I want in life?

"Bend over!" Chauntelle ordered.

Hesitating, I obeyed. She slipped on my bra over my hands and made sure my dangling boobs were within the perimeters of the cup before I stood straight again. Once I was straightened and harnessed, she continued her orders, but this time I felt like I was learning the Lindy Hop. "Now shimmy to the left, and shimmy to the right, then do the finger slide," she instructed, jiggling her chest from side to side and sliding her index finger inside my bra from the cleavage point out. "Now give your sisters a little tap... and that's how to properly put on a bra."

All the maneuvering was worth it. Hot damn! I thought, admiring my protruding cleavage. For the first time, my breasts weren't squished into pancake shapes, looking instead like balls of plump, peach-colored cushion. There was something incredibly appealing about the supple curves of my chest, the soft bounce of them when I moved and the subtle crease in the middle.

"Can I show you off?" beamed Chauntelle, beckoning her co-workers in for a private peep show. They crowded in the stall, admiring my bust, and began oohing and aahing; I felt like a proud mother showing off her newborn twins.

Out on the street, however, I felt more like a platter of steaming doughnuts at a Weight Watchers meeting. Seriously, dudes, didn't your mamas teach you not to stare? Under normal circumstances (when I'm not undercover in my lab coat), I rely on substantial qualities to seduce men, such as my impressive knowledge of nuclear-warfare theories or my ability to mimic Russian and Indian accents. But now attracting men — at least in one regard — seemed effortless.

Method: Now that I was properly outfitted, it was time to put my chest to the test. For my first experiment, I would ask unsuspecting male subjects to sign a fictitious and utterly ridiculous petition. The variable would be the amount of cleavage exposed during the signature collection.

Thanks to my friends and their drunken brainstorming, I found myself in busy Union Square promoting "The Banana Project," a made-up campaign to ban all human consumption of bananas simply because I "strongly believed" they belonged in mouths of monkeys. For round one, I layered myself in a minimizer and sports bra and then put on a loose workout t-shirt. Having thoroughly disguised my bust, I was ready to campaign.

Please note: if you've never petitioned for anything before, it takes a lot of balls. People don't want to listen to you, and if you're petitioning for something as ridiculous as "The Banana Project," they will laugh in your face. My armpits were shvitzing from Hooksexups and public humiliation, as I became a target for all the sarcasm in Union Square:

"Countries that produce the fruit will suffer!"

"What am I supposed to eat?"

"Why bananas and not apples?"

"I don't buy that. You're really weird."

"How am I going to get my potassium?"

Comments ( 86 )

Great stuff, Bianca. Thanks for taking one for the team, as it were, I know it must have been -horribly- difficult in the end.
LS commented on Jul 22 09 at 12:23 pm
I enjoyed this one, but it really bothers me how many women don't understand the power of thier breasts. I mean, I get it, guys judge them, too small, not perky enough, and 100 other criticisms. But seriously, beyond just getting drinks, nothing soothes a man pretty than a set of breasts, cleavage, no cleavage. No matter how angry or frustrated a guy is, something magical happens when suddenly breasts are in his face. Be proud ladies, you have a wonderful gift... And I'm sorry if I stare a little too much.
BC commented on Jul 22 09 at 1:21 pm
Yes, I get it, boobs get you happiness and free alcohol. As if I weren't already wishing for an upgrade...
34B commented on Jul 22 09 at 1:36 pm
Bianca has nice boobs. But if she thought this warranted an experiment, she needs to rethink a lot of things. Most other women figured this out 2000 years ago.
JBA commented on Jul 22 09 at 2:15 pm
I gotta agree with Bleh, this is some Glamour Mag-style content. Gamely handled Bianca, but not up to Hooksexup's usual level of out there.
kw commented on Jul 22 09 at 3:13 pm
I developed very early (4th grade!) and it was HELL. and i know a lot of women who feel the same way. you think it's easy being well-endowed, but there are 2 sides to every story. you go bianca. b-a-n-a-n-a-s.
KLT commented on Jul 22 09 at 4:06 pm
I'm officially dropping my premium membership to Hooksexup. I paid for pictures of large-breasted women, not articles by them telling us that -SHOCK!- men like boobs.
jk commented on Jul 22 09 at 5:42 pm
Why are we guys so fricken dumb when we are attracted to a woman and such fricken jerks when we aren't? Oy.
EM commented on Jul 22 09 at 6:08 pm
Well, no surprise, but it was entertaining. For myself however, I like being small chested. Getting cat called 24/7 would get annoying....
SMM commented on Jul 22 09 at 6:10 pm
You are so cool! I am a proud 36C thanks to you!
CG commented on Jul 22 09 at 6:23 pm
Seeing stereotypes confirmed(ish) makes me sad. Thanks for the reminder that I will always have to work twice as hard to get a guy's attention. I don't even have long legs, being all of 5'2". I think I'll go ponder my life of solitude now.
36A commented on Jul 22 09 at 8:19 pm
Hooksexup better get its act together. This new IDIFS doesn't hold a candle to the old one. Hooksexup is loosing it's edge!! As for big boobs, that's only half the battle. It's not won until the clothes are off, proportion is everything.
TK commented on Jul 22 09 at 8:36 pm
You're not seeing stereotypes confirmed. You're seeing attitudes confirmed. When she had her breasts out, she also actively flirted. A man isn't going to bother with a woman who isn't acting interested. This doesn't prove anything.
OP commented on Jul 22 09 at 9:24 pm
I love it b!!!!!!!! ur 2 funny!!!! i remember you telling me about this!
bb commented on Jul 22 09 at 10:06 pm
I'm sending this to some friends who don't seem to understand the choice I made 10 years ago: stand up proud or stoop in shame. I chose option A, and am glad I did.
AAu commented on Jul 22 09 at 10:13 pm
Soooo many uncontrolled factors, as others mentioned. Acting flirty, wearing sunglasses, feeling confident...the list goes on. Plus, it's just plain mean to small chested women. Hooksexup really doesn't have much going for it anymore.
HT commented on Jul 22 09 at 10:16 pm
Let's look at the bigger picture guys - and girls - sure there are many uncontrolled factors, but in the end this article isn't simply about 'can boobs attract'...if you didn't get it, the writer delves deeper into the topic of body image. In the end this is a short story (and an entertaining one) about one young woman's attempt to come to terms with and understand part of her body that has affected her self image and self understanding her entire life. Breasts aren't just 'breasts" in the way we view them in this ass and titty culture. This asset plays a huge roll (whether they are big or small) in the world of womanhood and the fact that there are so many social and sexual connotations attached to them make it hard for the woman to accept herself, her roll as a woman, her sexual identity and her body.
rb commented on Jul 22 09 at 11:00 pm
gotta say, this was great. nowhere but Hooksexup to see this kinda story. Hilarious concept with the banana thing, keep it coming.
gty commented on Jul 22 09 at 11:13 pm
I also have ginormous ta-tas (roughly the same size as Bianca's), and I can totally attest to the fact that they enable you to get (and get away with) practically anything. Men talk to my chest rather than my face all the time, and calling them out on it never fails to amuse.
CS commented on Jul 23 09 at 12:22 pm
As someone who has endured the frustrating experience of gathering petition signatures, and as a scientist, I must point out that when you switched from Rackus Minimus to Major Boobage, your own behavior changed as much as that of your subjects. I think that is the most important message of this article. When you act in a manner that says you are comfortable with yourself, and how you look is not something you should apologize for, people will always respond in a more positive way. Like many girls, my teenage daughter is having the normal struggles with growing up, especially because she is over six feet tall, and though slender, she has an unmistakably female figure. Until recently she would hunch her back, round her shoulders, and wear concealing clothes, as if to apologize for being there. As her father, I am not particularly eager to have her attract the lust of boys, but I would rather she be comfortable and confident in her own skin and taking charge of her life, than not accepting of herself and acting like a doormat.
PCE commented on Jul 23 09 at 12:42 pm
i think what rb said really gets to the feeling i had reading this. i have almost exactly bianca's figure (5 ft, with 34 f breasts), and my teenage years were spent fighting with my mother about looking "slutty" or "like a hooker" in the clothes that i wanted to wear and fantasizing about a breast reduction. the shift in my self-esteem when i moved across the country and learned how to accept (and then appreciate) my body was really exciting. yeah, the leering stares and catcalls in the street can get tiresome, but the look on my boyfriend's face when i come out wearing something that really shows off my curves is a priceless confidence boosting turn-on every time.
krr commented on Jul 23 09 at 4:55 am
yeah i thought the point was not just that her boobs were out in round two, it was that that changed the way SHE behaved, as well as the way the men behaved. i think that was less an uncontrolled variable than part of the experiment.
tb commented on Jul 23 09 at 10:18 am
Why are there no ass men out there? I may not have amazing boobs like Bianca (lucky thing) but I've got a pretty phenomenal hip-waist ratio going on. I show it off sure and I'm confident enough, but it's got nowhere near the same kind of power as boobs. I wish it did. :(
SG commented on Jul 23 09 at 1:19 pm
Lame. This is exactly something Glamour would do. What's next? An 'experiment' trying to figure out if blondes do indeed have more fun?
JL commented on Jul 23 09 at 1:29 pm
The fact is, that the amount of effort a woman has to put fourth to attract a male is zero. Whatever body type you ahve, you can find a guy who is into it. Have some self confidence and self esteem, put yourself out there and what you are looking for will find you.
?? commented on Jul 23 09 at 2:03 pm
Fascinating article! I only wished I would have continued my boobie theory to this point.
Sos commented on Jul 23 09 at 2:34 pm
I found this boring and pointless. Not exactly ground breaking material.
KM commented on Jul 23 09 at 3:17 pm
You think you have large tits I have been cursed with freak of nauture size tits on a 5'2" small frame and I am just slightly overweight not morbidly obese which is always the asumption. I can never find proper containment units for the things, they are huge, heavy and unwieldly and pretty clothes, forget that. I am disgusted eveyday I have to deal with the gigantic things.
MVM commented on Jul 23 09 at 3:51 pm
Sorry, toots - nothing new here.
RB commented on Jul 23 09 at 3:54 pm
Bianca, you are clearly lovely and a good writer. So please do not take it personally when I say: Fuck me, this was a boring idea. Couldn't you give Bianca something better to do?
dis commented on Jul 23 09 at 4:00 pm
To all the people saying how obvious this was, actually to a lot of women, it ISN'T! I only discovered the "power" of my boobs a few years ago (36DD). Seriously. And knowing that gives you some of that I-feel-sexy positive attitude, too. I wish someone had told me how to use my assets to my advantage when I was younger.
IL commented on Jul 23 09 at 4:14 pm
I agree IL. I'm figuring my own boob power out at last, too, just when it's almost too late. I think the piece was extremely well written and made me laugh. Who cares if it's new? There's nothing new, only different ways of saying it. Bianca rocks.
CC commented on Jul 23 09 at 5:12 pm
Small/perky + no bra + just sheer enough to drive the point home. That would work for me big time. Sandra Oh, for example. mmmmm. Therefore the women relying on legs have another option that might yield multiple benefits. Just saying.
TW commented on Jul 23 09 at 5:16 pm
This is so true. I'm a straight girl and I get hypnotized by jiggly cleavage - even my own in the mirror. It's a beautiful thing.
JBC commented on Jul 23 09 at 5:21 pm
As an "older, more mature woman" .. I applaud your courage here. I still love to show my cleavage ... and it's amazing how many younger men look. The cougar in me is happy about that. One of our greatest assets are beautiful boobs... why not be proud!! Thanks for a fun, and scientific article.
AF commented on Jul 23 09 at 5:30 pm
Hate my boobs, hate the "power" they give me, hate that men act like imbeciles when they're prominently displayed (as in, when I wear anything other than a parka). I constantly wish for invisibility, but only ever get leers, jokes, and the occasional grope. I don't want men's attention, but I get it all the damn time. Yes, learning to love them would be a good idea, I suppose, but wearing them even prouder would only get MORE attention from men. I'd rather they just leave me alone.
34DD commented on Jul 23 09 at 7:09 pm
Boobs taste good.
DSPD commented on Jul 23 09 at 7:09 pm
now i've got to go tell my wife i'm in love with you
dwp commented on Jul 23 09 at 8:26 pm
It's so true. I basically inadvertently conduct this experiment on a regular basis. As a just-barely-34C, I can look voluptuous or not depending on what clothes I wear. The increase in stares, catcalls, drink offers, and general silliness that a plunging neckline and good bra causes, as opposed to a T-shirt is truly ridiculous. I like being able to look boobalicious but, still, I don't think that men's public attention to breasts means that they actually find them a more important or attractive part of a woman's body than many other parts. If I'm actually intimate with a guy, the rest of my body gets plenty of love. I just think breasts are the most obvious and public part of the female anatomy, and the only one that you can regularly see partially exposed. So guys naturally focus on them. Don't despair, small-chested ladies. Also, I agree with an above poster, that the sunglasses were a major uncontolled factor. Still, I doubt your results would have been THAT different.
LT commented on Jul 23 09 at 8:44 pm
Maybe I need to be more explicit. For some men, no bra + protruding nips on small boobs are very hot, where as cleavage is almost a cliche. Or at least for me. This is a FYI. I'm sure women get it, since you don't see protruding nips as much as 10 or 15 years ago. But for the relatively flat chested -- a very very hot alternative. And NEVER, NEVER get implants for male attention. Please.
TW commented on Jul 23 09 at 9:15 pm
Only in America - impossible for girls in Italy, Germany, France to even think like this - you are who you are and basta. This must be the result of some strange puritan legacy Americans enjoy. Not that boobs don't matter, it's just the way you think about them that is so American.
JH commented on Jul 23 09 at 11:24 pm
You do look great and your new friends look great you could do with longer hair. This look does not suite you.
noh commented on Jul 24 09 at 7:23 am
Breast are a guys first focus and the size of them usually does not matter provided there supported well. However how women use them can say a lot,so some women will display them in ways that make them look sluty more refined women use them to say there hot but but not easy. Some women think they need big breast but this is mainly due to not knowing how to use the natural balanced breast they were given if more women new how to support there natural breast then maybe the need to have implants would go down. Breast implants alter the balance of a woman's look.
CJB commented on Jul 24 09 at 9:56 am
FYI - to those of you who are pointing out that the sunglasses were an uncontrolled experiment I just want to clarify that during the original experiment I was NOT wearing sunglasses for round 1 or round 2, these pictures were taken for the article at a later time...and actually the experiment worked again! Thanks for the feedback everyone =) -Bianca-
BM commented on Jul 24 09 at 11:16 am
What a clever article. Heterosexual human men have a chemical in their brains that attract them to female features that indicate fertility, such as breasts. This is a newsflash. Next, we'll see an article on how wearing red in a bull-fighting ring makes one more susceptible to being chased by a bull.
yzt commented on Jul 25 09 at 12:32 am
...except it doesn't.
tmp commented on Jul 24 09 at 2:02 pm
Pathetic article. I'll buy you a drink if you show me your cleavage, though.
ixv commented on Jul 24 09 at 6:28 pm
Look, this article (and series) is HUMOR. Don't get twitterpated because it's not good science. Don't go off on how unfair society is to judge women on something so shallow (ha, wrong term if I ever chose one). Really funny, Bianca!
LED commented on Jul 24 09 at 11:18 pm
Would you be willing to place a Craigslist ad asking for someone to ejaculate on your cleavage? I would like to respond.
GTO commented on Jul 25 09 at 2:11 am
I'm with the banana industry and we'd like to get you lobbying the boobs in Washington on our behalf. We could use your potent weapons.
U'U commented on Jul 25 09 at 3:15 pm

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