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Since a major part of attracting mates is standing out from the competition, I dressed in a style both flamboyant and outsized, a la VH1's Mystery: gold lamé pants, a suggestive belt buckle, a water bra, an enormous hat, lots of eye makeup, and gold glitter spangled across my lingerie-enhanced cleavage. I geared up to go "sarging" by listening to R. Kelly. It seemed appropriate.

Dressed as though auditioning for the slut-cowboy ballet, I was ready to impress folks with my confidence, suavity, and several routines lifted verbatim from my research materials including, uh, magic tricks. But to take the experiment to the fullest, I couldn't just strap on a silly costume, hit on some folks, and call it a night. No, I'd have to live it — a prospect infinitely scarier than, say, wearing a vibrator out in public for an evening. I'd seriously attempt to become someone else — someone able to initiate conversations with strangers without spazzing, able to bang strangers without worry or compunction. It was time to live the game.

I went to the grocery store wearing my finest peacocking frippery, where I attempted to chat up ladies with magic tricks and mangoes. The ideal exchange might go something like this:

CASHMONEY: I couldn't help but notice — do you knit?
HOT LADY: Why yes! How did you know?
CM: Magic. (wink!) Seriously though: by the way you hold those mangoes, it looks like you use this arm a lot. And since you look more like a librarian than a bowler, I figured you were crafty.
HL: (smiles)
CM: Would you like to kiss me?
HL: How presumptuous!
CM: I didn't say you could, you just looked like you wanted to.
HL: Well maybe, now that you mention it...
CM: Also, let's bang!

"By the way you hold those mangoes, it looks like you use this arm a lot."

HL: Agreed! Forthwith!

Spoiler alert: it did not go anything like this.

I'm generally a monochrome-wearing, makeup-free person; i.e. not big on flair. I was almost more worried about peacocking than anything else, until I remembered I live in New York, a city in which it would take a crown of radioactive antlers to make me the most ridiculous-looking person on any given block. In a city of peacocks, I could focus on other anxieties, like trying to get strange, hot people to fuck me.

Regardless, the peacocking definitely got people's attention. I went to a party in a museum and caught a dude taking my picture. After I'd engaged him with a few choice openers related to banjos, burritos, and the life of a professional loom operator (my personality of choice that evening), dude proceeded to get embarrassingly drunk very quickly. Suddenly he was smelling my hair, trying to draw on me with a Crayola marker, sloppily putting me in headlock-like hugs, and trying to feel my boobs. None of my source materials touched on what to do when you have worked game only to realize that you can't imagine sharing another drink with your target, let alone the rest of your evening (or ten sweaty minutes). How do I get out of this? WWMD?

I commented on his wandering hands with a "neg" line lifted straight from the manuals: "Have you always been so grabby?" It's supposed to make your target want you more, but he looked incredibly hurt, mumbled something and scuttled away. I may not like the neg concept, but at that moment I was grateful for it.

Other encounters were equally dodgy. At one bar, a woman I was flirting with believed me when I told her I played hopscotch for a living, thought it was cool, seemed charmed, and my brain couldn't keep up with the lies. I started confessing real things about myself, total non sequiturs about Oklahoma and how New York doesn't have decent avocados. I broke the rules and told her my thoughts on the banjo. I was atoning with verbal spillage, which couldn't have been attractive. She walked away.

I also told a woman she had man hands. This was not improvisation, but nearly word-for-word from my reference manuals, a way of making your target feel self-conscious. (Thus breaking down her "bitch shield.") I'd done a variation of the aforementioned mango routine, but with liquor. I was caressing her palm when I said, "You kinda have man hands. It looks like you work with your hands a lot, like... a longshoreman?" To say she wasn't feeling my game would be an understatement. It's a good thing I didn't ask if her boobs were fake.

After several weekends of ill-fated, forced interactions, I also became hyper-aware of the strategies others employed to try to bed me. One night I was approached by a freakishly confident, mustachioed wingman with a pattern on his shirt that looked exactly like sperm. He touched my arm and told me I had to meet his friend. "And if I don't want to?" I asked.

"Oh, you do." Fine, player. It was on.

Comments ( 43 )

Isn't this kind of a pointless experiment? Young, attractive women do not need pick-up strategies. "Hi, my name's X, wanna fuck?" should work better than 50% of the time for her.

BM commented on Sep 21 09 at 1:59 pm

@BM. I think you missed the point of this entirely. This was FASCINATING. The whole pick-up artist culture, at least as i've seen it on tv, is insane. and mysognist. She was hilarious and brave to try and make it work for women; and very honest in how it made her feel. Well done for science!

brav commented on Sep 21 09 at 2:13 pm

"Negging" doesn't work for women.

NDO commented on Sep 21 09 at 3:43 pm

What a stupid experiment. All of the insights about picking up women from The Game were gleaned by men working on picking up women. Of course it feels weird and doesn't work when a woman uses it. Would be a lot weirder if it did work.

MK commented on Sep 21 09 at 3:47 pm

I'm using "what are your thoughts on the banjo" tonight...maybe not so much the "man hands" bit.

lol commented on Sep 21 09 at 4:06 pm

Negging doesn't work for ANYBODY who is inept at gauging boundaries and reading people.

CD commented on Sep 21 09 at 6:06 pm

@MK why shouldn't it work for women?

am commented on Sep 21 09 at 6:36 pm

@am: B/c The Game is designed to work on responses *to males* that are "hard-wired" into women. If women want a game-plan for picking up other women (or men, for that matter), some woman or group of women should do the actual work (hypothesis - experiment - confirm hypothesis- practice) the PUA weirdos did to learn how men should pick up women. Make sense?

MK commented on Sep 21 09 at 7:09 pm

i think EVERYONE is missing the point of this, which is that it is ridiculous and funny. really. or maybe that isn't the point?

author, I'D fuck you. and by fuck you, i mean punch you in the nose.

rle commented on Sep 21 09 at 10:44 pm

ahahahahahah i can't believe all the people stanning for puas. its ridiculous. they've got aspie level unawareness of sarcasm.

and for real talk about not getting what's going on. "of course ur deconstruction of gender roles didn't work MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS"

crab commented on Sep 21 09 at 10:54 pm

this was a funny and insightful article though not really telling anyone whose dated anything new. Women play a different game. I'd love to see an article about a really self confident woman taking these rules and making them work.hard.

meg commented on Sep 22 09 at 1:08 am

Women already have game. Its called makeup and Cosmo.

JBA commented on Sep 22 09 at 2:55 am

I laughed. I cried. I wanted to dedicate my next child to you.

SK commented on Sep 22 09 at 3:02 am

@MK: women are "hard-wired" to respond to pseudonyms and abuse? is that why "Mystery" and "Style" have an entire acronym describing a lady's "last minute" desire NOT to get banged by dudes wearing fuzzy orange top hats? I'm choking on my own sarcasm quotes.

mg commented on Sep 22 09 at 10:13 am

Great article. Ms. MacRae I think drives right into the heart of what is wrong with these "pick-up" methods. I read that material and the only truly good advide from that B.S. is to "be interesting." Yet they miss the point completely. A man should "be interesting" by developing and interesting life. How about getting an education, creating art, a business, or helping others.
Hilarious article. I actually had the same reation. Having that game material even in my head made going out and meeting the opposite sex a strange experience when at one time, pre game infection it was just fun.

mc commented on Sep 22 09 at 10:54 am

Well to be frank, the even if u do not like the book, the whole deal seems to working for men who have used these materials, so WHAT THE HEELL ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE HERE. Every thing turned out great for the both the guy who slept with the girl and the girl who met the guy she wanted to sleep with.

vv commented on Sep 23 09 at 12:49 am

This is HILARIOUS. As a woman who finds these tactics joke-worthy and obvious, I've always wanted to do this for laughs, but suspected I'd find about the same results. Great job.

Also, I am ultra-jealous of your belt.

KRL commented on Sep 22 09 at 5:11 pm

It turns out that if you are a woman and you want another woman the game is a bit different. There is typically no "bitch shield" to overcome and flattery/wit will get you everywhere. As for the effectiveness of the material, it is unparalleled for men. We are all little machines (generally)that follow a certain sequence of button pushing to get the desired product. That's what the material teaches. And your hang up over the terms (i.e. LMR) is silly, this was written for men by men that systematically approached the problem like any good researcher would. The acronyms were common problems that needed to be overcome, so they addressed it and found solutions. At any point in the pick-up process the woman has the option to leave. It is never suggested that she be forced to do anything. Women have inherent responses to specific behavior (as do men) and this material simply exploits that.

BS commented on Sep 22 09 at 5:23 pm

I understand Ms. MacRae's intent was to entertain rather than inform, but insinuating that Neil Strauss's book is the beginning and end of Pick-Up is like saying Metallica is the beginning and end of metal. Just not accurate at all.

JMM commented on Sep 22 09 at 5:50 pm

"ahahahahahah i can't believe all the people stanning for puas."

Uh, what? Are those supposed to be words?

BM commented on Sep 22 09 at 7:25 pm

This is the bravest, best thing I've read in quite awhile. I WANT ME SOME CASH.

stel commented on Sep 22 09 at 7:42 pm

You are adorable. I would be your wingwoman any time.

TTK commented on Sep 22 09 at 7:59 pm

Cute, but ultimately dishonest. You never set out with intention to close, or you would have closed ANY of the guys you talked to. I think you are more interested in being a jerk and saying "Look, I swear I'm not the jerk, it's these techniques". I teach these techniques to men. They transform and become the men you REALLY want to date. For the record the intent isn't to hustle girls into bed. The intent is to have men break through their fears around women and failure. LMR is about helping a girl say yes if she wants, but ultimately doesn't want to feel like she's a slut / she did something wrong. No technique in the world will trick a girl into sleeping with a guy she ultimately doesn't want to. You must think women are stupid. Women are brilliant. Only articles like this are stupid.

PUA commented on Sep 22 09 at 8:01 pm

@ PUA - UH-OH, are you trying to neg her? I'm sure she's crushed.

haha commented on Sep 22 09 at 10:59 pm

@PAU - I'm sorry, you think the author of this piece - who is, clearly, a well-informed and articulate person, not to mention a woman herself - thinks women are stupid? Because she thinks that insulting women isn't the best way to get one of them into bed? Maybe she didn't want to "close" (also, ew, it's not a advertising account) because she thought it would be better to find romantic relationships with honesty and some sort of mutual attraction (so difficult, I know!).

HTG commented on Sep 23 09 at 12:21 pm

@PUA - It seems to me that her point was that she stopped *wanting* to be able to close, since this all made her feel so disgusting. But as for what "LMR is about," I think that has more to do with the intent of the user. For some, it's to break through shyness, perhaps. For others, it's about a cheap lay.

Also - I love the author's hat in this pic.

JV commented on Sep 23 09 at 4:54 am

This was awesome! I would totally do you!
I can't believe people could read this and then post their bitchings about how the insights weren't novel enough - its supposed to be quirky and funny you douchebags.
Ps: I love your writing style. Please write more!!!

TP commented on Sep 23 09 at 11:48 am

That commentary that girls don't need a technique... Guys wouldn't need one either, but they're looking for a minimum level of attractiveness in their mate.
I'm not saying that there should be a PUA set of rules, but the whole point would be getting ridiculously hot guys that would ordinarily be out of your league.

O_O commented on Sep 23 09 at 2:46 pm

Yeah, I fucking love you. And not to sound like your mom, but I'm so damn proud of you! MUAH!

LLM commented on Sep 23 09 at 5:04 pm

Me again, forgot to say I adore the gold pants and where in the world did you find a chatch belt? (it's Lyndsay btw).

LLM commented on Sep 23 09 at 5:06 pm

Not simply to make an off-topic comment, but the I Did It for Science features are probably my favorite part of this site. When I discovered this place, and those, I immediately read them all. So good. This one ranks up around the top for that amazing belt buckle.

I know this isn't a request line, but I just found out about this stuff It looks pretty grody to me, but I think it's the perfect subject for one of the I Did It for Science people to try out, and report back to us loyal readers.

Either way, love the site, love the work, never stop being awesome all of you!

DJ commented on Sep 24 09 at 3:43 am

I'm so glad someone tried this. I really did wonder what would happen if a woman tried it.

O_O: Yes! I'm tired of hearing how women could get laid anytime they want with no problem.... uhm, sure, if they had no standards whatsoever, they could. Exactly.

HC commented on Sep 24 09 at 11:35 am

You're awesome. *g*

Mona commented on Oct 06 09 at 6:26 pm

i do hope i get to use "forthwith" as a segue into banging sometime.

also pua defenders: you're wrong. just saying.

dc commented on Oct 07 09 at 1:24 am

@PUA. I was willing to give credence to the vast majority of your argument. I can accept that breaking down the process of courtship into a quantifiable methodology is helpful for individuals without the instincts for dating, and agree that the author of this article employed sloppy methodology and was not sufficiently committed to exploring this topic from anything approaching an objective point of view.

However, I must strongly disagree with your statement that: 'No technique in the world will trick a girl into sleeping with a guy she ultimately doesn't want to.'
While 'trick' may not necessarily be the most accurate term, individuals of both genders can most certainly be pressured, manipulated, and/or emotionally coerced into relinquishing more of their privacy than they are comfortable with.

Your intentions in teaching these courtship techniques are admirable, but I think you would be remiss in not recognizing that the culture of the pick-up artist is ALSO attractive to those who are more comfortable thinking about women as acquisitions and ornaments.

EA commented on Oct 07 09 at 8:46 am

I agree with O_O - the point is to "over-perform" - learn to do better than you have done in the past, learning what is essesntially social psychology. Not all tools in the toolbox are always going to work for your personality. People "neg" all the time, it's fun, it's a pillar of a lot of comedy - all PUAs have done is label it. If you do negging wrong, it's not funny - being unfunny is a turn-off. That's not news. A lot of the the social/evolotionary psych can also be applied to the workplace and friends. Be confident, be funny, don't be over-eager, don't be needy. The bottom line is that the basic PUA stuff works, and by successfully meeting strangers you get more out of life - be it friend, a wife, husband, more sex or whatever - it works. Yes it can be misused, but sorry, dating is a rough game sometimes.

sg commented on Oct 28 09 at 7:39 am

"it was time to rock my normal, standoffish behavior and unwind." That's what girl game is all about. Standoffish behavior.

zw commented on Nov 08 09 at 4:42 pm

To determine the efficacy and adaptability of pop-culture hook-up guides."
obviously that wasnt the purpose of so called "experiment"; the purpose was to discredit and show the ridiculeness of pua's concepts ; I suppose all the major thesis of the article were a-priori, and of course the major thesis is : pua technics (neg, lying, pretending to be someone else) are disgusting and misogynic;

hyue commented on Nov 14 09 at 2:26 pm

Very fun article. Though, to be valid, you'd want to change cultures to where men dictate courtship to equate the contexts for male pua's here. Try SE Asia player... You'll get nill

Ms commented on Dec 03 09 at 8:50 pm

"Rapetacular." I laughed so hard that I may just have peed a little!

EF commented on Jan 08 10 at 6:44 am

apologies, the website erased my formatting - that was actually a well thought out comment, despite the verbal seizure it appears to be.

SS commented on Jan 18 10 at 9:59 pm

I am very impressed with your experiment! I have become aware of this whole pick up artist and alpha male rules crap! I am going to buy the Game learn it, learn to spot it and weed those guys out. They are not the ones I want and don't want anything but sex!

BAM commented on Feb 14 10 at 11:36 am


oi commented on Mar 15 10 at 1:13 pm

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