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    Before Pamela and Tommy Lee, there was the Tonya Harding and Jeff Gillooly wedding-night video. Tonya did what was supposed to be a striptease, but all she did was take off her wedding dress. That was it! It took about ten seconds. Then they "did it," and it was just, you know, thump-thump-thump. Jeff had a really big thing.


    Tonya Harding grew up in trailers, has facial features reminiscent of a bleached rat and resorts to violence. She's quintessential white trash. And her sexuality represents trash sex perfectly as well: quick, hard and plain. It's not good sex — that would require self-control and self-awareness — but there's a lot of it. What white-trash sex lacks in finesse, it makes up for in sheer volume and enthusiasm. (And then there's the fact that every time you get out of jail, you are so-o-o horny.)


    The new site White Hot Trash, launched this month, does not showcase the Harding variety of trash, but rather, as site-founder and main model Gus T. Williker describes, the "going-to-Vegas, drinking-a-lot, and souping-up-your-hot-rod kind of trash. The people who listen to Eddie Cochran or Elvis and go to country shows or rockabilly shows." The white trash who wear black — in the form of zebra stripes and cheetah spots — as well as, in Gus's case, the occasional blue ruffled panties. ("I'm trying to expand the genre," Gus explains.)

    How did you get Stacy Burke [one of Hugh Hefner's seven girlfriends] to do a photo shoot with you?

    Stacy is a friend of mine. She's a real sweetie, but she's into some wild things — tying up her boobs and all that.

    When you're Hugh Hefner's girlfriend, do you still have to work, or is being his girlfriend your job?

    Photo by Teresa Faye Hill.

    She still does all of her side stuff. She lives at the mansion but still has her apartment in Long Beach. I don't think you can comfortably retire just from being his girlfriend. Maybe you can if you're in the one, two, or three slot but she's number six.

    As I click through your gallery, I note that your gut is either growing or shrinking. Which is it?

    Well, this is a trade secret, but the photographer in one shoot told me to push out my gut for a little more white trash authenticity. I do have vanity about my figure, but I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do. That's the responsibility of a model.

    Is that your natural chest hair pattern?

    Yes. And it used to be more pronounced. When I was twenty-five, it was exactly an "X." I don't touch it or shave it into that shape. I think it's a sign from God that I was meant to be a model.

    In the photo where the possum with the baby is covering your genitalia, is the baby supposed to symbolize something in particular?

    Like a great song, my photos are open to interpretation. But I was kind of going for the animal gang-bang thing.

    Oh, but mother and child animal  . . . eww.

    Photo by Octavio Arizala.

    Hey, I'm white trash. You take what you can get.

    How do you picture people reacting to your photos? Do you imagine them masturbating?

    I'm hoping that there are people out there pleasuring themselves to my images, because a lot of hard work went into them. Hard  . . . work.

    Have you ever?

    To tell you the honest truth, there are some of my photos I look at and I think it's a slippery slope. With this whole modeling thing, you start to adore yourself. I've stared at my images and felt funny feelings. What did you think of "The Hubcap Hide"?

    Where you're naked but for the hubcap balanced between your legs? That was pretty good. Myself, I am always in favor of the naked penis. I know you're trying to do the sly cheesecake thing, but there's just not enough penises out there. You know The Vagina Monologues? I think they should have penis-logues. But they shouldn't be talking about their penises, they should just be taking them out.

    I think with nudity, the longer you hold out, the greater the mystique, and then you never know for how much you could cash in. If I started waving the wiener around now, it's over. You know what I'm saying?

    You got a long-range plan. You know those tests where they offer a kid one marshmallow and say, "If you don't eat this right away, you can have two marshmallows?" I'm definitely an eat-the-one-marshmallow-NOW kind of person. I have no long-range abilities.

    Well, you know what? You're going to have to wait for my penis.

    Are you gay?

    If you're a public figure, and you come out and say, "I'm gay," you're cutting off fifty-one percent of your potential audience, as far as them having lustful thoughts about you.

    Photo by Octavio Arizala.

    Oh, nonsense. The women love the gay men. We love a challenge. How many hits do you get a day?

    My record so far is 366 unique visitors.

    My first husband has a site with about 80,000 visitors, and 40,000 of those visits are from him, looking at his own site!

    I do that too. I am my biggest fan.

    Have you ever gotten lucky through modeling or through the site?

    Scored babes? I certainly have suitors, there's no doubt about that. I have a Yahoo! club, and there are a number of lustful women and men pursuing me. Some of whom are apparently straight men just wanting to be friends. The gay profiles are usually quite obvious because their profile photo is  . . . is a cock. It's a dead giveaway.

    Have you ever been tempted to take an admirer up on their offer?

    I'm tempted on a daily basis. There's a lot of candy out there.

    But you haven't yet.

    Gus with Carina Acevedo, model. Photo by Octavio Arizala.

    No, I'm locking arms with my sister Britney in our fight against the insane sex and lust mania in this world. I think we're going to stay virgins together — if we hold on to each other tight. And, you know, Justin Timberlake — he's full of shit. He's a rat bastard and a prick.

    Because he left her for that dancer?

    No, because he's saying they did it.

    Oh! Why would he say something so hurtful?

    Because he's a jerk.

    That is a jerk thing to do! He knows about image.

    He knows she's cashing in on these little boys' fantasies about deflowering her.

    I don't think they're little boys, the ones having those fantasies. When did he say this? This is outrageous. This is changing my opinion about Justin.

    Slightly unconfirmed, but they say he said in an interview: "She's not a virgin and I should know." I had once considered doing a modeling shoot with him, but that's over.

    Good for you! Stand up for your principles. What is your opinion of the Tonya Harding/Jeff Gillooly sex video?

    Photo by Houseboy.

    I saw Tonya Harding on some E! True Hollywood Story. She was trying to repair her persona. They asked her why she got divorced, and she said, "Well, my husband was tickling me early in the morning, and I said, 'Honey, I haven't had my morning coffee yet. You better cut that out, or I'm gonna take you down by the nuts.' And he kept on tickling me, so I did it." And then they got divorced. And immediately following that revelation, she's bemoaning her reputation and how she's been portrayed in the media. And I'm like, "Your husband tickles you and you force him to the ground by twisting his nuts?"

    I'm on the other side of the fence on this issue. After you tell someone to stop tickling, and they know how you are about your coffee  . . .
    that guy was asking for it. What do you think of — not the glam trash — the ones who, you know, really beat their wives, and then their wives beat them  . . .
    do you think those ones pose nude for each other?

    Well, there is the bear phenomenon. There is a magazine called Grizzly Bear and some of the guys in there are pretty white trash — big ole beer bellies and all hairy.

    But they're gay.

    Yeah. They're truckers. Oh, you're saying heterosexuals?

    The trash I'm talking about, I think the normal five or ten percent of that population must be gay too, but they have sex with women anyway. They just don't like it. They have to get really, really drunk to do it, and that's where all the problems come from. Plus white trash tend to get hot — again I attribute this to the warming effect of the booze — so they wear less clothes than the rest of the population, making nude photos more likely.

    Right. You have the very large woman with the tiny little top on. One little drunken stumble and that thing pops right off, and you're naked.

    Photo by Houseboy.

    I know two different women who woke up with no shirt on in the bushes. Totally unrelated incidents. Or, right now, I'm eight-and-a-half months pregnant and barefoot. I'm too hot to have shoes or socks on. [whispering] Hot feet!

    Wow ... uh ... I, I'm not familiar with that phenomenon. But at some point, men just accept whatever women say about the side effects. Because if they say, "Is that really happening?" the woman will say, "What? You're asking if that's really happening?! Oh!"

    Okay, Gus, I'm going to let you go now, to finish your beer and your pedicure.


    Lisa Carver is the author of the books Dancing Queen, Rollerderby, The Lisa Diaries and Drugs Are Nice. She's written for Hustler, Index, Icon, Feed, Newsday and Playboy, among others. She lives in New Hampshire.

    Lisa Carver and, Inc.

    You should follow Hooksexup on Twitter here.

    Comments ( 20 )

    May 30 02 at 2:53 pm


    May 30 02 at 4:16 pm

    I was impressed by Lisa Carver. No college, has done alot of traveling, has tried alot of drugs and feels great. San Diego can use more women like her; there just aren't enough happy hour babes in the beachfront bars, you know, the ones that fill the bars up after 530 or 6 pm after working at blue or white collar jobs. I am 56, have a steady girlfriend who also works a second job as a stripper in a "gentlemens club" and we get along quite well. I guess I am old--I still cant hack women with tattoos or metal gear in the flesh. Hell, I thought "Bare Naked Ladies" was a Vegas girlie review until I found out it was four young guys in baggy pants and caps on backwards. Trash talk? Nope. Women who cuss turn me off. I spent two years in a front line combat unit in Germany where foul language was rampant. I am not a prude, but I had to clean up my language too.

    May 30 02 at 4:47 pm

    That's just not right!

    May 31 02 at 9:42 am

    Thank god Hooksexup still keeps up the great humor. Better than those dysfunctional weird sex drama stories. Oh wait- this is that, only funnier.

    Jun 01 02 at 1:01 pm

    What kind of fucking stupid bitch are you? In this article you mention "white trash", "red necks", and talk about growing up in a trailer, as a put down. I don't guess that you have the guts to say NEGGER do you, or talk about "NEGGERS making babies that they don't take care of". This is because you are indeed, gutless, because you have certainly proven that you have the mentality to be a bigot. Its just socially acceptable to say horrible things (being cute) about poor whites, but never blacks or Hispanics. You are a bigot and a coward, and you are not cute with your remarks. And to Hooksexup, how sensitive you are, saying that "bigotry and sexism" are not cool here, but you print it happily in the Lisa Files. What a bunch of slimy, smug hypocrites you are! How about really doing what you say you believe in, and stop not only words like "bitch" (when used to offend), negger, and spick, but also "white trash", "red neck" and casting dispersions on people who can afford no better than a trailer to live in!!! (I wonder if you are a bunch of "JEWS", I have certainly seen many of them who felt wonderful about putting down "WHITES" ( know that kind, you know, "THEM"....)

    Jun 01 02 at 2:25 pm

    Hm, which kind of fucking stupid bitch am I? I'd say east coast and west coast white trash fucking stupid bitch is my heritage (I grew up back and forth between the two). I don't consider myself a redneck because that branch is from the south, and I never lived there. They got that name from working farms in the sun with a t-shirt on ... red neck, white back. White trash originated in the south as well, but managed to keep their (our) culture when they migrated north and west. Since I'm good with language, I managed to make money, like Tonya Harding did with her skating. I identify with Tonya for many reasons -- former trailer abodes being one, rather pinched and pasty features being another, plus a sad yet bold yearning, though probably no one should describe themself as sad yet bold. I hope I've answered your questions, you incredible charmer.

    Jun 03 02 at 1:19 pm

    That int. was good fun, yr writing's improved; M. Brodsky would chalk that up to recent amateur dentistry, certainly.(See his--xcrable--_X-Man_...)
    But what of NY Jews anti-WASPisms? You didn't answer that one...

    Jun 03 02 at 2:43 pm

    To the Hooksexup-ones and Lisa:
    What a great site. I caught your HBO special a while back and happened to get it on tape - a masterpiece. Please do another.

    For me, you're hitting your mission right on. Thank you.

    OK, the point of my letter: Lisa's work and on-air personality are amazing. I am an actor/director/ playwright, and I've been collecting ideas for a while on a play about the unique aspects of the sex industry that deals with not only the obvious elements, but the people behind it. Believe it or not, this thing may turn into a musical (but not a cheesebag, schlocky one). I would love to interview Lisa -- or, if she's not interested or available, anyone who is -- for some stories, feedback, cultural misinterpretations (what a word), anything...

    If this is the wrong place to ask about this, I'd appreciate it a lot if you could point me somewhere to go (besides to hell or my ass).

    Thanks a lot and your work is great.

    Art Almquist
    Tucson, AZ

    Jun 03 02 at 2:47 pm

    whoops, I wrote all of that on the wrong page. I look like a first-time viewer dipshit(which I am). Ignore previous letter.

    Jun 04 02 at 9:37 am

    Gus' poses and expressions are great! They're funny and cheeky, but also coyly gallant. I found it interesting that that very angry-sounding person in the feedback couldn't make their point without veering toward anti-semitism. Eroticizing and exoticizing sub-sets of sub-sets of populations is nothing new. It can be really hateful and lurid, but it doesn't have to be ... Next time, could the [insert race/ethnic group] "sluts" make sexy knowing gonzo faces?

    Jun 18 02 at 3:28 pm

    To the rather unappealingly angry man who attempted to conflate using the term "redneck" with using the term "nigger". I think that if you check with African-American groups in your community, you will find that "nigger" or "nigga" has been reclaimed as a way of ironizing and thus making harmless a heretofore term of abuse. As a certified white trash, redneck girl myself, I think I am justified in saying that Gus's work is more of the same--reclaim it! Be proud of your background! This is not to say that only "true" rednecks can use the term with impunity

    Jun 22 02 at 4:28 pm

    Lisa, the next time you dare to call yourself a writer;read A.M. Holmes' piece. It'll snap you out of it.

    Jun 24 02 at 8:28 pm

    That guy is obviously a fruit. Come on.

    Jul 09 02 at 2:44 pm


    You don't know me, but I'm an old friend of Dave's...from about 4-5 years ago when we all hung out at the Elevator drops loft, in Cambridge, Dave Stahl's, The al.
    First I would like to say that I don't know why I didn't pay any attention to your writing years ago! My friend Beth (you know her, I think)tried to turn me on to your writing years ago, but as a former escort, young mother and newly married gal (Brian D. of Helium, Dumptruck) myself, I was scared of what you had to say! I was trying to live the puritan lifestyle. I was the frigid ex-prostitute...I never wanted to be. Why was I so embarassed?? Everyone else thought it was cool. Ugh. While you were writing all this COOL ASS shit, I was writing for the now defunct website, Themestream, and I must say I was inhibited and pretending to write from a fictional stand-point...saying, "Owe no! That's not me! That's just my character that is having rape fantasies and wants to be stalked!" Either way, they ate it up and I was the number one short-story writer for quite some I guess that's good.
    Anyhow, I'd love to see what the old gang is up to! You seem very cool! What is your Dave up to? Dave Stahl? Elizabeth? Adam? Any shows? I'm so out of the loop. Just got divorced and trying to find out if I've still got what it takes smooze. And journal writing is all I can muster in the writing department for now. Oh, and I'm an escort again, for a short time. It's actually what caused my ex-didn't like to see me so happy when I got remarried and took me for a custody battle two weeks after we returned from our honeymoon. I couldn't afford a lawyer, without going back. The divorce is sad, but my kid has to come first. I've have some guilt, but I'll get over it. I was brought up catholic...can you tell!?
    Get in touch! "counterculture"

    Jul 09 02 at 2:47 pm

    . I'm dying to know how everyone is doing. I just disappeared. I feel bad.

    Jul 10 02 at 9:14 pm

    Lisa, good stuff, as always. Miss reading your work, hope to read you again soon!

    Jul 21 02 at 10:32 pm

    Hi Lisa,
    I am a writer living in New Hampshire. I work for a small but rather progressive paper. We are the slap in the face that the Union Leader has been asking for. If you are from NH you know what I'm talking about! However, I don't make a living wage. I don't want to be rich, but eating three meals a day would be nice. I'd love the opportunity to write about things that interest me instead of writing about what happened at the Aldermen meeting last night. For instance, that article you wrote for Playboy about the panties was great. I could totally see myself writing something in that vein.
    Please give me some advice. Or maybe, when you turn down a writing job, you could refer them to me.

    Jul 25 02 at 8:38 pm

    Hey lisa, long time no talk. Do you feel 80's? i do.


    Jul 26 02 at 6:42 am

    Hey Matriix! Write to me at and I'll tell you everything and you can tell me everything!

    Aug 08 02 at 4:40 pm

    Frankly speaking, Lisa, cut the classist bullshit, so-to-speak.

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