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Female • 16 years old • Iowa

I was an avid bike rider at the time. My mom and I were on RAGBRAI, which is a bike ride across the state of Iowa. You ride about sixty miles a day and camp at night with 20,000 other bicyclists — basically a huge party on wheels.

My mom had to leave the ride with a couple days left on the schedule. So she left me with some older teenage boys that she knew and trusted. I had my own tent and my own prerogative. The first night, I was good — I just had some beers. The next day I started to think: well, I'm going into my sophomore year in high school. When are things supposed to happen?

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

I decided I'd better get it over with. I'd been riding with a boy my age. He didn't go to my school, and he was cute. So that night we got a couple beers and went for a walk. We walked away from the big campsite and towards a high school. No one was around, so we lay down in the empty football field, with the stands all around us. He said he had a condom. (You know the one that leaves the indelible mark in your wallet because you've had it for so long?) I was nervous but sure. So, he stumbled about putting it on and thrust into me, maybe... twice? Done.

We walked back and I went to my tent. One of the older boys asked where I'd been. I said nowhere. The next morning, other than a blood stain in my undies, nothing was special. I never saw the other boy again.

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 500-1000 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.

Comments ( 15 )

Not that I expect anyone will care, but I hate this feature. Just throwing my voice out into the interwebs.

blm commented on Jun 30 09 at 1:14 pm

Yeah. This feature is totally unnecessary and kind of creepily invasive.

GH commented on Jun 30 09 at 2:03 pm

how can Hooksexup which used to be so great, have fallen so far? what dreadful piece of writing. Is there no editor left who can pick up a pencil (figuratively, of course)?

ag commented on Jun 30 09 at 5:09 pm

I agree with the above - this is a lame feature, why do I want to read about people's lame first time experiences? Hooksexup is not what it used to be ....

PI commented on Jun 30 09 at 8:04 pm

I dislike this series too. It's not compelling in the way Hooksexup confessions is, because it isn't impulsive and raw the way Hooksexup confessions are. But it also isn't written by actual "writers" - you know, those people who are skilled at transforming experience into story? The vignettes in this series are competently structured accounts, not great writing. Hooksexup can do better.

ja commented on Jun 30 09 at 8:09 pm

I don't know, but I kind of like this series. I like that the writing is unprofessional and that the stories are a little unspectacular, simply because it's relatable. It's like hearing a conversation between friends about their first times or something. There's honesty and intimacy in the normalness, and it kind of breaks that notion that your first time has to be something really story-worthy.

KE commented on Jun 30 09 at 9:00 pm

I'm actually glad I read this, it is one of a kind.

EM commented on Jun 30 09 at 10:59 pm

I like the best v. worst times idea, JCF, it would probably bring out more interesting stories. I like the poignancy and simplicity of these first-times, but they're nothing spectacular, and I'm guessing it'll get old fast.

I'm talking to YOU, Hooksexup--we want our socks (and potentially, various other garments) knocked off!

AR commented on Jul 01 09 at 4:41 pm

Hooksexup used to be good. I've been coming back semi regularly hoping they'll lift their game, but no - just more and more crap like this. Epic fail guys. I'm over you.

DF commented on Jul 01 09 at 5:57 pm

HOT HOT HOT!! A girl up for anything!

vtm commented on Jul 02 09 at 9:35 pm

She should've had and older guy, say over 40, and it would have lasted longer, and she'd have a great experience. To young- To short

wwa commented on Jul 05 09 at 11:51 pm

Ew. Baby boomers need to fuck right off.

BLS commented on Jul 09 09 at 3:39 am

that sucks. i enjoy these post, great way to start the day.

eq commented on Jul 09 09 at 1:15 pm

Hahaha, "creepily invasive"? To people who send these in of their own accord? Now I've heard everything.

DS commented on Oct 22 09 at 7:49 pm

I also am enjoying these. They aren't exactly feel-good reads, no. But haven't you even seen a photo of some old and leathery man or woman who may not have been particularly attractive while still young only to be the subject of a beautiful photo? That's kind of how I see these. They're almost poignant in their banality.

It's not about the sex. It's about the writers' emotions and attitudes and how they've changed over time since what is generally considered a sort of milestone occurred.

JB commented on Nov 11 09 at 2:35 am

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