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getting around
Male • 16 years old • North Wales

I lost my virginity at sixteen, a great surprise to my otherwise sexually inexperienced self. It would be a further two years before I first fingered a girl, performed or received oral sex, or even had sex again. Also, I faked an orgasm.

It was during that period of life where you're too young to go out drinking, so you stay in and do it instead. It being summer, most of the party was happening outside. I found myself inside sitting on a sofa talking to a girl whom I knew to be significantly more experienced than me. I'm not sure whether I'd focused my drunk libido on her because of this, or if it was a happy coincidence.

Possessing a confidence that I wish I still had, I leaned in to kiss her with little to no flirting. We proceeded with a heavy makeout session. After spending an enjoyable time under her bra I moved a hand down to her crotch.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli
We continued to make out at various points in the party until, drunk and exhausted at around three a.m., I collapsed in a chair to sleep. She then reappeared and led me upstairs. At this point I realised, despite my teenage ego's reassurances otherwise, that she, not I, was completely in control of this encounter.

We snuck into my friend's father's office where we recommenced. Shortly after becoming the first person to touch my post-pubescent penis, she asked, "Have you got a condom?"

I'm a sixteen year old boy! I screamed inside my head. I've been carrying condoms with me everywhere for years in the vain hope that someday they would actually be useful, of course I've got a fucking condom! "Er... yeah?" She then uttered what remains one of the sexiest things a girl has ever said to me:

"Do you want to use it?"

My erection now so hard it was painful, my libido whooping and cheering, I attempted to sound casual and instead emitted something of a squeak: "Yeah!" She kissed me forcefully and found my tongue with hers. I pushed her bra up over her breasts and enjoyed what was, to me, a new experience. She positioned herself over my erection and lowered down onto me. Within seconds of entering her I came. Thanking the heavens that between the darkness and the condom my orgasm was hidden from her, I carried on regardless, panicked and humiliated by my own sexual inadequacy.

Unfortunately, the male refractory period is mainly psychological rather than physical. Lust and desire are expelled with the sperm and though we can carry on physically (as I continued to do), psychologically we're not really there. This is an experience I'm sure many women are familiar with.

After about ten minutes of what was still enjoyable, if probably absolutely lousy sex — I began to appreciate both the time and how much I'd drank. I therefore became one of what I'm sure is a tiny number of men who have faked an orgasm.

We kissed for a while and she left the room to dispose of the condom. She didn't come back.

This column is expanding! Now, in addition to your first-time stories, we're looking for stories about the best, worst, weirdest, and funniest times you had sex. Email with 300-800 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited, especially if you go all Wonder Years on us. Thanks!



I always faked it...and i always pop cherries.

ee commented on 07/14

i hate faking it, but during the past three years, i've become entirely too adept at it.

dcf commented on 07/14

If you need to fake it then you need to fake it. Too bad. Women do it all the time. Somehow she'll get over it. (Just don't tell her)

CF commented on 07/18

really people? If you fake it you're just an asshole. If you can't make it work than just exhaust the hell out of each other, there's no problem with that.

hf commented on 07/19

it's funny, i took my exboyfriend's virginity(as inexperienced as a 9 year old boy) and the 2nd time we had sex one night, i'm absolutely sure he faked an orgasm cause he was tired. i've faked multiple times, once actually to go take a piss.

mm commented on 08/13

Well i hope that by now you realize that continuing intercorse after you come is a great way to inpregnate someone.

AT commented on 08/13

I usually have to fake it....:(

kj commented on 11/28

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