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My First Time

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

Female • 16 years old • Leicester, UK

I was sixteen and brimming with teenage angst, melancholy, and anger. Nirvana and the Smashing Pumpkins played constantly on my battered Sony CD player. My hair was dyed a cheap black that rubbed off onto all my pillowcases and the back of the couch. Basically, I was desperately trying to escape the realities of a middle-class, suburban family — the realities being that, rather uncool-ly, I was well looked after by mild, educated parents, fed, clothed, and given a generous allowance that I spent primarily on Silk Cuts, hash, and CDs.

He was twenty, from New Zealand, in a band, a casual pot dealer and skateboarder. Best of all, he lived with a friend in a chaotic, noisy house permeated 24/7 with the sweet smell of burning hash. My parents hated him.

I was sixteen and brimming with teenage angst, melancholy, and anger.

I had met him at a party thrown by his friend and housemate, and we'd spent a pleasant couple of hours smoking and making out. For the next six months or so, we had a sort-of relationship, in which he would text me a few times a week, I would go to his house, and we would smoke weed, watch horror movies, and make out. We were definitely not boyfriend and girlfriend. Nor were we really friends, actually — I was an utterly smitten kitten, but I got the distinct impression that he wasn't overly bothered, as evidenced by the facts that he occasionally forgot my name, and that his housemate used to walk me home because he didn't care enough to do it himself.

Eventually, I decided that the best way to advance our relationship would be to sleep with him. I had already broached the tricky subject of my virginity (in our group, still being a virgin at sixteen was unheard of) and he hadn't seemed too fazed. One day, we had the house to ourselves, and after awhile I decided to take the plunge. My exact words were "Get a condom. Let's do this."

There was a sharp, unpleasant pressure as we got started, and he seemed almost as nervous as I was. After the initial pain of penetration, it just felt weird, and not very pleasant. I was sweating, staring at the ceiling, and counting backwards from a hundred in my head, waiting for it to be over. Although he was disturbed by my lack of participation — I don't think I actually moved or made a sound during the entire process — he eventually finished, and went to dispose of the condom.

Looking down, I realized that the sex-ed warning that I might experience "light bleeding" was a huge understatement. The bed looked like a setpiece from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and my underwear was soaked. I had literally not seen that much blood since I'd broken my nose on a bouncy castle as a child. Nearly crying from shame and embarrassment, I tried to clean up as best I could, hobbled to the bathroom and fashioned a wad of toilet paper to line my pants, looking at myself in the mirror afterward to see if I looked different. (Apart from being a bit pale and sweaty, I didn't.) To his credit, he didn't mention the excessive bleeding, and we sheepishly went to share a cigarette in the garden.

It was actually my dad's birthday that day, and when I felt the blood start to soak through my pants, I quickly made an excuse about getting back to a party and left, half-waddling/half-running home. I immediately threw my knickers and pants into the trash, rang my best friend to tell her that I'd finally lost it, and went online to see if anyone had ever died from blood loss after losing their virginity.

Although our relationship died out a few months later, we met up again when I was eighteen, and now we live together. My dad's birthday remains known, between us, as our "sex-a-versary."

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 500-1000 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.
"I really wanted to make sure I lasted longer than five minutes..."
"One day the two of us went for a walk down the dirt road leading from my house..."
"I had no intention of anything sexual happening — I had a girlfriend..."

Comments ( 23 )

reconnecting so many years later made this story... but the image of the blood everywhere
Refuz commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:08 am
I'm Surprised they are together now, the relationship seemed a bit miserable before.
Sofia commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:24 am
Wait...texting, Smashing Pumpkins and a Sony CD player. What year was this?
Paris commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:25 am
i'm surprised they ended up getting together also but as long as they're happy
lb commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:36 am
I've never accused any story on here of being fake, though I've suspected quite a few, but really, this just gives itself away, as Paris made clear. Also the fact that I really don't believe anyone bleeds that much after the first time they have sex. And why were you wearing underwear while having sex?
LM commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:51 am
yeah, i was a little confused myself. some of it might have been fabricated in her memory. nirvana and pumpkins + texting???
@paris commented on Aug 10 10 at 12:52 am
This does seem fake only because of the anachronisms with texting and the Smashing Pumpkins.
Christina commented on Aug 10 10 at 1:31 am
this is from the UK. Keep in mind that here in Europe we had an earlier/faster adoption rate for mobile phones than you did in the US (smaller countries = easier to build infrastructure) and texting was the cheapest thing you could do with your mobile. I had my first one in 1999 and was quite late to the game so late 90s fits with Nirvana / Smashing pumpkins and CD player setting.
Anne commented on Aug 10 10 at 3:55 am
But did you get home internet access before we did in the states too?
@Anne commented on Aug 10 10 at 4:46 am
If I was guessing, I'd say this was not fabricated, but more recent. Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana (and many other grunge bands) still have a huge following amongst "grunge-y" kids here in the UK. For the record, I had home internet access in 1998. I would guess this story takes place in the late 90's/early noughties. Everything she describes sounds like it could have been my life at 16, and I'm 23 now.
@@Anne commented on Aug 10 10 at 5:25 am
I hear about all these girls who had "messy" first times and am really shocked. There was absolutely no blood when I did it... But, I guess I had been using vibrators for some time before my actual "first time". That probably makes a difference.
Corabelle commented on Aug 10 10 at 9:23 am
Things went much more smoothly for me and she was a virgin as well. I'm really surprised by the messiness of this story, but I know it happens.
Ranger commented on Aug 10 10 at 9:47 am
@Paris, Everyone goes through a Nirvana phase, whether you were 15 in 1993 or 2005. It's like the musical equivalent of getting bar/bat-mitzvah'd--it's a right of passage.
jaybe commented on Aug 10 10 at 10:04 am
It's not like the only time mopey 15-year-old kids listened to the Cure was in the mid-eighties. Also, it's funny how people seem to believe that every single one of these stories is fake.
skeptics commented on Aug 10 10 at 10:11 am
woop commented on Aug 10 10 at 10:38 am
I was listening to Black Sabbath and Jimi Hendrix as a teenager in the mid-90s. It didn't occur to anyone that maybe some teenagers listen to music that predates what is popular with teenagers at any given moment?
md commented on Aug 10 10 at 11:35 am
I had home 'net access in 1995 (dial-up, sucked but worked). My parents lived in England 1989-95, and they were texting. I even used one of the first digital cameras in England (they called it an "ion-camera"). So this could all work out in a mid-to-late '90s context.
AWP commented on Aug 10 10 at 11:52 am
total BS... texting and listening to Nirvana on a CD player? It's all over the place.
theoomoom commented on Aug 10 10 at 3:31 pm
Why would someone make up an awkward, not-very-unique (and I don't mean that in a bad way, just that it sounds like my first time and that of many other friends) story. If you were making something up, don't you think you'd include aliens or ninjas or something? P.S. I was texting in Australia in the late '90s, and had Internet. And my teenage nieces and nephews don't just listen to Nirvana, they actually play '70s-era funk sometimes!
mpb commented on Aug 10 10 at 4:22 pm
sorry to break the news, but if you have any damage to the hymen beforehand, then you can get this kind of bleeding. I landed wrong on a rollerskate at 14 avoiding a collision, forgot about it completely until my first time at which point i very embarrassingly bled for a couple of days. I know friends who have had their hymen surgically removed on doctor's advice because of the potential blood loss. oh yes, and when I moved to london in 2001 everyone still used CDs and were text freaks, so I'd believe that bit too. so how about not giving the girl so much of a hard time.
wayward commented on Aug 10 10 at 7:01 pm
Figures the idiot,doped-up pothead gets the girl.......Why don't they tell people in middle school that life just isn't fair, or nice, or ever turns out like anything in the movies.
Stage5VirginClinger commented on Aug 11 10 at 4:27 pm
I'd like to know how she explained this mess to her parents. Or was she able to be treated by the UK's NHS without them knowing about it?
E36 commented on Aug 12 10 at 12:34 am
This is retarded as hell! I don't get it. The relationshipseemed to be nothing but misery. This is trash!
that.girl.u.know commented on Aug 14 10 at 3:01 pm

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