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Freedom, 30

owner/cook, vegan restaurant

Is your job a good way to meet potential lovers?
It can be. I'm in the kitchen most of the time so I don't really get to interact much with the customers. And there's a strict "no staff" policy because it just creates too much work drama. But yes, it could happen. We've only been open for four months so I've got time.

So you’re single?
No, actually I'm married, but I have an open marriage. I'm allowed to have other partners just so long as my wife knows about it.

Do you share partners?
We have, yes.

My friend's boyfriend really wants her to fool around with another woman and let him watch. She's not really into girls but wants to please him. What should she do?
Coming from experience, I know that it's something she should only do if she's into it. It's not good to have regrets.

How do you and your wife approach another couple?
Neither of us have aggressive personalities. It's not like we would approach strangers or anything. So if something like that were to arise, it would probably be with someone we know. We would just create a sexual situation. Like if we were at a party, we would just start making out on the couch next to somebody. Generally, if the female is the one to approach, it goes over better than if a guy just grabs a girl's ass.

One partner loves porn as sexual stimulation, one hates it. Can this relationship be saved?
I don't see why not. If one person hates it, hates watching it, then do it on your own time. I don’t see why someone should have a problem with something you do on your own time, something that's not hurting the relationship.

Tips for someone who wants to fulfill exhibitionist tendencies?
You just have to do it. Start slow in isolated places, then work your way up to the subway.

I'm afraid I can't compete with my girlfriend's vibrator. Is there hope?
Find out what it is the vibrator's doing that you're not doing. Either she's hitting the mythical G-spot with it or she's working her clit properly. Ask her.

Any words that should never be used to refer to the genitalia?
No. I think it's all funny. I use the straight-up "cock" and "pussy."


Comments ( 7 )

ahem. I mean how many vegans did you talk to and you didn't find a dyke? When you're interested in the full scoop, drop me a line. I've been vegan since 1994 and an HIV test counselor since 1993, so I've got this topic covered coming and going.
MR commented on Sep 24 04 at 1:44 pm
ok, mister. So when are you going to ask these guys the version: "my girlfriend is interested in seeing me with another guy... I'm not really into it. What should I do?" It'd be interesting to see if the guys would still say "smoke a lot of pot and do it" and the girls would still say "don't do it if you don't want to" (I'm thinking guys would of course apply the double standard and say "dude, you shouldn't do it" and women would still say "well, you shouldn't do it if you don't want to"). Anyway, it's only fair to ask this question too. Thanks.
am commented on Sep 24 04 at 4:44 pm
I love mock meat,if ya know what I mean.
GOD commented on Sep 24 04 at 5:31 pm
MR,am and GOD what on earth are you talking about ?
commented on Sep 24 04 at 10:16 pm
i am a woman who is not all about oral sex. it does absolutely nothing for me. and don't tell me it's because i've "never had it done right," because every guy that's ever gone down on me has said that beforehand.
sfl commented on Sep 28 04 at 6:54 pm
that bald dude with the "aka" needs his head slapped. like one of the 3 stooges. doofus.
egg commented on Sep 29 04 at 10:40 pm
That Justin is very annoying. Also the other one with his "people can change" superiority. As a vegetarian I have judged people or expected them to stop eating meat but I grew out of that by the time I was 14. Personal choice is, hmm, personal. I'm a woman who doesn't particularly care for oral sex too- we do exist. I much prefer fingers.
ELM commented on Oct 02 04 at 1:55 pm

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