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    History of Single Life

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    If you're like me, my girlfriend, or most of the rest of America, you're wrestling with a New Year's resolution to lose weight. Even those of us who aren't medically overweight (a mere 44% of Americans, according to recent surveys) want to sexify ourselves by dropping some excess poundage. Our cultural penchant for thinness has given us a $46 billion diet industry, and such cultural abominations as the Olsen twins, TrimSpa ads and voluptuous, late-'90s Christina Ricci morphing into


    waiflike,early-2000s Christina Ricci.

    Conversely, seventeenth-century aesthetes thought the dimpled asses of Rubens' cellulite-thighed Graces were cute; many Polynesian, Asian and African cultures associate chubbiness with status and sexiness; and my Russian great-grandmother, who was too busy fleeing from Cossacks during her teenage years to put on much poundage, was always castigating my mother for letting me lose my prepubescent chipmunk cheeks. While no culture, as far as I know, has ever been turned on by morbid obesity, it's readily apparent that our association of extreme thinness with desirability is something learned, not inborn. Where did this come from?

    One of the biggest myths about our obsession with being slender is that it began with the flapper fashions of the 1920s. Supposedly, what had been necessities because of wartime factory work — women wearing their hair short and abandoning their corsets — continued after the war as a statement of female emancipation from stays and laces. Another popular theory is that the new mode came about because many of the fashion designers of Paris were gay men who preferred to design for models who looked like adolescent boys.

    The truth, however, is not so simple. Long before the war, George du Maurier's 1894 fictional artist's model Trilby, a poor, unaffected Parisian, had shocked and inspired readers with her mannish clothes, short hair and unconventionality in falling in love with an upper-class English bohemian painter. These new Paris styles were introduced to America even before we entered

    For centuries, long, thin figures have been associated with otherworldliness, reverence and awe.

    World War I, by such fashionable and well-traveled women as the famous ballroom dancer Irene Castle, who appeared with her slim waist uncorseted

    and her hair bobbed on the New York stage in 1914, and then went on with her husband Vernon to popularize the new "modern" mode of dancing. Nor can we blame gay fashion designers. To be sure, the renowned designer Erte (born in Russia in 1892 as Romaine de Tirtoff) was gay, but Paul Poiret, who had "modernized" women's wear with his invention of the chest-flattening brassiere and the hobble skirt as early as 1908, had five children with his wife Denise. And Coco Chanel was, of course, a woman.

    So what really caused this change in aesthetics? Perhaps we should look to a centuries-old motif in Western art: the association of long, thin figures with otherworldliness, reverence and awe. Part of the standard iconography of medieval images of saints, for instance, is a long torso and limbs, which lend an air of supernatural grace. Likewise, Botticelli or Titian's figures of Venus, despite their rounded curves, are impossibly tall and long-limbed. Growing up in a Catholic country like France, such images would have been an unconscious part of Poiret or Chanel's visual repertoire, and Erte's sketches, for his part, look like Byzantine icons.

    Placing tall, thin models in garb that emphasizes their angularity didn't do much for real women, but it did raise fashion to a spiritual level. The subliminal message was that by acquiring the clothing, one attained a state of angelic grace. Consuming became a spiritual act. The department store acquired the air of a church, and the high priests of fashion preached that women should have slim figures, like classical columns or beatific saints.

    Thus, just as tanned skin became a sign of upper-class leisure once we started living most of our lives indoors, thin got popular because it is an external sign of social capital. And so, like medieval martyrs, women began to fast to meet these new expectations of beauty. Dieting and exercise became mandatory, and women, for the first time, began to count calories, regulating their gustatory habits with science.

    Today, worrying about extra poundage is a chic neurosis everywhere from network television to Bridget Jones' Diary. We associate extra weight with things that we consider low-class: fast food, dietary ignorance and lack of gym membership. The rich, on the other hand, can shop at Whole Foods, go on the South Beach diet and cultivate enough Protestant work ethic to deny themselves dessert. If an archaeologist digging up a Barbie doll some 40,000 years into the future hypothesized the artificial Aphrodite was part of our religion, he wouldn't be far off the mark.

    In contrast, the burlesque stars of yesteryear, such as Blaze Starr — whom no one would have accused of being a member of the aristocracy — were quite zaftig, and today, the dichotomy between respectable waifness and voluptuous infamy remains. The most successful women in pornography, such as Vanessa Del Rio and Jenna Jameson, tend to be much curvier (one is tempted to say "earthier") than the models who hawk clothes, perfume and cigarettes from the pages of Cosmo. The fact that women like to emulate waifs while men masturbate over T&A tells the real truth of the matter: thin may be classy, but curves are sexy.

    ©2007 Ken Mondschein and

    Comments ( 13 )

    You're on to something, however I think you miss the mark in a few areas. Your theory misses why those fashions caught on at the time, clearly there were many competing memes. The obvious what-high-society-can-afford look is generally correct for women, but suspect for men. What men find attractive, despite the whims of fashion, has really never changed. Men do not want 'curvy' women if 'curvy' means fat, nor do they want 'waifs' if 'waifs' means no T&A. It's really pretty simple and has been confirmed by numerous studies; men find certain ratios attractive and men find young women attractive (peak at about 19).

    KRW commented on Jan 13 07 at 12:30 pm

    Surprisingly great take on this. Insightful and imaginative.Thought it was written by a woman...the best compliment of all.

    lu commented on Jan 13 07 at 11:47 am

    I agree with most of what has been said in the article, but apparently you miss the point entirely. Look around on the internet and you will find plenty of men who are attracted to fat women. Though presently still just considered a subculture to most (if not a mental aberration to some), it has been gaining strength in the last five years.

    The point is, beauty is an individual thing, and society cannot destroy one's perceptions of it if one resists. But it sure has been trying to, and there are those who fall from its hurtful barbs. But they are, after all, just words.

    ejd commented on Jan 13 07 at 9:05 pm

    In regard to what ejd wrote, I was going to actually include fat-fetishism in the article, but couldn't think of a way to include it without distracting from the main thrust. Two observations: One, as the term "fetishism" indicates, actively pursuing larger women is considered a bit outre. Two, it's considered a bit of a lapse in taste, as if one prefers Coors to Dom Perignon. In other words, the societal reaction to fatty-chasers is that they are, as ejd says, abberant. I'd argue that this, like everything in aesthetics, is rooted in perceptions of class. Such a preference is therefore a form of erotic self-subjugation with overtones of power and status exchange (as holds true for many fetishes, such as foot-fetishism and golden showers). The preference not an individual's sense of values and taste, but in the society's. The burlesque of these values is then incorporated by the fetishistic sense of the erotic.

    KenM commented on Jan 13 07 at 11:24 pm

    I have ALWAYS been attracted to "earthier" women my whole life. I have never been physically attracted to skinny women. One thing that I have noticed over the yrs with my friends and aquantances who have had very trim,petite wives and ended up bein in affairs. The Mistress was always a good bit thicker than the wife or girlfriend. Why don't men just admit that they like,love,crave women of substance? It is a mystery to me.


    twa commented on Jan 15 07 at 3:45 pm

    Reading your article, I felt informed of some things I had not considered, thank you for that... I am a working photographer. Not being one to go look in books if I can find out the 'why' by other means, I asked some of the designers I have worked with why they always used 'waify' women as opposed to 'real women' that are a more accurate reflection of our American society.

    Most of the men I asked were gay, and pointed out the inclusion of a few women with curves over the last ten years or so, but invariably the overwhelming answer was '... the clothes hang better without all those bumps and curves...'

    While I admit that my 'research' was not scientific and my 'sample' of people polled was fewer than 100, my conclusion was more in line with one of the theories you discounted; gay men prefer the figure of teen-aged boys to that of a curvy woman as an aesthetic choice of what is sexy and desireable to them.

    Your argument is very compelling, but I think it is a little too over-thought. There may be truth to what you say, but I have found, as one of the other respondants stated, people like what the like regardless of style.

    That the clothes they design look better on women without curves should be no great surprise, as young men do not have those kind of curves. One gravitates toward that the desire most, after all...

    Just as some heterosexual men prefer women at 19, so it is with some gay men and straight women. The beauty of this whole debate is, there is no right or wrong answer. Most importantly, it really does not matter. Those who lead do as they wish, those who follow are doomed to chase whatever the latest fashion is or suffer the opinions of people whose opinions they value over their own common sense...

    But then, 'common sense' is really not all that common, is it...?

    NB commented on Jan 15 07 at 4:16 pm

    interesting hypothesis at end of article - curvy voluptuousness = sexy, waif-like thinness = respectability

    perhaps the desire to become waif-like, and thus respectable, stems from the desire to not be objectified & drooled over?

    DH commented on Jan 15 07 at 5:24 pm

    "The fact that women like to emulate waifs while men masturbate over T&A tells the real truth of the matter: thin may be classy, but curves are sexy."

    Because women should base their health/eating habits and self-image on whether or not men will want to masturbate to their image.

    GL commented on Jan 15 07 at 11:23 pm

    GL, I thought my point was rather the opposite?

    KenM commented on Jan 16 07 at 12:15 pm

    I thought this was kind of a shallow look at the rise of thin culture; it was a good start, but really abbreviated -- so, people want to be thin because it makes them look wealthy and pious, but concentrated pockets of fat still turns dudes on? Okay, what about plastic surgery? What about eating disorders? What about the rise of obesity in countries where a little extra body fat was desirable and the accompanying change in social attitudes towards the overweight? Is there a race or gender divide? A divide of sexual orientation? The article suggests that the Everyman (I assume straight, white, middle-class) digs tits & ass; what about female self-perception and varying ethnic standards? Hooksexup, come on, your writers should (and can) do better.

    JC commented on Jan 16 07 at 3:28 pm

    JC - that's why we write books. Columns have to be snappy or no one reads them.

    KenM commented on Jan 16 07 at 3:50 pm

    Funny how men seem to always crave big tits, in the end, regardless of the build associated with them.

    I've got no feedback, really, but I'm sick of being told that men just want curvy women, of photographers telling me I look anorexic, and dinner dates theorizing that I must be bulimic to eat as much as I do and stay thin.

    There are a million reasons why women are aspiring to be slender, but one of the reasons why some women are slender is simply nature.

    CT commented on Jan 16 07 at 6:20 pm

    While I grew up in the "twiggy" era I grew up with a classic hourglass shape which I hide even today. When my waist and bust are defined I still have to deal with men's eyes, hands and remarks. I am a mother of 3, a professional college educated woman with my own business and a respected member of my city's government. I am 60. No I'm not bragging. No I don't show cleavage or wear short skirts.

    rrv commented on Apr 11 08 at 12:42 pm

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    Ken Mondschein is a Ph.D candidate at Fordham University and the author of A History of Single Life.