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    The Seinfeld Reunion Is So Surreal, It Almost Isn't Hilarious


    Sunday night's episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm wasn't one of the funniest, most surprising, or even the most inventive in the show's history. It wasn't even at the top of my list in any of those categories for this ten-episode season. But it was by far the most memorable show creator Larry David has produced since Seinfeld went off the air in the spring of 1998.

    That's because the season finale of Curb featured the long-awaited "reunion show," which had been teased all year long with scenes of rehearsals, script rewrites, and auditions by cast members of CYE for the roles-within-their-roles. For example, Larry's TV wife, Cheryl, ended up playing the invented role of George Costanza's ex-wife... that is, until she decided not to after one of the most disarmingly romantic moments in the show's history.

    We can't condone the illegal downloading of television episodes, but we're sure you can find the full episode somewhere on the internet. In the meantime, here's this six-minute clip:

    If that video gets taken down (eventually, it most assuredly will), you can try clicking here and looking for it on YouTube. GawkerTV also has an embedded (and therefore permanent) behind-the-scenes featurette from the episode, which is maybe even better.

    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Nov 24 09 - 1:03pm

    This is sad... it only makes me miss the show more.

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