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    Max Baucus, you putz. You weren't supposed to put your secret staffer girlfriend on the shortlist for a top job in Government, even if you were getting divorced. And you certainly shouldn't have allowed this news to surface during the healthcare debate, especially when it looks like Blue Dogs and other scum are going to kill the public option, which is the only reason for this bill's existence in the first place.

    Baucus’ office disclosed that the senator had recommended his girlfriend, along with two others, for the White House to consider for the position of U.S. attorney in Montana. But as the Justice Department was reviewing the candidates, Baucus said his relationship with Hanes intensified, and the two decided that it was time for her to withdraw her name. [Politico]

    He made the right decision-- but it may be too late. The Senator is supposed to be leading the charge, but his powers may be failing him in this time of crisis:

    Under the Democrats' new plan, the government would create a national health insurance plan similar to those offered federal employees. It would replace the so-called "opt-out" version of the public option advocated by Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). [Raw Story]

    We want healthcare, Baucus, and your penis may have gotten in the way. You are not a Republican hypocrite, so stop acting like one. There better not be any more skeletons in your closet... and speaking of the closet, know any anti-healthcare reform folks who are secretly gay? Whatever it takes to win, Baucus, whatever it takes...


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Dec 07 09 - 4:22pm

    And now Al Franken stands as the last Democrat without any skeletons in the closet.

    Dec 08 09 - 2:41am

    Once again, the penis with money wrecks it for the rest of us.

    Dec 08 09 - 9:18am

    that's a sex scandal? He got his lawyer girlfriend a job? From now on Tiger Woods sets the bar. Unless he's banging a Russian spy or 9 super models I'm not interested. Somewhere Mark Sanford is yawning.

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