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    Is the Lohan/Segel Hookup a Harbinger of the Apocalypse?

    Lindsay Lohan Leaving Jason Segel's House After Staying The Nigh

    We at Hooksexup care about pop culture a lot, so much that at times we feel the need to formally debate it, which is obviously super cool and not at all lame. So read along as Hooksexup editor Peter Smith and I come to loggerheads about this new coupling. My argument: maybe this is Lohan's first step in the right direction. His argument: Jason Segel could do better. Much, much better.

    James: So it looks like Lindsay finally got some sense into her perma-tanned head.

    Pete: Well, no argument there. Jason Segel has a lifetime pass in my book. Nick Andopolis is one of the funniest sad TV characters of all time (or maybe saddest funny TV characters). Segel seems like a mensch.

    Pete: But man... he could do better.

    James: Now look here - Lindsay's made some mistakes, but at heart she's good! Think of how long it took her to destroy all of the goodwill generated by Lindsay Lohan Leaving Jason Segel's House After Staying The NighMean Girls.

    James: Think of this development as the first step in the right direction.

    Pete: Oh, it was clearly a herculean effort on her part. But she did it!

    Pete: Maybe it is good for Lindsay, but is what's good for Lindsay good for the rest of the world?

    James: I would say yes. You may dislike her now, but you can't deny that at one time she was promising. What if Segel helps her get back to being an actress to get excited about?

    Pete: Hmm, you might have a point. I did like Mean Girls, like all right-thinking people. But if someone has to be a sacrificial lamb to get her back up to speed...I'd rather it not be as sweet-natured and unbesmirched a guy as Jason Segel.

    Pete: I mean he dated Linda Cardellini for years... again, he could do better, and has.

    James: Maybe he likes a challenge! Lots of relationships require one partner support the other for a period of time. Perhaps he likes the role of "the good guy." He'd certainly have plenty of opportunities to stretch his do-gooder muscles in this case.

    Pete: Ha, that's for sure!

    Pete: It's true that people lean on each other in relationships, but I wouldn't want to start a relationship with this level of equal footing. I don't think anyone's arguing that he got the better deal in this one.

    James: Well, no. But shouldn't you trust that he knows what he's doing? And once you forget about the spray-tanner, you have to admit that Lindsay is quite the dish.

    Pete: Man, I don't know about that. She certainly was fresh-faced and appealing five years ago. She's a little scary right now. And who knows if it's a one-time thing, but if Segel really WERE hoping to get her out of her rut, he probably wouldn't be issuing denials that she was even at his house.

    James: Celebrities deny relationships all the time and for a myriad of reasons.

    Pete: "Attention world! I definitely do not have any of the unpleasant sexually-transmitted diseases you may have heard about! Do not be afraid!"

    James: Ha, it does look a little bad.

    James: Beyonce and Jay-Z were mum for the longest time, but look at them now.

    Lindsay Lohan Leaving Jason Segel's House After Staying The NighPete: You don't deny a relationship with Beyonce for the same reasons you deny a relationship with Lindsay Lohan.

    James: But Segel's not exactly A-list - maybe he just jumped the gun because he doesn't know how to handle the paps as well as Lohan might.

    Pete: Ah, there's an interesting point. Although he's certainly been medium-profile for a while. He must be on the rebound or something. Between this and that video of him singing his phone number to every girl in the Swell Season's audience last week...

    James: Hm, maybe he's a very lonely man. But all the better - two lost people finding each other. It's very romantic.

    Pete: See, that just makes me sad. If Segel's really lonely, doesn't he deserve a foxy Hawaiian hotel worker or something? Not a burnt-out, entitled, tabloid wreck?

    James: Hey, Lindsay worked for those meltdowns! But I do see your point. I just think that it gives me hope that Lohan would think of Segel as the kind of guy she should go for. And not, say, someone from the cast of Jersey Shore.

    Pete: Shit, who knows what she was seeing?

    James: I think your knee-jerk pessimism about this budding romance is sad, my friend.

    Pete: I will say, if Lindsay Lohan likes Freaks & Geeks, my esteem for her goes up a couple notches. (Hear that, Lindz?)

    James: See! She's already making better choices. And maybe Segel has a real Mean Girls fetish. We don't know.

    Pete: If he does, all I can say is...

    Pete: ...that open-hearted, ample-bosomed, red-headed maiden is gone, pal. Long gone.

    James: But gone forever? I would say no.

    Pete: Fair enough. Hope springs eternal.

    James: Bring her back to us, Jason!

    Okay, loyal Scanner readers - whose side are you on?

    Commentarium (8 Comments)

    Dec 08 09 - 7:12pm

    Why Jason, why?! :(

    Dec 08 09 - 9:19pm

    WTF??? I used to have a bit of a crush on Mr. Segel, but after this I have to reconsider....

    Dec 08 09 - 10:45pm

    When that train wreck started, I didn't think it would escalate to what it is now-I really hoped for her to get out of it like Nicole Richie. She's way past her expiry date. The paps are what keep her alive

    Dec 09 09 - 2:00am

    It's not just that Segel has bad, silly taste (check her latest leathery-skinned, drugged-out pics on Huffingtonpost for evidence of that) -- it's that he can't possibly not know better. Which makes him someone who preys on the weak. Anybody who does anything (aka fucking) with Lohan other than dragging her to rehab, getting her away from the people keeping her fucked up, and trying to help her put her career back together, is kinda evil, or deluded themselves.

    Dec 10 09 - 5:04pm

    Actually, if you really get right down to it, Lindsay Lohan was the ONLY part of Mean Girls that sucked. She played a boring and unoriginal part. And as for her dateability? Five years ago I'd said hit it, now? Quit it Segel!!!

    Dec 11 09 - 8:49pm

    I think he's just living some new material for the next script. And getting blown a lot.

    Nov 20 11 - 9:50am

    Yup, that'll do it. You have my apprecitaion.

    Nov 20 11 - 11:40am

    CduCoj ktfvqbrotubh

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