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    Grizz From 30 Rock Needs A Kidney!


    Does anyone have a spare? This is serious, guys. Someone find this man a kidney, because Grizz and Dot Com are a truly essential part of my 30 Rock viewing experience. (And, naturally, you can't have one without the other. That would just not be acceptable.) Here's what the man himself has to say:

    A lot of this stuff is new to me. Opening up is something I have to learn how to do if I'm going to be in this business...At first I didn't want to do it, but I felt that it would be a good situation for me to enlighten people to what's going on.

    He needs to loose seventy-five pounds before he can be considered a candidate for a transplant. Which might be weird at first, but I'll take thin Grizz over no Grizz at all.

    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Dec 14 09 - 12:02pm

    oh no! this is really terrible news. he is also a huge part of my 30rock experience. i'm hoping he will tackle the weight loss fast and get a transplant soon. he's got kind eyes and i'd be really sad to lose a good brother from tv. get well soon bruh. this too shall pass

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