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    In case the holidays weren't making you nostalgic enough, here is the trailer for the Jackie Chan/Jaden Smith remake of the Karate Kid. You can thank me later, once you've stopped crying into your old Pacman bedsheets and clutching your old Roos to your chest as you face the looming specter of your own irrelevance. Or something. Whatever - that Star Wars joke, like, totes made me lolz!!!

    You might say this was and still is an awful idea (and you'd be right!), but, as YouTube commenter Frankiscool1 points out: "well its kind of a kid movie to begin with? and call jackie chan a joke to his face, bet he rapes u."


    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Dec 28 09 - 2:43pm

    I didn't know rape was one of the sacred disciplines of martial arts... then again, I only made it to blue belt, so there's a lot I didn't learn.

    Dec 28 09 - 2:44pm

    Great! Another movie to add onto the pile of "Remakes I didn't ask for."

    Dec 29 09 - 4:16am

    Shouldn't this be called The Kung Fu Kid?

    Dec 29 09 - 10:48am

    The Karate Kid now with No Actual Karate. Like "The Wrestler" featured rugby for 90 minutes.

    Dec 31 09 - 5:47pm

    Still not most worthless and unnecessary remake of all time. That title goes to Mr "Look At Me I'm Wonderful", Steve Martin, for the Pink Panther abominations.

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