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    Question: True or false - the people of Haiti made a deal with the Devil 200 years ago to overthrow the French, causing the horrible earthquake earlier this week. Answer: All too true!

    From Pat Robertson's lips to your ears, everyone. I would like to stress that he made this point during a fundraiser for disaster relief efforts. "Remember everyone, while you're helping those in unimaginable need, that this is because they went against the teachings of Jesus." Humanitarianism at its best!

    This might have left the same awful taste in your mouth it left in mine - one vaguely reminiscent of Bengay and crippling self-satisfaction - so I want to remind you all that if you text HAITI to 90999, you can donate $10 to the Red Cross relief effort. And if that still doesn't make it all better, I've also included this video about a family that rescued and raised a baby deer:

    Commentarium (12 Comments)

    Jan 14 10 - 5:22pm

    Why, o Lord do you allow Amsterdam to remain prosperous and disaster-free?

    Jan 14 10 - 5:26pm

    Boy, if I just be this great of a Christian, and history buff. My life would be all peaches and cream.

    Jan 14 10 - 5:40pm

    Man, that God is a crafty bastard -- biding His time for two centuries to deliver payback for their great-great-great-great-great grandparents wanting so badly to be free of the French colonizers and enslavers that they'd take help from any source to throw off their oppressors -- because God knows, God wasn't giving them any help in the first place.

    Jan 14 10 - 5:51pm

    he even got the wrong napoleon! i just love ignorance.

    Jan 14 10 - 6:12pm

    On the positive side, the US Geological Survey can now close the file on this earthquake and move on to other investigations. I am sure they are thanking Mr. Robertson for his help on this one.

    Jan 14 10 - 6:16pm

    @profrobert: Give God a break. It's not like he has been on vacation the last 200 years. So many sinners, so little time. You think it was easy arranging all the various wars, famines, epidemics, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and assorted other perils that have rained down upon humanity for their sins in the last 200 years? Even God needs to prioritize his vengeance.

    Jan 14 10 - 6:29pm

    Besides the whole reigning-vengeance-of-the-lord spiel, Hispaniola is not some candidate for the battle of Armageddon with good on one side and evil on the other. This is daft. The DR was not always Pat's idea of Disneyland. They suffered under one of the most brutal dictators of the twentieth century and it remains an essentially poor nation. I'm starting to get angry at myself for trying to intelligently respond to the claim that this earthquake is the reaction of a pact made with Satan two hundred years ago...

    Jan 15 10 - 12:14am

    that deer rules!

    Jan 15 10 - 9:26am

    "that deer rules!" — Ah, but I suspect that this deer made a deal with the devil in order to live with humans. Watch out for earthquakes!

    Jan 15 10 - 11:53am

    If Pat Robertson is right and Haiti is cursed due to a deal with the devil, what on Earth did we do to be cursed with Pat Robertson?

    Jan 15 10 - 12:13pm

    If I had to choose, I'd probably pick Satan over the French too.

    Jan 15 10 - 3:02pm

    The fact that God is backlogged about 200 years is very good news for those of us living in San Francisco that, although started up around 1835, did not formalize its pact with the devil until much later.

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