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    Japan Finally And Inevitably Taken Over By Cats


    Sure, Hello Kitty looked all innocent, with her little bow and her pink dress and her really-weird-when-you-think-about-it lack of a mouth. But that was just to lull all of Japan into a sense of security, so that efficient and highly educated felines could steal their jobs. It could happen here, America! Don't trust Mr. Whiskers with the resume-building software on your computer!

    And here is an actual office conversation inspired by this video:

    Co-worker: I feel like I'm losing a lot of this because I don't have my sound turned on.

    Me: You are.

    Co-worker: ...This is in Japanese.

    Me: Obviously. Cats can't speak English.

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Feb 02 10 - 1:32pm

    I am so obsessed with this video. It's my dream that this goes viral.

    Feb 16 10 - 9:12pm

    can i get a translation (real or imaginary)?

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