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    Robert Pattinson: 'I Am Allergic To Your Vagina'

    05_Flatbed_1 - FEBRUARY

    The only person who had a worse Valentine's Day than you is Robert Pattinson. This guy is lusted after by millions, but most of them are underage. Any woman who has stood within five feet of His Hairness has reported an irreversibly bad body odor.

    But none of that even matters because Robert Pattinson apparently does not want you, either.

    From the Daily News via Details:

    Pattinson was photographed with several scantily-clad female models, the British actor reveals why the shoot wasn't exactly his cup of tea.

    "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina," he tells Details. "But I can't say I had no idea, because it was a 12-hour shoot, so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours." [Daily News]

    He added that he was glad to be hungover because then he didn't have to actually talk to these models. Hey, we hate talking to people, too, but you'll never hear us straight guys complaining about being submerged in their legs. Idiot.

    Comments ( 15 )

    Robert who?

    SR commented on Feb 15 10 at 1:49 pm

    For some reason this post made me think of that scene from "Knocked Up" where Ryan Seacrest goes apeshit about young celebrities being worthless and having no clue.

    SR commented on Feb 15 10 at 1:50 pm

    In other words, "Go down on me, slut, just don't expect the same." Seriously? FAIL.

    melysa martinez commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:44 pm

    What's that stench?

    Oh, don't worry, it's only some loser no one has ever heard of.

    Twolane commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:44 pm

    Twolane: seriously, google the guys name. He's idolized by millions of young girls as the main character in the Twilight movie series. I personally don't care about the guy -- but it would be false to say no one knows who he is.

    truther commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:59 pm

    I wonder what he would have said if a bunch of wieners were dangling around his head. Maybe he'd like it. That'd be a huge crush to teenage girls everywhere (and the occasional psycho mom).

    Tom Arnold commented on Feb 15 10 at 4:08 pm

    I have listened to many interviews with this guy. I think he's being a douche on purpose because he's so damn tired of the whole fame role. He's trying to turn people off because it's a challenge, since so many people want him.
    Just a guess. When everyone wants you, what else is there to do?

    Aporia commented on Feb 15 10 at 8:10 pm

    You should actually read the whole article at not just the little blurb they chose to incite hateful comments. Rob is a very insightful & introspective guy. He has a quirky sense of humor & many people don't get it. I guess if you're not trying to screw everything that moves, that makes you an idiot & the target of criticism by all the "real men". Shame on you Rob-why can't you be a douche like every other "red-blooded" American man? Stop trying to set an example none of them can live up to. Occasional psycho mom? LOL..what rock are you living under? There's probably more adults than teens that love this guy. Green is an ugly color indeed.

    CJ commented on Feb 16 10 at 3:52 am

    I happen to like Robert Pattinson, he is a good actor. and who cares if his fans are all teenagers? I bet that there are people our age who like him..ohh and F.Y.I : Twilight is the BOMB-diggity! [yeah! i said it!! you got a problem with that?? dont give f*ck! lolz]

    Stephanie commented on Feb 16 10 at 6:31 am

    Taking that role was a 100% guarantee that you were going to become apeshit paparazzi stocked famous. Those books were idolized by 95% of prepubescent girls so it was no shock how famous he got. Then he acts surprised and disgusted about it?

    dvk commented on Feb 16 10 at 8:34 am

    I'm sorry but there's just no excuse when the idol for thousands of teen girls says he "hates" vaginas and he is "allergic" to them. It sends a pretty shitty message to girls who so often buy into the idea that their genitals are icky. Regardless of his motivation or 'bomb-diggitiness,' that makes him a douche - hell, given the likely impact of quotes like these, he might as well take a spokesperson gig for a douche company.

    JC commented on Feb 16 10 at 8:43 am

    ^Stephanie is 12.^

    ketut commented on Feb 16 10 at 11:15 am

    Ummm American idiots... it was a joke, a British joke.
    "I'm alergic to vaginas, they make me swell and then I have to rub." He is lucky he's hungover because it makes it a bit harder to get an erection.
    Talk about overreaction.

    babbs commented on Feb 16 10 at 11:21 pm

    any GUY who cant go for what all men go for should be CHANGED TO FEMALE

    nr commented on Oct 21 10 at 3:26 pm

    any GUY who cant go for what all men go for should be CHANGED TO FEMALE

    nr commented on Oct 21 10 at 3:26 pm

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