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    Indonesian Girl Arrested For Being Mean On Facebook


    Jakarta, a school library. Two eighteen year-old girls sit and chat. [Translated from the Indonesian].

    "Hello, friend. What'd you do over the weekend?"

    "Got arrested, nearly went to prison, you?"

    "Prison?! What'd you do? Drugs?"

    "Nah, I called a girl a fat pig on Facebook."



    Here at Scanner, we've warned you many times about the dangers of The 'Book. It can get you mocked, ridiculed, and dumped. This, however, might be a first: an 18-year-old girl was arrested for posting mean comments on another girl's wall.

    Firstly, this is an obvious - and sad - sign of the still-repressive Indonesian government and its continued censorship of its populace. But also, it shows a deep misunderstanding of what makes the web so magical: Can you image the internet without mockery, ridicule and a bit of meanness?  Youtube would be a ghost town, the blogosphere would be nearly empty, and Perez Hilton would be out on the streets selling chotskies to tourists. And that would make for a very lonely world.

    Comments ( 6 )


    letsgomathias commented on Feb 18 10 at 4:26 pm

    This problem wouldn't exist if there weren't so many ugly fat people around

    commented on Feb 18 10 at 4:51 pm

    How about E-corporal punishment to meet the growing demand of Oceanic internet bullies. Digi-caning, anyone?

    oafloafer commented on Feb 18 10 at 6:30 pm


    commented on Feb 19 10 at 10:48 am

    You're really fucked, you know that? Oh, just kidding.

    francois88 commented on Nov 10 10 at 8:15 pm

    You're really fucked, you know that? Oh, just kidding.

    francois88 commented on Nov 10 10 at 8:15 pm

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