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    Pissed at your ex-boy or girlfriend? Why don't you mail him STD? With, you can send your ex-lovers packages of living pubic lice. In the site's words, "Make the bitch itch."

    Everyone's already been calling her a lesbian; now that she's making her Supreme Court bid official, is Elena Kagan obligated to open up? Or can she tell us to shut up and mind our own business?

    From the serious to the well...stupid. A list of twenty four people who look like Elena Kagan, including Mathew Broderick and Jabba the Hut. Some funny, some dead-on, and some just downright mean.

    A new tumblr combines stern photos, funny captions and just a dash of racism: High Expectations of an Asian Father. "No homework? I make you some." Even if you don't have an Asian father, you can probably relate. 

    And good thing we're equal opportunity mockers.  Kids are terrible, too. Seriously. It's a wonder any of us ever have sex.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    May 12 10 - 8:50pm

    The kid photos are wonderful.

    May 12 10 - 8:50pm

    The kid photos are wonderful.

    May 12 10 - 9:19pm

    Agreed. Love the one with the fish tank...the poor kid probably saw mom feeding the fish little flakes from a flip-top container, and figured anything that looked like that was fish food.

    May 13 10 - 9:35pm

    Are women the only ones getting this packages of lice? Or are we refering to men as bitches now too?

    Jun 03 10 - 3:38am

    However, in intranasal contraceptives

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