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    This reminds me of a few things:

    1. The head of the Predator monster

    2. The head of the Aliens monster

    3. Both of which remind me of this head monster (1:38)

    4. Shrimp

    5. The dead husk of a Furby doll.

    The Cold Skeleton Of Furby

    Yes, the LittleDog locomotive robot is a wonderful development in science, robotics and spider-monster technology. But seriously, scientists - tape some googly eyes to it for the rest of us.

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    May 24 10 - 2:00pm

    1.) This is amazing.
    2.) It reminds me of some of the creatures in Half-Life.
    3.) Someday we're going to be riding on these things backs, like they're horses.

    May 24 10 - 2:41pm

    Strap a vibrating dildo on it and we've got a product!

    May 24 10 - 3:08pm

    Boston Dynamics' "Big Dog" has been around for a while and in addition to being about 4 feet tall has the added creepiness of a whiny gas motor. Supposedly these things are going to be used as mechanical pack mules to help schlep combat gear, but I think the real plan is to just let them wander around and creep out the enemy so they go away.

    May 25 10 - 9:58am

    What I like about the *Dog robots is that the developers are not reinventing the wheel -- nature developed a pretty sound locomotive system. Even better, though, is watching people react to this video: About 35 seconds in, they try to disrupt the Big Dog locomotion, and people's emotional, kneejerk reactions are priceless.

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