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    Magical Creature Movie News: Hobbits And Trolls

    Hobbits Attacking Humans

    It seems like all my magical creatures have been dissappointing me lately. First off, the Smurfs movie looks lamer than even a Smurfs movie should. Then I hear a Dreamworks trolls movie is in the makes. (Yes, like the doll no one has anymore.) And then The Hobbit went through a cycle of million potential directors, settling on no one but purging evil creature director Guillermo del Toro and excellent alien director Neil Blokamp from the list.

    But whispers maintain that same-old Peter Jackson will end up directing it. And we all know how that will turn out! Pretty good - we're just looking for something new.

    Via Deadline Hollywood

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Jun 25 10 - 3:06pm

    A Hobbit movie directed by Peter Jackson will be so 2006.

    Jun 25 10 - 3:07pm

    is there a "magic the gathering" movie yet?

    Nov 20 11 - 11:59pm

    That's 2 cleevr by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. Thanks!

    Nov 21 11 - 1:37pm

    DdWkp2 guhkxopxqbie

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