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    Have you seen the video going around the internet today of a man who, while filming a double rainbow out in the wilderness somewhere, starts to cry and wonders aloud "what it means"? If you haven't seen it yet, here it is. It's kind of awkward, with the crying and some climax-y noises, I'm not gonna lie:

    My first reaction to this video was something like this: "Sir, please calm down. I too have seen a double rainbow, and yes, it is very pretty. But let's all get a hold of ourselves." This was probably a lot of people's reaction. That and cruel, booming LOLs. But you know what? I've reconsidered my position. Why? Oh, well, because of this:

    And this:

    Aaaaaaaaand this:

    So you know what, guy from that video? When you decided to cry about that double rainbow and the beauty of nature and what it all means, you made a good choice. Consider the alternatives.

    Commentarium (13 Comments)

    Jul 06 10 - 1:29pm

    holy shit that was majestic as fuck! double--almost triple!--rainbow!!

    Jul 06 10 - 1:50pm

    It's so intense.

    Jul 06 10 - 1:52pm
    Snarky McGee

    I thought a double rainbow is the scandalous sex thing the kids are doing these days instead of boring old rainbow parties.

    Jul 06 10 - 2:15pm

    I'm afraid to go outside, knowing that these people really, really, exist.

    Jul 06 10 - 4:03pm

    It's totally clear to me, at least, that that gentleman was on LSD.

    Jul 06 10 - 4:14pm

    I was thinking mushrooms.

    Jul 06 10 - 5:09pm

    Too funny man, you just made my day. Seriously. xD - can't stop laughing.

    Jul 07 10 - 3:48am

    you know what? i dont give a fuck! this guys completely unabashed, naked, innocent, childlike reaction to something that we now think is "simple" like this rainbow is wonderful.. why? because its real. to be able to get away from our shitty "modern" lives (code for soulless deadened assholes) and see the beauty in something that i myself think is simple (being part of the deadened bitter fucked up populace) is a gift. i cant remember when i was NOT so jaded as to be overwhelmed by the beauty of a rainbow , or the wind in the trees, or the crickets in the tall dewy grass at 3 am... when everything is quiet and fresh..... fuck anyone honestly who cant feel it at least a little sad or envious when listening to this guy lose it over a rainbow. do you remember catching lightening bugs?

    Jul 07 10 - 3:49am

    and yes, fucking funny lol especially when compared to the other fucking MORONS in the other clips.

    Jul 07 10 - 9:17am

    Yep, totally on mushrooms.

    Jul 07 10 - 9:23am

    And the beautiful thing is you can have all that for yourself, Good, with a small investment in mushrooms.

    Oct 01 10 - 12:57pm
    Paul Sasso

    This guy had an emotional reaction and naturally our cynical emotionally constipated society ridiculed and mocked him. But I am not going to attack someone who can be moved to a state of ecstasy and euphoria at the sight of a rainbow. I am sure this is a trait he shares with many of the worlds greatest painters and poets and it is much better than the things a lot of people do to reach this state.

    I saw a double rainbow yesterday and sadly I wasn't nearly as moved as this guy, and he may have been on drugs, I don't know, but I know there have been times in my life when I have been open enough, present enough, and vulnerable enough to have a similar reaction to a rainbow. And I cherish those times.

    The miracle of life the miracle, of consciousness, is not a trifle, treat it as such at your peril, lest you become one of the walking dead. Instead, every day see, hear, smell, and feel the world around you, and feel your connection with all of it.

    Jun 11 11 - 4:04pm

    What a joy to find someone else who tnihks this way.

    Now you say something