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    Birther queen orly taitz

    The leader of the Birther movement, claiming Barack Obama is not an American citizen, will have to pay a $20,000 fine. The fine was levied by a federal judge in October of 2009, and today, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito blocked her second request to dismiss the fine. She will be charged twenty grand for "Frivolous Litigation." 

    Thank god. There is probably no better definition of "frivolous" than repeatedly trying to disprove the citizenship of the President, especially in a country whose court system is so clogged it takes three months to process a goddamn parking ticket.

    The bad news, however, is that fining a nutcase this big will only do one thing: make a slightly less wealthy nutcase. When you are leading a movement so conservative that Samuel Life-Liberty-and-the-right-to-bear-machine-guns Alito had to tell you to knock it off, you are officially too far from reality to be reasoned with.

    Also, for someone whose attacks on the president are mostly based on his foreign-sounding name, may I just say, you've got a pretty odd-sounding moniker yourself, Orly. 

    Commentarium (9 Comments)

    Aug 16 10 - 3:35pm

    In addition to a less wealthy nutcase, she'll also be a more famous one. I cannot help but picture the owl face with an O, RLY? typed across it every time I see her name in print.

    Aug 16 10 - 4:22pm

    i misread it too, but i thought it was O, RLY, TAINTS?

    Aug 16 10 - 7:26pm

    Orly Taitz is an immigrant from Moldova. She was born there to a Jewish family when it was a part of the USSR, then immigrated to Israel when she was 21. I always thought it was kind of funny that the leader of the movement depicting the President as ineligible of Presidency is herself an immigrant.

    Aug 16 10 - 9:34pm

    It says in the linked article that "Taitz sued in Georgia federal court on behalf of Army
    Capt. Connie Rhodes. Rhodes sought to avoid deployment to Iraq by claiming Obama wasn't born in the United States." Why couldn't Capt. Rhodes file her own lawsuit? If being in the military prevented her from doing so, why didn't she resign her comission? Or is there more to it than that? (there usually is)

    Aug 17 10 - 12:38am

    Lane's prostitute looked kind of like Peggy. That weirded me out.

    Aug 17 10 - 12:40am

    She was named after a French airport?

    Aug 17 10 - 3:51pm

    @V53: She is Capt. Rohodes' lawyer. Federal rules of procedure require a lawyer filing any lawsuit to certify that the case has merit and it is not presented for an improper purpose. A lawyer is supposed to know better than to bring a case this baseless, even if her client is insisting on it which is why a lawyer can be personally fined for bringing such a case, which is what appears to have happened here.

    Nov 20 11 - 9:03pm

    In awe of that asnewr! Really cool!

    Nov 21 11 - 1:45pm

    QqG0bK wprpvxvddcpm

    Now you say something