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    Stephen Colbert

    Stephen Colbert is going to testify as part of a congressional hearing this Friday in Washington D.C. He will be speaking in front of a House Judiciary Committee subcommittee. The bill would allow Americans to return to work in the fields if they really think that good jobs are being lost to immigrants. All reports seem to suggest that this is actually real.

    Martha Stewart got drunk and began to use her favorite micro-blogging site. The goddess of domestic tranquility drunk-tweeting? Just as hilarious as it sounds.

    Someone put together a clip of Julianne Moore crying. It turns out, she is quite a prodigious weeper, in every movie ever. But, I guess that's how you win all those Oscars.

    Our film critic joked that the only way to make the movie Buried exciting would be to watch it in a coffin. These guys actually did that. No word on whether that made it pleasant.

    And finally, a great new tumblr: Crap at my Parents' House, a photo blog dedicated to the weird and dirty knick-knacks we sometimes find at Mom and Dad's.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Sep 22 10 - 6:41pm

    The film is 'Buried', not 'Buried Alive' (Para 4). And its actually rather good!

    Sep 23 10 - 12:35am

    Go Colbert! The fact that he is testifying in character makes this even more cool.

    Sep 23 10 - 3:11pm

    Julianne Moore actually hasn't won any Oscars. Four nominations though.

    Sep 23 10 - 3:17pm

    I just sent that link for the crap site to my kids, along with a promise to really, really clear out the attic this year. Maybe next year. It's a lot of work. Meanwhile I will be sending pictures of some of the crap to that site.

    Jul 22 11 - 6:00am

    Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good infromatoin.

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