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    Comments ( 20 )

    Oct 21 04 at 9:52 am

    Why did you make this poll?
    the results are so obvious! This is Hooksexup, not a Christian, right wing, bigot, web site, after all.
    And it was not even funny: i didn't know Britney was a politician.
    "polls" like these are self -congratulatory, and a bit dumb. One of those things that make you riconsider your political view, and almost feel sorry for Bush.

    Oct 21 04 at 10:40 am

    though a number of questions were clearly just for amusement, i found many of the others fascinating. we know that Hooksexup readers were predominantly democrats (in fact, if you adjust the "voting for Kerry" % for people who live in the US, the number is closer to 80%). we knew that Hooksexup readers would disproportionately favor gay marriage and reproductive rights -- no surprise there. but there were some surprises, at least for me: not all Hooksexup readers are libertines -- 24% think divorce threatens the sanctity of marriage and should be made more difficult. 61% think michael moore's films are self indulgent though "occasionally revelatory" ... more people had mixed feelings about ferinheit 911 or disliked it than loved it. this is a smart group of people, not blind partisans.

    meanwhile, there is clearly an apolitical strain that is not surprising given all that we hear about gen-y -- dramatically more people would rather have a beer with john stewart than kerry. interesting. other noteworthy results: most people think bush's crotch was styled in that shot. clearly the guy had to move things around, but did he actually add to it ?

    Oct 21 04 at 11:55 pm

    In regards to the poll question of "who is more likely to be president first", we have already had an unmarried president, actually. James Buchanan was elected in 1857, and was a bachelor during his term.
    Thanks for the entertaining poll nonetheless.

    Oct 21 04 at 12:13 pm

    It was pretty obvious what the poll would "discover." But it was funny too. I'd rather have a beer with Jon Stewart because he's not a liar. I might actually learn something of substance if I had a conversation with him.

    Oct 21 04 at 3:51 pm

    Who are the 4% of Hooksexup readers that voted yes to states having the ability to ban the sale and purchase of sex toys for personal use?

    Oct 21 04 at 4:22 pm

    I'm one of that 4%. The question was not "Should states, like Texas, ban the sale and purchase of sex toys for personal use?" but rather, "Should states, like Texas, BE ABLE TO ban the sale and purchase of sex toys for personal use?" (Emphasis supplied.) I think the "Dildo Pusher" laws are incredibly stupid and should be repealed, but I don't see anything in the Constitution that creates a fundamental right to buy or sell sex toys (or drugs, or cigarettes, or automobiles, or any product). It is obviously within the police power of states to regulate or ban the sales of products, and I would be opposed to fooling around with the Constitution to start creating fundamental rights to buy various products. If you don't like a given state law, vote for a legislator who will change it. Majority rule is how representative democracy usually works. Constitutional checks that thwart majority will should be carefully limited to protecting fundamental human rights, such as speech, due process of law, and reproduction.

    Oct 22 04 at 1:03 am

    We already HAVE elected an unmarried president.

    Oct 22 04 at 12:25 pm

    I found the poll to be hilarious. Loved it! Unfortunately ( or fortunately?) I'm Canadian so I can't vote Bush out of office. Reading this poll gives me great hope that you Americans will do the right thing on November 2. Good Luck and get that S.O.B. out of your White House. We can't stand Bush any more than you guys can, but at least we don't have to live with him. GO OUT AND VOTE BUSH OUT!

    Oct 22 04 at 12:48 pm

    Hey, we don't care what Canadians think about who should be our president. We don't tell you who to put in office. If we wanted someone else as your PM, we'd send NYPD up to invade you and put in our own guy. Wait, NYPD might be a bit overkill, maybe we'll send in the road island state police. But wait, I kid, Canada is a great friend, you guys would be a pretty good speed bump if the Russians ever tried to invade us from the north. It would take them at least a day to drive though your country.

    Oct 23 04 at 4:13 pm

    26. Who is most likely to be president first?

    A woman 39%
    A gay person <1%
    A black person 26%
    An atheist 3%
    A vegan 5%
    An unmarried person 25%

    We have already had an unmarried person as President, James Buchanan. (I don't have my references immediately at hand, so there may have been others. Buchanan came to mind right away.)

    Oct 23 04 at 5:22 pm

    Re: question 26 and James Buchanan. The question simply asks which one of these people will be president first, i.e. before the others: will a vegan be elected before an unmarried person? It's ambiguous, but there's no error, necessarily; "first" is relative.

    Oct 25 04 at 12:20 pm

    Re question 28, no one can technically share a beer with Bush; he's an alocoholic and doesn't drink anymore. He even had his license revoked in Maine for DUI, but apparently it is still legal for him to drive this country off a cliff.

    Oct 25 04 at 1:05 pm

    jon stewart is brilliant, and very, very funny, and i'm glad we have him to watch on tv every night, but have any of you people ever had a beer with an actor? they are usually a self-indulgent lot, who aren't as interesting in private, as they are when they have an audience - especially comedians. (sorry jon)

    --also - regarding the commenter who is part of the 4% who thinks texans (should be able to) ban sales of sex toys in texas: if we protect minority rights in only the keyest, critical issues, will everybody who doesn't want to only do it missionary style have to move to california, nevada, or new york? we don't need any more texans in LA please! privacy in the bedroom is critical, and key, and it ought not be compared to sales of items that affect public health, like cigarettes. not fair. states rights do need to be protected, and we can't make every thing a federal issue, it's true - but let texas figure out how to protect those who are offended by sex, not how to prohibit those who wish to have sex outside of the missionary box from doing so.

    Oct 25 04 at 2:50 pm

    You forgot Badnarik, who gets way more attention than Nader these days.

    Oct 26 04 at 12:03 pm

    in response to question 26: James Buchanan Fifteenth President 1857-1861 was unmarried. It appears we've already elected one of your answer selections...

    Oct 27 04 at 8:38 pm

    After driving out to Stillwater(Mn) today and seeing so many Bush signs (interestingly, along with a lot of "For Rent" signs), it was a real relief to read these poll results. True, enough, it is a Hooksexup poll, and I understand the correlation of education, sexual maturity and smart-assedness amongst Hooksexup readers. Just the same, the very best part came with the Britney quote and the question following. My trousers are a little wet. As a very good friend said to me in 1973, after making a hugely politically-incorrect joke,"It's OK, I'm liberal!" Thank God, so am I--and I have to mention that the best sex I have ever had has been with republicans. Weird.

    Oct 27 04 at 8:40 pm

    Oops, I did it again. I meant to imply that I had wet my trousers from laughing. As I hope everyone will with that question.

    Oct 29 04 at 9:57 pm

    hot tub with the horse-faced Kerry girls before the Bushes? Yeah Right!!! I'm voting Nader, so it's not partisan politics talking. I would pick the hot blond Bush twin over the Kerry daughters any day. NASTY!

    Nov 01 04 at 2:35 pm

    I think that the first to be president will be the unmarried president...considering james buchanan was the first bachelor president. (he was the guy before lincoln). way to go on the research, fellas

    Nov 02 04 at 2:33 pm

    We have already had unmarried presidents. Buchanan (rumored to be gay and known to be one of the worst if not THE worst president in US history). Others have been widowed before being elected president. Tyler (I think) remarried while president. Wilson was widowed and remarried while president then his wife ran the country after his stroke.

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