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Armie Hammer

"Mirror, Mirror" trailer wants you to know it is definitely not that other Snow White movie

"Mirror, Mirror" trailer wants you to know it is definitely not that other Snow White movie

Tarsem Singh, director of Mirror, Mirror, recently said that his Snow White film would be "sickeningly kiddie," probably in an effort to…
Five Great Performances By Actors Playing Siblings

Five Great Performances By Actors Playing Siblings

Adam Sandler in Jack and Jill is not among them.
Watch: Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer don't make out in the "J. Edgar" trailer

Watch: Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer don't make out in the "J. Edgar" trailer

There is one reason I'm going to see J. Edgar, and it's not Clint Eastwood's directing. (Sorry, Clint! I still really liked Mystic River…