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Weird misogynistic campaign speaks of the dangers of "over-educated women"

Weird misogynistic campaign speaks of the dangers of "over-educated women"

Just in time for yesterday's Women's Day, an unhinged misogynist is running amok in Canada. Fliers are popping up on the University of…
Anonymous launches Anonymiss to lure lady hackers

Anonymous launches Anonymiss to lure lady hackers

Remember when 4Chan was, like, the scariest thing on the internet? Oh, what we didn't know; it turns out that Anonymous — the faceless…
Watch: Emphatic five-year-old girl refuses to get married without a job

Watch: Emphatic five-year-old girl refuses to get married without a job

When my friends and I were five, we enjoyed life to the fullest. We ate mountains of sugary cereal while watching Saturday morning cartoons, stole from…