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Links: What men say to themselves when they're alone, and the FBI's files on ODB

Links: What men say to themselves when they're alone, and the FBI's files on ODB

  This dude disputes this lady's claim that men can't be alone for more than three months. He does so by quoting his thoughts…
Links: A history of Thom Yorke's dance moves

Links: A history of Thom Yorke's dance moves

Thom Yorke's dance moves in the video for "Lotus Flower" inspired hipsters everywhere to twitch and noodle-arm on the dance floor…
Links: No smoking signs make smokers want to light up

Links: No smoking signs make smokers want to light up

  Forcing me to add an entry under whiskey, steak, and orgasms on my list of things that make me want to go to Flavor Country, Oxford…