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  • Shirt of the Day: Shea Stadium R.I.P.

    Want to memorialize the least appreciated stadium of all time? Then pick one of these up:



    Posted Oct 24 2008, 09:02 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Snow Bunnies [NSFWish]

    Burton Snowboards + Playboy Models... Should be a match made in heaven, right? Except one thing:


    Posted Oct 03 2008, 03:02 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Equations: Sports + Jewelery





    Posted Aug 22 2008, 05:33 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Basket Case

    Hey, check out this fun toy basketball game. Fun, right? Yay! That is, until you see how it's played:


    Posted Aug 11 2008, 11:34 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • The Opposite of Baseball


    What's the opposite of a Baseball? How about this:


    Posted Jul 30 2008, 08:47 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Have a Ball This Summer


    Want to have a ball this summer? Then here's a fool-proof solution to your non-rolly blues:


    Posted Jun 30 2008, 01:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Join The Club

    Can you guess what this man is doing? Is it:

    A) Playing golf.
    B) Keeping his hands cool under a towel.
    C) Something totally f-ing gross.

    The answer after the jump... 


    Posted Jun 13 2008, 09:00 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • If I Were a Rich Man…

    One day, when I live in a mansion, I will have:

    1) A tricked out home theater, in the style of Star Tours.
    2) A swimming pool shaped like my initials.
    3) A helipad, but no helicopter.
    4) A hardcore game room, featuring this sculpted steel billiards table:


    Posted May 19 2008, 02:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Tiny Ice Cube Curling Set


    There are some sports that I:

    A) Have no idea how to play.
    B) Find endlessly fascinating.

    Curling is one of those sports… Clearly, it’s an important sport if it’s in the Olympics, but I can’t see how a slightly advanced form of shuffleboard can possibly be a world-wide sport of champions. And yet, despite my posting on some blog about it, people keep playing curling. Weird, right?

    After the jump, find out how to play curling at home... 


    Posted May 19 2008, 11:30 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Koreannovation 2008: Intro + Mega-Quake-Prime + Video!


    Yesterday, I had a chance to tour the floor of Koreannovation, the 2008 Korea Trade Show here in NYC, with a steadily increasing entourage of people. Seriously. It seems I hit in a little bit of a lull point, and by the time I left, there were four or five managers all hanging out, getting acupuncture, and snacking on Korean ice cream

    But Koreannovation isn’t all about fun and games, it’s also about the products, including:

    - A dry erase board that glows with neon colors, pictured above.

    - A toaster for heating up your pets.

    - Cloths that soften your skin, lighten its color, and turned out to be made from human placentas.

    Needless to say, I had a fabulous time. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. To that end, I’ve put together a little video for you guys below. Sorry about some of the, um, close-ups, but I didn’t have control of my camera. Also, in case it isn’t clear, the thing in the video is shaking me like a mofo:

    All back? Cool. So just in case it wasn’t clear, the Mega Quake-Prime is an exercise machine created by J International CityM Korea, and exercises you while you stand there and get shaken to bits. To bits I say!

    This, like a lot of the other products at the fair, was not actually for sale, so they were unwilling to give me a price estimate. So I’m going to say, $5? Sure.


  • Inflatable Iceberg Keeps Things Cool


    So most of us don’t have a swimming pool. I mean, maybe some of you do, but I live in an apartment in NYC, so if I got a pool installed, I think my downstairs neighbors would kill me. However, if we did all have pools, I bet we’d also like to have this 14’ tall inflatable iceberg/climbing wall.

    You can climb up, slide down, and the whole thing is made from durable PVC. Which is really fun and cool (pun intended), until you find out how much it costs:


    Posted May 09 2008, 11:00 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • They’re Magnetic, Dumbbells

    Now, I don’t really work out all that much. Granted, I’m just naturally completely jacked from sitting front of the computer and drinking coffee all day, but I understand some of you weaklings need to get your gym on.

    Find out how, after the jump... 


    Posted May 01 2008, 02:00 PM by Alex Zalben with | with 2 comment(s)
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  • I Was A Human Hamster

    There are certain things I’m completely freaked out about. One of them is heights. The other is bugs. The third one is probably being strapped in a giant inflatable ball and rolled down a hill.

    My fears realized, after the jump... 


    Posted Apr 28 2008, 12:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with 1 comment(s)
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  • You Got to Know When to Fold 'Em


    If you're a loyal reader of MM, then you know I've recently moved to New York from Chicago and you also know that I had my things sent to me from storage in the last month or so. Among the things I was really happy to see after five months apart was my trusty bike. Man, I love my bike. I just bought it about a  year ago, but I put some serious miles on that thing before I moved. In Chicago it's so easy to get around on a bike — from April to November, that is — so I rode my bike everywhere. Not only was it economical, but it was awesome exercise and it lifted my 30-year-old butt about 3 inches higher.

    So, you might expect that I was really looking forward to getting back on my bike now that the weather is nice in New York. I knew it wouldn't be the same as riding around in Chicago, but I'm just a few blocks from Central Park and a few blocks from the river, so I was excited about the biking I'd do there. But then the awful happened: I realized that my stairs are too steep and my bike is too heavy and big to carry from my apartment down to the street. Without any storage at all or any safe place to lock it up, there's really no practical way I can ride my bike. After my day of heartbreak, I've started thinking of other options: I could just ride my bike 24-hours a day and never carry back up the stairs, I could pay 30 bucks a day to store it in a garage 2 miles away, or I could look for a folding bike. The latter seems the most practical solution, so I've started my search. So far, the Dahon Espresso is my favorite. Looking at it in the photo above, you'd never guess it could fold up like this:



    Posted Apr 18 2008, 03:30 PM by Wendy Atterberry with | with 1 comment(s)
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  • Bonzai Skimboard Surfer Essentially Is Slip n’ Slide

    Okay, so here’s my million-dollar idea: Crocodile Aisle. You see, it’s LIKE Crocodile Mile, but specifically targeted at couples on their wedding day. Here, I even have a song for it:

    You run
    You slide
    You hit the bump, and take a briiiiide!

    Million-dollar idea, I’m telling you.

    After the jump, find out what is NOT a million-dollar idea... 


    Posted Apr 17 2008, 11:00 AM by Alex Zalben with | with 3 comment(s)
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  • Give Your Man a Mini Hummer

    I mean, think about it: when’s the last time you gave your S.O. a Hummer, right? Probably at the beginning of your relationship, you guys were all Hummer crazy. Every night, you gave your guy a Hummer, and he was all like, “I love Hummers! Give me more Hummers!” And you were all like, “I don’t know if I can, my mouth is sore… From talking to the car dealership every day to buy you cars!”

    Psyche! You thought I was talking about something dirty, when I was ACTUALLY talking about the car, the Hummer. I totally tricked you suckers. Also, I made an incredibly original pun that no-one has ever made before. Ever.

    After the jump, more hilarious blow-job jokes, and actual information on the Mini Hummer... 


    Posted Apr 08 2008, 12:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • This Weekend At The MMovies: Leatherheads, Nim’s Island, and The Ruins

    You guys all like movies, right? And I gather if you're here on this blog, you like material goods and services as well? Okay, cool. How about we combine the two by taking a look at what's coming out in the Cinemaplex this weekend, and coming up with a complimentary thing to purchase?

    Granted, this is a rather light week to start things off on, but we'll persevere together. 

    Anyway, let’s get into it, after the jump:


  • Star Wars Golf Bags

    I can’t imagine this golf bag will make you the hit of the course, but then… I don’t play golf.


    [Via Dvice]

    Posted Mar 28 2008, 01:00 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Skateboard Mirror, For Cool/Vain Kids/Adults

    “Hey kid, can you see yourself in a brand new skateboard? No, really, it’s a mirror, can you see yourself in it?”

    As much as I like this skateboard mirror for Kewl Kidz who like being Kewl, it would be that much Kewler™ if you could also use it as a skateboard. Impractical, I know, but imagine the whoops and cheers you’d get when you fly through the air, and your skateboarding buddies can see their faces on the bottom of your board.

    In this scenario, you are jumping over your friends in an attempt to break the World’s Record. FYI.

    [$220, Purves]

    [Via OhGizmo!]

    Posted Mar 18 2008, 04:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with 2 comment(s)
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  • Cheap Trick: Badminton Set

    Dudes, It's totally almost warm enough to start playing badminton outside again. You do have a badminton set, don't you? You don't? Well, how do you plan to practice for the big 2008 Boston Open?? Lucky for you, I found a set for 8 bucks. You'll have to find your own uniform, though.

    [$7.99, Target] 

  • Product Porn: Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill

    Far be it from me to even remotely understand what's going on in this video. Some sort of wind... rays... push on you as you run, creating a feeling of effortless weightlessness, and allowing you to break world's records left and right*. The device is mainly for medical use, but you can go to the official website and put in application to own as an individual:

     *Though, sadly, not allowing me to break the only record that matters: Most Bicycles Eaten.

    [Via TechEBlog] 

    Posted Feb 25 2008, 09:00 AM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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  • Friday Night Links: AquaFit 19DT & More

    Here's your topic for discussion this weekend:

    Brewster's $348

    You are given $348, and have to spend as close to that amount as possible on one purchase. You can't go over, and it must be on only one item. What do you buy?

    Okay, onto the links:

    - Diary Shower Curtain: For when you remember your to-dos while while cleaning your business [$25, Firebox]

    - Dry Erase Paint: Now you can have a white board ANYWHERE. [$127, Dry Erase Magic]

    - Perfect Tear Paper Towel Holder: The easy solution for the stupidest problem in the world. [$20, Amazon]

    - Kaleidescape Video Servers: These babies aren't out yet, but when they are, they'll rip directly to Blu-Ray. [Via Gizmodo]

    - AquaFit 19DT: (Pictured) Totally work out while you soak, which actually sounds awesome. [$40,000, AquaFit Systems]

    [Via UberReview, Lifehacker, Cool Tools, Dvice]

  • Google Gauntlets

    What can I say, I’m a sucker for anything titled “Gauntlet.” This design concept by Du Tran Nguyen, as part of the Australian Design Awards, is… Well, let’s Nguyen describe it:

    The Vie (pronounced vee, French word for life) is a sports glove, of which the main objective is to incorporate today’s technologies to enhance human performance and safety via a simple human-machine-interface. The Vie is aimed towards those who keep active by running/walking but its features can easily be spread to other sports. The Vie is a typical health monitor that also uses GPS technology to do such things as map jog routes, rendezvous with friends, send out emergency distress beacons and more. To keep the sport natural, the input is made via a unique, single hand control interface.

    More, including a special message from your childhood, after the jump...


    Posted Feb 21 2008, 01:30 PM by Alex Zalben with | with no comments
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about the blogger

Wendy Atterberry is a recent transplant to New York City via Chicago. You can often find her at some karaoke dive bar singing her repertoire, which includes "Midnight Train to Georgia," "Daniel," and most recently, "Sweet Dreams." Don't expect her to always hit the right notes. She lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend and two cats, and has a blog like everyone else.

Alex Zalben is a writer living in New York City. He's written for McSweeney's, Modern Humorist and As one-fifth of the sketch comedy group Elephant Larry, he has been written up in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and pretty much every other major publication. Their blog was named one of PC Magazine's Top Blogs for 2007, and they recently won an ECNY Award for their viral short, "Minesweeper: The Movie." Alex did not know love until he bought his first Mac.

Steph Auteri is a freelance writer and proofreader who has been published in Publishers Weekly, New York Press, Playgirl, and other bastions of fine writing. She maintains a professional site, and also blogs about freelancing over at Freelancedom. You can keep up on her day-to-day by visiting her Twitter page.

Diana Vilibert is a freelance writer, among other things. Born in Lithuania, she now lives in New Jersey, where she doesn't have to walk to work ten miles in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways. Diana cannot afford most of the products she writes about because she buys too many pairs of heels to make up for her shoeless childhood. She's written for,, and CosmoGIRL!.

Shaun Seneviratne is a dude just like anyone else. Just your average guy that raps Bone Thugs-n-Harmony to strangers on the subway at 4 a.m., doesn't chew his food because he believes it's a waste of time, and sleeps next to a scale replica of the Ghostbusters headquarters. He can rest easy knowing Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston have his back. He currently lives in northern New Jersey, plays bass in Rapid Cities, and recently started a tumblr.

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