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Dear Miss Information,

When I was nineteen, I fell in love with a friend of my former stepfather. He was thirty-three. As the relationship progressed, he proved to be a nutcase. If I tried to leave the house he'd hide my shoes, keys, and purse. I did — and do —love him in a way, but when he shows that side, it turns to pure hate. We were together for five months when I got pregnant. He became jealous and accused me of sleeping with his brother (this had happened before, with another woman). I thought he was being paranoid — then his brother came over one day and we did wind up sleeping together. I thought it would suppress some of the pain of constantly being blamed for something I didn't do. I guess I was trying to end my relationship, as well.

My boyfriend found out and I ended it with his brother. Then my boyfriend went to jail and the affair started back up. Keep in mind I'm still pregnant during all this. I fell in love with the brother, and experienced the most intense feelings I've ever felt. Then my boyfriend got out of jail, and that was the end of the affair. I had our daughter. My boyfriend's brother was put in jail a few days later. A few months later, my boyfriend went back to jail, too. We got married while he was incarcerated. Meanwhile, his brother got out of jail, and now I'm in love with the brother all over again. I really don't know why I married my husband.

I just found out that I'm pregnant with his brother's baby. My husband just started his four-year sentence and knows I'm not in love with him anymore, but he says that I am his. It's a very creepy type of love, but I like it. Maybe I should call Jerry Springer? Also: their whole family is crazy and very dramatic; this won't go over well. Adoption and abortion are not options. I don't know when to reveal the "news" or the appropriate way to tell everyone. I'm especially concerned about my husband. — Serious Drama

Dear Serious Drama,

The first question you need to address is who do you want to be with: (A) your husband, (B) your brother-in-law, or (C) neither. It sounds like your brother-in-law, but you've done a fair bit of flip-flopping. You not only got back together with your boyfriend-now-husband after being with his brother and feeling "the most intense feelings [you've] ever felt" you went ahead and married him. You admit you like your husband calling you "his," even though you know it's messed up on more than one level.

I don't see you settling down with the brother (and remaining faithful) until you resolve this abusive power dynamic you've got with your husband. Yes, you're a hot mess yourself but healthy people do not tell lies, act like a "nutcase," or try to physically prevent their partners from leaving the house. They also don't get put in jail multiple times or cling to a relationship in the face of outright dealbreakers, such as someone being in love with their sibling. In short, your husband's no winner. Then again, neither is his brother. He's a jailbird and has slept with his brother's girlfriend at least twice that we know of.

If I had my way, you'd go with option C and drop both of these fellows. You'd whisk your babies away to an organic farm somewhere in Connecticut, where a kindly woman who looks like Mary Steenburgen would give you lessons on self-esteem and mate selection while keeping you on strict no-dating lockdown. She'd also teach you valuable career skills, like soapmaking and cultivating okra.

You don't mention your past, Serious Drama, but I'm guessing it might've been one royal shitshow. This is not to absolve you of your current, myriad bad decisions. But you need to get to focus on yourself and figure out what's making your wheels spin so out of control.

But that's not what you're here for, Serious Drama. You want to know how to break the news of the lovechild to your husband and his family. If the brother doesn't know, obviously he should be first on the list. Then he's responsible for informing everyone in his family, except his brother. That's your job, be it in the form of a prison visit or a letter, whichever feels safer. Your husband will probably say he wants to stay together but you need to decide if you want to stay with him, start the process of getting a divorce, or delay the decision altogether. If you decide to split, be careful. I don't like that you use the word "creepy" to describe this guy. Many a person who's made the decision to leave a controlling mate has been injured or worse. Educate yourself and know what to do and where to go should things deteriorate. Hopefully they won't, but it's good to prepare.

Readers, Serious Drama references Jerry Springer in her letter. Anyone have a Springer-style "Final Thought" on this sad and complex situation?

Dear Miss Information,

My boyfriend is larger than average and I have constant spotting. I'm worried because I have a morphed cervix and I don't know if the trauma could cause an increased risk of cancer.  I asked my OBGYN, but she didn't seem to know much about it. Of course everyone has suggested lube and positions that put him at a shallower angle. I've done these things, but I'm still spotting.  Any information is greatly appreciated. — Ms. Polka Dot

Dear Ms. Polka Dot,

My relatives love to talk about health, especially the females. I may not be a doctor, but I've heard my share of crotch talk. Short cervixes. Long cervixes. Tilted. Untilted. Weak. Burly. Narrow. Wide. But a morphed cervix? Can't say I've heard of it. So, of course, I Googled. The one and only result? Erotic Power Rangers fan fiction. I wish I were lying.

I think you need to get a second opinion or get more firm with your current gyno. "Doesn't seem to know much about it" doesn't sound like much of an answer. Either she does know and is too busy (or lazy) to offer solutions or she doesn't know and is (again) too busy or lazy to do the additional work to find out. I'm something of a gyno whore, in that I put off my yearly until the last minute and wind up going with whichever doctor will give me an appointment. I've also changed jobs and insurance about a billion times. As such, I've gotten pretty good at dealing with these Gone in Sixty Seconds MDs.

A few ways to slow their roll and get the information you require:

  1. Know your numbers — Vague descriptions of symptoms don't garner as much attention as specific dates and notations.
  2. Be hyperbolic — What's your worst fear? Ask about it. Even if the doctor laughs it off, at least she'll know your level of concern and perhaps even spend an extra sixty seconds explaining why Whooping South African Vaginapox is not a worry at this time.
  3. Kiss nurse ass — They often know as much as much as the doctor and can be a great workaround.
  4. Kiss office-staff ass — They can get the doctor on the phone so you can ask the questions you were too shy to ask when you had the face time.

Until you get more information (and you will get more information — spotting can indicate a number of conditions and isn't something to blow off by wearing cheap underwear and pantiliners). And in the bedroom, remember there are also non-penetrative options, like oral sex and this begrudgingly adorable lipstick-shaped clit vibe to get you off while you're troubleshooting.

Readers, do any of you have a morphed cervix? (Excluding, of course, Power Rangers). Do you have any tips to share with Ms. Polka Dot and her bigger-than-thou boyfriend?


Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content and clarity.

Comments ( 25 )

To serious drama, if abortion and adoption aren't options then you need to find birth control that works every time even if that means condoms + hormones forever. I'd also go with Option C. Enlist any allies that you can in their family or yours to get you in a stable situation and to help control the husband and brother. Also, look around for cheap therapy options, you sound like you might need it.

huh commented on Dec 14 09 at 1:27 am

No. 1 made me feel like, "Wow, that lady's life is in bad shape" but No. 2 made me feel like, "Wow, vaginas are so mysterious...."

atraingoingby commented on Dec 14 09 at 10:40 am

Jerry Springer is the only thing that makes sense. I think Serious Drama should get her tubes tied or some similar long-term birth control.

Uncle Bobby commented on Dec 14 09 at 12:08 pm

I'd love to hear any answers to the spotting question. My BF is also bigger than average though not giganto, and I get bleeding when we have sex anytime around my period (week before and week after). The theory is that the lining is shedding and he bumps my cervix (which he does) and out it comes. I've been to the gyno and didn't get blown off but they did what seemed like a thorough number of tests including an ultra-sound and said that everything looked very healthy and normal. So he's a little bigger, I'm a little closer to menopause, and it seems like we just have to live with it. But if anyone knows more, please share.

Dawn commented on Dec 14 09 at 1:19 pm

>>"I thought he was being paranoid — then his brother came over one day and we did wind up sleeping together"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. Love to hear the other side(s) of this story. Everyone involved sounds like a sociopathic soap opera escapee so far. Come to think of it -- are we sure this letter is even real???

>"Whooping South African Vaginapox is not a worry at this time."

Love it.

SG commented on Dec 14 09 at 1:43 pm


Damian commented on Dec 14 09 at 5:50 pm

This girl needs to be put on some form of permanent birth control and have her kids taken away! She is obviously so badly damaged she cannot raise a healthy human being! Gross....

George commented on Dec 14 09 at 6:19 pm

I must ask -- and sorry if it comes across as big time ignorant, but I'm limited in my experience here -- but this bleeding out of the vagina due to larger than life penis- is it accompanied by pain? And if yes why continue to have penetrative sex with man with larger than life penis?

Mary Johns commented on Dec 14 09 at 9:03 pm

Ok, Morphed Cervix Girl who is worried about getting cervical cancer...THERE IS A VACCINE FOR THAT! While it's only "approved" for women under 26, many doctors will prescribe it in special cases to older women and sometimes men. Ask about it.

scrib commented on Dec 14 09 at 9:49 pm

Serious Drama: Get away from both of them. When your husband finds out about your second kid, he may physically hurt you or, even worse, hurt the baby. From what you've described, your hubby is psychologically abusive, and if he's abusive now, he'll be abusive later. And he'll probably get worse. Ending it may feel like a betrayal of the heart, but continuing it may be a betrayal of your and your children's well being. So please, please, PLEASE, for yourself and for your children, GET OUT NOW.

I'm surprised, Miss Information. Your initial, unrealistic portrayal of Option C is disconcerting. I, too, wish for such an outcome, but posing the hyperbolic situation before the realistic situation may make some readers take the realistic situation less seriously.

KJ commented on Dec 14 09 at 10:52 pm

If you're getting close to menopause, the lining of the vaginal wall might be getting thinner, resulting in more bleeding. There are hormonal creams that can help with that. Ask your gyno for more information if you think that might be a factor.

JCF commented on Dec 14 09 at 11:04 pm

The power ranger fan fiction is possibly the funniest thing i've ever read on the internet. Thanks Miss Information!

Dan commented on Dec 14 09 at 11:23 pm

Hooksexup is a magazine about (mostly) sex. Can we please not call sex "sleeping with"? Thanks.

David commented on Dec 15 09 at 1:02 am

Why is it that the sick humans on your planet reproduce more than the smart, healthy ones? Moynihan(sp) Effect, anyone?

Two for Tea commented on Dec 15 09 at 10:25 am

Serious Drama, you know those stories you hear about the woman who gets beaten by her boyfriend/husband, and has a chance to get out and start a new life or a healthier relationship with someone who loves her, but winds up going back to the abuser despite all logic pointing the other way? Guess what? That woman is you! Almost. Not quite yet, but it's getting there. Your husband is a controller, and he's currently in a place that teaches you that you have to be violent (or at least threatening) to get by. You haven't described his brother enough, but we're assuming that because he's been in jail, he's no saint himself. I'd say run away to some other state, but now there's kids involved, and that makes things complicated. I can't give you one piece of advice that will solve all your problems in this comment section, but I'll say this. Make friends. Keep your network open. Tell your friends what happens in your life. One thing controllers like to do is isolate you from the rest of the world, so you have no one to depend on but him. (That's why he hid your shoes, purse, etc.) Don't let that happen. Also, find an attorney who's good at divorce and child support cases, even if you don't plan to take any action right now, because you'll probably need one at some point in the future.

JCF commented on Dec 15 09 at 12:37 pm

This is the craziest shit ever. If abortion and adoption aren't options here, when are they? Serious Drama: If it's not too late, get an abortion. If you can't live with that, let your baby at least have a half shot at a normal life and look into open adoption. Then, get your tubes tied, pronto.

You're fucked in the head and also selfish. Your kids don't deserve to have a trifecta of nutbars as mom/dad/uncle/dad/whatever. It wouldn't surprise me if your jailbird lovers molested your kids down the road.

Also, once your kids are in better homes with parents who can nurture and protect them, you and your lovers will be free to engage in all your David Lynchian shenanigans without worrying about the actual hard work and sacrifice that goes into parenting. I'd say that's win-win for al involved.

Yuki commented on Dec 15 09 at 6:48 pm

"Why continue to have penetrative sex with man with larger than life penis?" - Uh, Mary Johns, doesn't that question answer itself?

Flynn commented on Dec 15 09 at 7:28 pm

Yes, it does answer itself and the answer is "you should not." Especially if you bleed all the time after. Methinks her body's trying to tell her something.

Mary Johns commented on Dec 15 09 at 8:48 pm

Serious Drama is anything but. And if it ain't a fake letter, the girl's a human write-off. Please step in front of a bus. And Miss Information? Please be a bit more discerning with your choice of letters. Jesus.

PO commented on Dec 17 09 at 5:59 am

My God, I thought my life was complicated. Serious Drama makes me feel like Pollyanna. What a complete and utter total f*cking miserable mess.

Emily Thom commented on Dec 17 09 at 12:31 pm

i find that its better to come off as a hypochondriac at the gyno, that way they explain things a lot more and sometimes show you diagrams :) i recently had a cervical cancer scare and after being asked many questions, the doc pretty much told me everything she knew

sassypants commented on Dec 17 09 at 9:53 pm

Hey, Serious Drama. Why isn't anyone addressing the former relationship you have with your husband? The fact that he used to be your step-father's friend could have a lot to do with the amount of control this man seems to have over you. I am guessing you met him as a younger teenager? Even though you are older now, it's hard to get beyond the initial state of mind you had when you met this man. You are a mother now and you are aware enough that the situation is flawed to seek advice for it, so now it is time to take the next step.

This is the time to call in favors to any reliable family members or friends you have and start to pull out of the situation. If you think physical harm is at all possible, seek help from a legal aid office immediately who can help you get a restraining order or relocate to a safe place. While restraining orders don't offer much practical help, it could help you prove that this man is potentially dangerous if he later tries to gain custody of your children. Both men are flawed. Seek counseling for yourself and remember that before they can speak, your children are learning how to model themselves after you. Just ask yourself, every choice you make, if this is the choice you would want for your children if they were in a similar relationship. Also, remember that children of people who have been in prison are statistically more likely to end up in jail. Seek out a mate who will be a positive influence in your life and who you want your children to look up to.

Disregard the harsh words you see from people who have no way of knowing your background or anything leading up to the choices you've made. You are stronger than you realize and you will make it.

Miss Information - kudos to treating her question with respect and being, as always, insightful.

Rhoda commented on Dec 18 09 at 3:03 pm

Letter #1: Yes, Springer is a solution + run away from both of them.

Letter #2. And I thought women always preferred it to be bigger.

lee commented on Dec 18 09 at 5:13 pm

Rhoda has a point there. This relationship was doomed from the first three sentences of her letter. What SANE 33-year-old impregnates his friend's 19-year-old stepdaughter????

Were more warning signs needed?

SG commented on Dec 19 09 at 9:15 pm

With regards to letter #2, I actually don't think its the cervix or the penis but perhaps a case of chlamydia -- as spotting and irregular bleeding are the #1 symptom in women. make sure to get checked out

lw commented on Jan 03 10 at 2:44 am

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