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Sex Advice From People on Chattroulette

Laurel, 20

What's the best way to pick someone up on Chatroulette?
It's all about first impressions. There has to be something about you that'll catch your beholder's eye, because you know their finger is already poised on the 'next' button. Find your best angle and flash a big smile. Or try dancing around.

What has Chatroulette taught you about dating?
It taught me that the most interesting relationships are often short-lived. You can't get discouraged when the person you're connecting with moves on to the next, there will always be someone else out there looking for the same thing as you.laurel

I'm in a monogamous relationship, but I like jerking off with people over the internet. Is this cheating? Should I tell my partner?
Definitely don't tell your partner. You are creepy, and if they haven't figured it out yet, telling them is just not going to help the situation. In a world where technology is rapidly changing our social mores, it's hard to say if this is cheating. Let's just say what happens on the internet stays on the internet.

My girlfriend says I suck at going down on her. What should I do?
Make some lesbian friends, read some erotica, pick up Cunnilingus for Dummies. WikiHow probably has an article on it. Just don't keep trying, it won't be fun for anyone involved. You can try to ask her what she likes, but remember that girls don't like to tell you what they really want.

I want to tape my boyfriend and I having sex; how should I bring it up?
He hasn't asked you yet? You shouldn't be too worried he'll turn you down, but this is not something that should be talked about anywhere but the bedroom. Leave the video camera in there next time you two are going to crack open a bottle of wine. He'll get the hint.

Is texting an acceptable way to cancel a date?
OMG yes. Regardless of your reasons, this conversation is going to be awkward. Be a real asshole and try to keep it under ten words. Don't bother to spellcheck. In fact, don't even spell out the word 'you'. And definitely don't apologize. You should probably do it on Valentine's Day.

Do I sound bitter?

I just found out my current girlfriend and my ex are casual friends. The last relationship ended badly. Should I bring this up with my current girl before the ex does?
Did the last relationship end badly because of something you did? You should probably find a way to start some drama between the two girls before your ex finds out you're dating her friend. Or you could always try apologizing to your ex and mending that relationship so that you can both move on.

Comments ( 19 )

One time a girl canceled on a date with me by text. She then flipped out when I later admitted (on our date, which eventually happened) that this kind of behavior isn't exactly celebrated in most social circles. But that was six years ago and I'm pretty sure it's the norm now, sadly.

Brian Fairbanks commented on Feb 26 10 at 2:01 am

Raise your hand if you think Laurel gives the worst advice ever. She's also pretty cute and funny, though.

Me commented on Feb 26 10 at 4:54 am

Laurel gives the worst advice ever.

Joe commented on Feb 26 10 at 8:26 am

Is texting an appropriate way to cancel a date? "OMG yes" - best response out of the bunch. Extra points for managing to convey subtly and tone via chatroulette.

Ben commented on Feb 26 10 at 10:17 am

As far as telling a partner you jerk of with other people online- YES, you need to, because you WILL get caught and if you've been all secretive about it, your partner may not believe that's all you were up to. It's better to just come clean from the beginning- if you act like it's totally normal, your partner will feel more comfortable about the whole thing.

CD commented on Feb 26 10 at 11:00 am

Fantastic idea and perfectly done! Love this.

kopper commented on Feb 26 10 at 11:22 am

@Brian Fairbanks - The following scenario is going to someday happen:

A girl is going to give a lame lie as to why she can't go out with a guy. He's going to spend the night on chatroulette. He will see her there.

That is the first redeeming thing I can think of about chatroulette.

Dan commented on Feb 26 10 at 11:47 am

Taking someone out to brunch makes everything less awkward.

Bernard commented on Feb 26 10 at 11:48 am

err...jerking off with other people is me. geez

Esmee commented on Feb 26 10 at 12:02 pm

i'd hit it.

tu-night commented on Feb 26 10 at 2:13 pm


bam commented on Feb 26 10 at 6:36 pm

is it just coincidence that both girls said "no, dont tell your partner" about jerking off with other people and the guy said "yes you have to."

dylan commented on Feb 27 10 at 7:50 am

It would be a good idea to say something. I'm female and wouldn't find it that big a deal if he did and just told me, i would be fine with it. But if he hid it and i found out, that would piss me off because i would take it as a more personal, bigger thing than it probably would be.

aj commented on Feb 27 10 at 12:29 pm

I was in a situation where my partner was hiding the fact that he was sexy chatting with people online-- it was pretty hurtful but I don't know if I'd have wanted to known while we were dating anyways.

Also how can someone suggest 'cunnilingus for dummies'? Geez. My advice is to have your bitch of a girlfriend tell you what the hell you're doing wrong, not to read generalized advice that might not help.

DD commented on Feb 27 10 at 5:10 pm

Maybe the girl has never had good oral? She just knows she doesn't like what he's doing - this happened to me. I couldn't give direction because I didn't know what he should be doing either. Then I met a boy with lesbian friends and they told him and it's been a whole new world since (bless you lesbians who share your oral secrets)

jd commented on Mar 02 10 at 4:12 am


commented on Mar 16 10 at 4:21 am

this girl gives terrible advice.

commented on Apr 06 10 at 9:01 pm

"I like jerking off with people over the internet, is this cheating?" -- I think you have to be prepared to tell your partner because it's a gray area that could seem like cheating to your partner, even if it doesn't seem that way to you. How would you feel if they were doing what you're doing?
Set boundaries together -- maybe you BOTH enjoy jerking off to chatrouletters! Maybe you'll have to agree that it's off limits. Decide what works for you as a couple.

chatrlady commented on Apr 15 10 at 10:14 am

What do you think?

hjik commented on Apr 27 10 at 4:57 pm

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