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Miss Info

Dear Miss Information,

A little while ago, I met a guy through the personals on this website. We hit it off on the first date. Soon after, I found out that he's the Creative Director at a major multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporation. I'm unemployed; I'm in major grad school debt; I'm disorganized, and my house is (always) a disaster.

Tomorrow he's coming to pick me up for a date. I'm not going to let him inside to see my mess. At some point, though, he's going to find out that I'm a total disaster. So my question is — how can I get him to either not find out, or not care? — Ashamedly Disorganized Disaster

Dear Ashamedly Disorganized Disaster,

Wait a minute, you're unemployed?! In this economy? How dare you. There's a word for people like you. It's called "just about half of everyone I know." And what's this about having debt? It better not be a penny higher than the $43,874 everybody else owes. I can't believe you squandered it on something as frivolous as grad school. (Personally, I would have bought a pet monkey and hired this guy as my personal chauffeur.)

You're a bit of a slob. What exactly are we talking about? Quirky free spirit with a bathtub ring, or casting call for Hoarders? If it's the latter, then put the dating on hold and get some help. Therapy's the best solution, but if you're cash-poor you can look into cleaning services and professional organizers. Some websites have barter sections where you can trade your grad school expertise for cleaning help. My guess? You're cleaner than you think you are. Gather some outside opinions before you go making assumptions.

While we're on the subject, why does all this equate with you being "a total disaster" of a person? Just because someone appears to have their shit together doesn't mean anything at all. My day job is in advertising and you know what I hear when I hear "Creative Director"? Someone who works too much, travels too much, has given up all the dreams they once had as a young art student and is stressed out of their fucking gourd. They're in a creative job but don't get to be creative because of pesky things like clients and lawyers. Thus, they smother their feelings with artisanal tequila, reruns of Mad Men, and expensive Japanese sneakers. (No offense, boss.)

Most people are okay with flaws. They're less okay with liars. I think it's good a move not to invite him in to see your filth but you also don't have to give him any more information than is required. "I'm doing some work on it, it's pretty torn up right now," should hold you for a few more dates.

In the meantime, actually do some work, on your house and yourself. Unemployment isn't a dealbreaker if you're actively trying to get a job. Neither is debt, if you're not spending like a ninny. You'd be surprised what warmth, charm, and good manners can do for overcoming perceived flaws. The prize doesn't go to the person that's best on paper but the person that's best in person.

Readers, have you ever met a person that didn't meet any of your dating criteria and is now your one-and-only? What about a person that seemed like Mr./Ms. Perfect who turned out to be a big disappointment?

Dear Miss Information,

I have a boyfriend I care deeply about. I also have non-stop lust for a guy I know. He's not sexier, hotter, in better shape, or in any way superior to my boyfriend. However, I can't help but want him ALL THE TIME. I'm trying so hard not to cheat because I know this guy wants me too. How can I get over him?! Help! — Pheromones Gone Wrong

Dear Pheromones Gone Wrong,

Let's start by taking some of the danger, excitement, and adventure out of it. Everyone in long-term monogamous relationships gets crushes. Everyone. This is not a case of two would-be lovers versus The World. It might feel like that, but his penis and your vagina are in no way original.

No doubt you feel a lot of guilt, which can be good. I know what you're thinking — "Guilt is good, whaaa?" But it all depends on how you process it. When those bad feelings hit, you can say, "This is just my brain and body telling me that whatever I'm doing probably isn't right for me," or you can say, "Might as well screw that person, because I am and will always be a complete fuck-up." The idea isn't to reward yourself for acting shady, more to keep reminding yourself of who you are and, more importantly, who you want to continue to be. Resisting temptation requires self-confidence. The ability to say "no" when someone is showing interest because you know there are already two other people who think you're hot-as-balls: you, and your partner.

It's also the ability to act in your own self-interest. You know that scene in Office Space where the cheesy guys from middle management tell employees to ask themselves before making any and all decisions, "Is this good for the company?" It's funny because it's so asinine and simplistic, but substitute "the relationship" for "the company" and what's muddled becomes crystal clear. Check it out:

Q: Should I maintain a friendship with Hot Guy?

A: Is it good for the relationship?

Q: Should I respond to Hot Guy's late-night texts?

A: Is it good for the relationship?

Q: Should I go out of my way to be around Hot Guy when my boyfriend is absent and Jack Daniels and Jose Cuervo are the only other people around?

A: Is it good for the relationship?

At the same time you're getting that under control, you should also be thinking about the underlying causes. Cheating is rarely about the person you cheat with. There are a zillion hot people out there, and you yourself already said he's in no way as great as your boyfriend. Are you bored? Lonely? Anxious? Spending too much time with your boyfriend? Channel that crush energy into figuring it out. Be rude to Hot Guy if you have to. Whatever it takes to neutralize his influence. You don't owe an explanation to someone who's flirting with a taken person. One must act quickly and decisively when in survival mode.

Readers, have you ever come thisclose to cheating? How did you avoid it? Do you think it's a good idea to share your near miss with the person you're seeing or are they better off not knowing?

Photography: Inatsuka
Hair & Makeup: Nevio Ragazzini

Comments ( 39 )

Tell your boyfriend that you want a threesome - hot, horny, and everyone honest and happy. Think about it...two at once! They would bothenjoy it, too.

hb commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:24 am

If Ashamedly Disorganized can lead Creative Director to her bed without either of them getting injured tripping over stuff, and if the sheets and pillowcases have been changed within the past 30 days, she's absolutely fine.

Heterosexual men don't give a second thought to a woman's house being messy. We're just happy to be there, if we're actually attracted to her, and if we're not, we wouldn't give her an opportunity to invite us home. And if she's reasonably clean and willing, we'll be back.

Any man who claims otherwise... well I did say ''heterosexual man''

hm commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:55 am

That ''reasonably clean'' refers to having taken a shower within the past few days and being free of STIs, not a contradiction regarding the housekeeping.

hm commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:58 am

I've gotten very, VERY close to cheating before. With a girl who I was, admittedly attracted to, but was mostly just drunk.
We'd skinny dipped all night with our friends, and when it came time for bed she was "cold". Spooning led to caressing, and our lips grazing the others. I discovered she was wearing no panties when I tried to warm up her legs. When she touched my penis it was like getting woken up from a dream. I moved to a different couch, and it was a huge wake up call not to put myself in situations like that ever again.

Ryan commented on Apr 12 10 at 2:00 am

Important to distinguish between 'messy' and 'dirty'. Papers strewn about, sagging shelves, worn couches, etc., that's messy or says you don't have a lot of money. Unclean bathrooms, half-eaten food sitting out, sweat-stained pillowcases, well, that's dirty, and it's a big turnoff (or it's a bro house).

Ladies (and gentlemen): just apply some reasonable TLC to your place, and you're good. Perfection not needed, just make an effort.

normalized het guy commented on Apr 12 10 at 2:23 am

@hb if her boyfriend and the hot guy are gay, they may indeed enjoy a MMF threesome. If not? Not so much. No straight man wants another dude in the room while he's banging a girl.

PO commented on Apr 12 10 at 7:54 am

@ PO - That's what you think, matey, and it's vastly different from my experiences. :D

CS commented on Apr 12 10 at 8:29 am

1. In the first question if the dude is straight he's not going to give a shit if her place is a mess or if she's unemployed. He'll worry about whether or not she turns him on and if he can get in her panties. For the first few dates nothing else matters at all - all we care about is if you are not clearly crazy, don't bore us to tears, look reasonably attractive and want to have sex with us. If we make it past those dates it probably means we like you and if we like you the rest of it doesn't matter that much.

2. This is going to be politically incorrect, but she should just bone the dude. That will make he realize he's not all that and get over it. Just do it in a way that doesn't hurt your boyfriend. If she puts off boning him she'll just end up wanting him more and it will hurt her primary relationship.

Bart commented on Apr 12 10 at 8:47 am

If you're unemployed, I'm not sure what the big deal is about cleaning your house. You should have plenty of time. If you take it one room a day, it won't seem so overwhelming, and it's not like you have to aim to have the Mr. Clean Show-House. If you've invited him into your home, and he's not tripping over piles of dirty dishes and landing on dust bunnies that have mutated into new life forms, his mind is going to be on other things.

JCF commented on Apr 12 10 at 8:48 am

If the second letter-writer just gives in and bones the other guy, then even if that does get him off her mind (which I doubt, unless he's really awful at sex), she'll just start lusting after third not-yet-met guy. She needs to learn that it's OK to be tempted, and when you are, you don't put yourself in situations where it would be easy to act on that temptation and get away with it.

JCF commented on Apr 12 10 at 9:00 am

@ Ryan: by most girlfriends' definitions, you cheated with the first spoon, and crossed the line at the first caress/lip-graze. You may have stopped yourself from rounding the bases, which may keep it within forgivable limits for some girls, but I know others--including my own--would feel like you already went too far.

JD commented on Apr 12 10 at 9:37 am

@PO Some straight guys are into it. Not all, but some. Desiring it doesn't make you gay. Desiring to have and MMF sans F is what makes you gay, or at least bi, or just possible a very strong people pleaser.

Dan commented on Apr 12 10 at 9:59 am

Hi buddy, I find the world is lying. Blackwhitedate(dot)com, it seems to be a dating site. But in fact, it is a pornographic website. I found many hot, sexy videos there...

geda commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:36 am


Yeah, back in college my best friend and I fingercuffed a couple girls. It's fun to get a blow job while watching a girl get fucked.

Bart commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:39 am

Unfortunately, I don't think there has to be anything wrong with her relationship with the boyfriend (like that she's spending too much time with him), in order for her to want other people.
Most people just aren't born to be monogamous.
But yes, I think she should try to fight it, because it will certainly not be worth it, and she should take pride in having that kind of self control.

Nomi commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:50 am

Personally, the way that someone lives is something that I consider as much as anything else when taking stock of them. It's not that hard to clean up after yourself, like someone else said, take it one room at a time. Take pride in yourself and your living arrangement and you'll ultimately be more attractive to another person anyway.

arf commented on Apr 12 10 at 11:08 am

Dear Miss,

Its me. Yeah, you know. The guy who has been lusting after you for a good while now. I used to write you to tell you how hot you are. But this weekend, I go over you. Yeah, that's right. Its over.

You really aren't that hot. I think it was just a phase for me. Sorry to break it to you this way.

Take care,


PS, don't wory, you'll find someone.

PJC commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:03 pm

I decided not to date a great girl because I wanted to get my life in order first. I was working a job that made me unhappy (and it didn't even pay well). Not that I feel a career or money are necessary to win a person's heart but I didn't want to be with such a promising girl and be the mopey one in the relationship. No one deserves that situation.

matteo commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:04 pm

Every time someone I know says they're thinking about the topic of cheating I propose an open relationship. I think that if you've got a pretty cool partnership there's no reason you can't both sleep with other people too. I like the book The Ethical Slut, that helped me a lot. I'm not saying there's no jealousy and no fights, there will be, but it's better for me now.

I think she should at least consider it. Who knows, her boyfriend might say sure!

iw commented on Apr 12 10 at 1:46 pm

Just goes to show...hoes will be hoes.

Damien Thorne commented on Apr 12 10 at 2:48 pm

i find it super duper hard not to cheat, even when i'm dating somebody really good. well, at first it's not hard to not cheat b/c the person is new, the sex is new, everything is new like the world was made just for you! then of course routine starts to set in and possibly boredom and pretty soon your privates are tingling all the time for someone else. i think i need to meet the most powerfully sexual mate of all time so that i never think of anyone else ever and we quit our jobs to fornicate full time until we die in each others arms.

bugz commented on Apr 12 10 at 4:33 pm

Under the heading of, "have you ever met a person that didn’t meet any of your dating criteria and is now your one-and-only?" Well, I don't do "one and only" (see above, re: Ethical Slut) but otherwise, it's something my boyfriend and I joke about frequently. When I met him he was chubby (I've always liked super scrawny men), significantly younger than me (never thought of myself as the "cougar" type), thought he was submissive (I'm not a giant S&M type, but when I do play, I like to bottom), and didn't like anal sex (one of my favorite things). Oh, he also didn't think he could handle a nonmonogamous relationship. As we always say, thank heavens for pheromones! He was totally wrong for me, but somehow he just smelled right. Three years later, he's still a little chubby, still a lot younger . . . but super smart, cool, mature, etc. And he's learned that playing rough in the bedroom is actually a lot of fun. And that ethical nonmonogamy works for him after all. If I'd read his profile online, I would never have contacted him. Luckily, we met at a dance class (he's also an amazing dancer, which helped me fall for him). Yay pheromones and counterintuitive choices!

anathema commented on Apr 12 10 at 5:36 pm

I like the article's suggestions on the monogamous question. One question that seems to be missing from the equations is this "Is she growing with the relationship and is it going somewhere?" Doesn't matter where that is but after a point a relationship that is just hanging out is going to get stale. Plan a vacation. Plan a summer. Plan on moving in together. Something. Without that biology says "Find someone with a plan."

Oh and about the messy house. If she's unemployed and her place is a wreck what the heck is she doing with her time? She should suggest a movie and a bottle of wine at his house. He could be just as messy or even worse. If his pad could be on the cover of a magazine then maybe they're not made for each other. Then she should sample him then split.

Cabbage Ron commented on Apr 12 10 at 8:01 pm

Don't hang out with him. Done. I don't get what's so hard about this. You don't want to get into trouble, get the hell out of Dodge.

LF commented on Apr 12 10 at 8:16 pm

And what should I do if I'm the unemployed fuck up with the grad school loans(110k, thanks; and a lawyer, thanks again for the dig) - and my boyfriend is the self made entrepreneur who drives the mercedes (and I hate showy cars, my saturn loves me and i love it) and I'm the one who lives with my (awesome) parents and mess up all the time? What then? He loves me to death, would never ever cheat, and really likes me. It's funny - i was literally crying about it, since what I Did do was break up with him. 7 pm (central). About an hour before I read your column.

oh no no commented on Apr 12 10 at 9:39 pm

if you're so tempted to cheat, there's no possible way your boyfriend is "great." the whole point of being with someone is not BOTHERING to cheat.

she commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:24 pm is for interracial women and men looking to find a partner or a date.
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geda commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:27 pm

People, male and female, are genetically programmed to cheat. The virtue in relationships and marriage is resisting the urge, which is exactly what Pheremones Gone Wrong has sought help with here.

Eric commented on Apr 12 10 at 10:46 pm

Nobody has suggested the obvious fix for the second letter:

She needs to break up with her boyfriend, and let him move on to someone who respects him and desires him enough to not seriously think she can't control herself around random guys when she's horny.

p.s.: Bart, considering your fetish, I'm not sure you're a neutral authority on cheating girlfriends or threesomes.

M commented on Apr 12 10 at 11:12 pm


When have I ever claimed to be neutral about anything?

Bart commented on Apr 13 10 at 1:57 am

@iw The Ethical Slut is a book about polyamorous lesbian relationships. There's nothing in that book that pertains to anything about heterosexual relationships. But I agree with others, if she's in a good relationship, she should be able to open up about her sexual needs / wants.

LittleBill commented on Apr 13 10 at 10:36 am

@LittleBill, you are wrong. There are men, and het relationships, described in that book. Did you actually read it, or just skim it?

MRI commented on Apr 13 10 at 1:28 pm

I read that bloody book as well hoping to learn more about open relationships. It was a bunch o' bollocks about lesbos and how they can sleep around while maintaining "primary" relationships. Bollocks, all of it.

Wayne commented on Apr 13 10 at 2:47 pm

I would not say the book the 'Ethical Slut' is bollocks there are some interesting things in it and some that do not apply to me or you. Like any book you take the parts you think might apply to your situation and discard the parts that don't. Needless to say there is much written about open relationships and I think the most important is to design an agreement that you both can live with and understand it is a living agreement that will change and evolve over the course of your relationship. :)

cjt commented on Apr 14 10 at 7:26 am

ASDD- Anything is possible. Two of my unbreakable rules were do not date someone more than a few years younger and do not date somebody fresh out of a relationship. Throw in hoarding and extreme slobbiness on top of that, and I wouldn't have dated this guy with a 10 foot pole... on paper. And yet, we've been together for one extremely happy year. When the chemistry is there, that's all that matters. Everything else is communication and compromise.

aj commented on Apr 14 10 at 6:32 pm

Re: Disaster Girl: It's a self image issue. Re-invent yourself. Use the potential relationship as motivation. Come up with your own ideas about organization and start. Clean what you can. Have fun with it. Until you get it how you want it, there's nothing wrong with "Be right out!" when he knocks -- just be ready on time.

Re: Overcome by Lust: People act in their own interests. Hurting others can be a consequence. Be prepared to deal with that. If in the end you alienate both men, you'll have to deal with that too. You may get everything you want by doing whatever you want, but what are the odds?

Jake commented on Apr 14 10 at 10:37 pm

In a perfect world, PGW would bone the guy a couple times and find out one of three things: (1) she likes this guy better and should be with him; (2) she likes her boyfriend better and can newly appreciate him; or (3) neither one of them can fully meet her needs alone, and she should either keep or dump both of them. But instead, she probably won't bone the guy, and will nurse a kernel of resentment against her boyfriend.

This is one reason I've never really understood strict monogamy, even though I've always practiced it. All it seems to do is to intensify our desire to fuck other people, and make relationships into prisons. Sting may be a douche, but "if you love somebody, set them free" is the truth.

a perfect world commented on Apr 15 10 at 2:55 am

The first time I was in my now-boyfriend's antiseptic clean house, I was really, really embarrassed about the generally disheveled state of my apartment -- to the point that I deep-cleaned the front half and shut off the back half before I let him in to see me. Then I found out he has a cleaning lady -- in fact, has a cleaning lady because his friends intervened and informed him he has terrible cleaning habits. Now, I think he finds my disorganization kind of charming -- he's an engineer and is sort of orderly by nature. I'm a writer and not anywhere near orderly by nature. We don't have to be awesome at the same things, and keeping a neat home is one of those things.

CAK commented on Apr 16 10 at 3:05 pm

wow, i feel like that first letter could have been written by me since i spent so much of the past year (and last) unemployed and living in absolutely squalor. any great guy i met, i convinced myself that nothing was going to happen simply because i wasn't good enough. how much of a catch could i possibly be with no job and an apartment packed to the ceiling with empty boxes and cat hairballs nearly bigger than the cats themselves?

anyway, a job (or lack of one) does not define us. neither does a little mess. if the guy likes you, he likes you. just don't take him back to your place until you de-clutter, clean and change the sheets. until you do, hang out at his place because he's probably got a bigger bed, a nicer television and a better view.

awesomeslut commented on Apr 17 10 at 6:01 pm

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