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Sex Advice From People With Lip Rings

By Ryan Lavalette

DB, 24

What has having a lip ring taught you about dating?
Apparently people think that if you have a lip ring that you're into freaky stuff. At first I was a little offended and then I was did they know? But really, it makes a difference with how people initially receive you. Especially parents.

What's the best reason to date someone with a lip ring?
'Cause biting your lip looks so much damn cuter with a lip ring.

My boyfriend wants to get a piercing that I'm not crazy about. Is there any way to talk him out of this, or do I just need to learn to live with it?
Okay, so I dated this guy who was growing a beard and it kinda made him look like Shel Silverstein. I told him it was his face — he could do what he wanted with it. But after a while it creeped me out so much that I couldn't have sex with him. So you have to ask yourself how un-crazy about this piercing are you? If it's enough that it's going to affect how you feel about him then tell him, but if not, then know that piercings come out and heal up later. Just don't let him get a nose ring, those look really lame on guys.

What's the most bizarre thing you've had to face in the bedroom?
A keyboard. We thought it'd be funny to play the national anthem while doing it. I don't even remember if I got off, I was just laughing too hard.

If a girl is pretty but dumber than rocks, I can't get over it no matter how cute she is. Does intelligence play a factor in your romantic choices, or can their looks outweigh anything?
Aw, is this the girl who brings cupcakes to a group presentation because she didn't do any work? Here's the thing, I'm all for banging hot chicks — it's awesome — but no one is hot forever. In my opinion, no amount of pretty can make up for not being able to spell your own name.

What's one mistake guys/girls always make when it comes to foreplay?
Just one? Everyone feels different about foreplay so maybe the biggest mistake people make is thinking that if the last girl (or guy) was in love with that one move you do that the next one will love it too. Other than that you have other mistakes like too much foreplay making too little sex, trying too many foreplay moves, being systematic...

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Miss Information: We're just friends — until we get drunk and naked. 

Comments ( 8 )

Lip rings may not *be* gross, but they look gross. Unless you're right up close, it looks like you have a cold sore, and that makes me not want to get close enough that I'll find out the truth. Way to go, ringers.

PO commented on Apr 23 10 at 4:25 am

The only thing worse are those nose-danglers. NOBODY looks good in those. It's like you have perma-snot.

PO commented on Apr 23 10 at 4:28 am

How about you do a segment "sex advice from spanish women" it will be so much better than this.

shlous commented on Apr 23 10 at 9:42 am

yo PO, maybe you just mad you don't get any play, lip rings are hot and freaky.

letsgomathias commented on Apr 23 10 at 9:51 am

I've only kissed on girl with a lip ring, but it was pretty good, PO.

I must say, if it's positioned just right on the lip, major turn-on. A nose stud is really, really hot too.

Dan commented on Apr 23 10 at 10:09 am

@mathias, "play"? What are you, 60?

PO commented on Apr 23 10 at 3:05 pm

I'm guessing that tongue rings would inspire even better responses. Because why the hell would someone spike their tongue.

potter commented on Apr 23 10 at 4:31 pm

What do you think?

Name commented on Apr 24 10 at 3:46 am

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