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Notable Republicans' daughters have been so feisty lately! Meghan McCain is the obvious example, but there's also Bristol Palin telling her mother to stop going after the "lame-stream media" since she is a powerful media figure herself. I love it. Three incidents would officially make it a trend (or enough to claim it's a trend), and now we have Barbara Bush, daughter of our 43rd president, speaking out in favor of marriage equality in New York:

Thanks for the support, Babs. (I can call her "Babs" because we're close like that.) Now work those political connections, girl! I know you must have some.

Commentarium (10 Comments)

Feb 01 11 - 10:49am


Feb 01 11 - 11:45am

Wonder what family dinner at the Bush compound will be like now....

Feb 01 11 - 12:17pm

Who cares? Its not like the majority of people today are not in favor of it. Seriously? Oh the daughter of a republican is for same sex marriage like that's supposed to be taboo or something? Please. Grow up.

Feb 01 11 - 12:44pm

I do give her credit for stepping out of her father's party line. Say what you will about her, that takes some guts.

Feb 01 11 - 1:51pm

She's late stepping on the party line. Bush's VP was stepping on back when he was in office.

Feb 01 11 - 2:49pm

I suspect that if you fed W some truth serum, he'd say, "Eh, who cares? Let the gays do what they want." Remember, he (and Cheney, too) is from the corporate-money wing of the party, not the social-reactionary wing. The corporate-money types pander to the social-reactionaries to get elected, but deep down, they just don't give a crap about what people do, so long as it doesn't interfere with corporate profiteering.

Mar 27 11 - 12:51pm

here! here!

Feb 01 11 - 3:44pm

@profrobert: True enough, but he still had to pander to the base to get elected, which includes the usual sexually repressed agenda that passes for family values with the trailer-and-shotgun set.

Feb 01 11 - 5:02pm

@MEH: Yes, yes, absolutely. That's why the corporate-money wingnuts mouth the social-reactionary line. I just think they do so cynically to get elected, not because they genuinely believe it.

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