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Lars von Trier banned from Cannes after Nazi comments

Oh, Lars. Do you see where completely inappropriate jokes that aren't even funny to begin with get you? That's right: they get you booted from the most prestigious film festival in the world. (Maybe it's because France has kind of an awkward history with Nazis? Just guessing.) Because even though von Trier apologized for his "I'm a Nazi, I understand where Hitler was coming from," comments, the Cannes Film Festival has decided that he is no longer welcome. Possibly forever:

The board of directors profoundly regrets that this forum has been used by Lars von Trier to express comments that are unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that preside over the very existence of the festival. The Board of Directors firmly condemns these comments and declares Lars von Trier a persona non grata at the Festival de Cannes, with effect immediately.

Shiiiiiiiiit. I didn't think people even used the term "persona non grata" in its original sense anymore. I know some people will see this as overkill, especially since it was pretty obvious that von Trier was doing his usual "look at me, I'm being so naughty" shtick, but... come on. The dude said "I am a Nazi," and while he's totally free to say it, or be it, there are repercussions to that kind of statement, especially when said in a country that only came out from under Nazi control sixty-seven years ago. And like I said, it wasn't funny — it was just awkward. Plus, I'm sure he'll be welcomed back soon enough, because he's an auteur and those guys seem to get passes on a lot of things.

Besides: it's not really transgressing unless you get some blowback, right, Lars?

More About Lars von Trier

Comments ( 18 )

May 19 11 at 9:39 am

The man's plan got him banned from Cannes but invited to the Klan.

May 19 11 at 10:08 am
Grady LaLa

I guess I will Nazi his movies ever again.

May 19 11 at 11:25 am

I'll give it to you - that was very well done.

May 19 11 at 11:26 am

Oh yeah, this is champion for sure.

May 19 11 at 4:43 pm

that was semi-cringe worthy, but i'm glad it happened

May 20 11 at 10:35 am

Bravo. Ouch, but bravo.

May 19 11 at 10:12 am

so Cannes bans a fool for something he said but deifies Roman Polanski????

May 19 11 at 10:13 am

Which is exactly why I think he'll be welcomed back with open arms.

May 19 11 at 7:26 pm
La Marseillaise

The key here from my POV is: Polanski successfully being on the run was the living embodiment of giving the USA the middle finger, so why wouldn't that appeal to French sensibilities? They weren't embracing Polanski in a personal sense, they were embracing what his sheer free physical presence embodied. Lars convoluted meanderings could in no way be viewed as giving a middle finger to the memory of the Nazis, quite the opposite. Why would the French continue to embrace someone who could even begun to be thought of as embodying such?

In short, I see no incongruence in their attitudes towards each director, and I wouldn't expect their attitude towards Lars to change.

May 20 11 at 1:45 am

I agree.

May 21 11 at 2:45 am

I think it is kind of an over reaction, personally, but then I don' t really care either and am not really about to defend Lars.

May 19 11 at 2:49 pm

You do realize Von Trier himself comes from a country that was under Nazi rule 67 years ago, right?
Which excuses nothing, but still. It's a deep hole of a bad joke he can't dig himself out of, but the selective outrage of the festival is indeed interesting.

May 20 11 at 7:33 am

Unfortunate there is no medal of idiocy handed out at Canne but he really should get it . This gaff is largely down to his own use or miss use of the English language. What the whole thing make your own mind up.

May 20 11 at 7:36 am

watchthe whole thing... not what the whole thing.

May 20 11 at 7:44 am

Poor Lars. Shoulda just raped someone instead - then the European intellectual community would have immediately rushed to your defense instead of condemning you!

May 20 11 at 9:54 am

Sad. Pooh on you Cannes.

May 22 11 at 11:32 pm

I'm honestly not even sure the dude was joking. I mean, first of all, who makes jokes about Hitler and the Nazis? As the first sentence of this article astutely points out, such jokes are obviously not funny. And it wasn't just a lame one-liner. He kept going and going. Kind of like his films. Seriously, the dude slaughtered a donkey on the set of one of his films--which so offensive that John C. Reilly walked off the set and quit the film.

Lars has always been a mediocre filmmaker that has profited from making movies that are outrageous and downright ridiculous (and usually involve some sort of rape scenes). The "murder" sequence in Dancer in the Dark was laughably absurd, as was the subsequent trial scenes, where America (slash evil capitalism) executes an innocent (and sand and blind) communism.

And the whole Dogme 95 thing is beyond stale--it's just plain boring. Let's make a movie where the houses are drawn in chalk on the ground! Enter Dogville. Oh yeah, and let's make America this time a rapist.

Lars von sure does love to hate him some America. The sad thing is the Mr. von Trier has never even been to this country. Dude is a fraud, pure and simple.

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