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Marcus and Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann's equally loony husband is doing his best to defend his Christian counseling clinic, which many claim is anti-gay. Don't worry, Marcus Bachmann will only try to "pray your gay away" if you ask him to. Unless a homosexual explicitly asks to be "turned" hetero, "reparative" therapy will not be offered. According to the Star Tribune:

Bachmann's comments followed several national media reports this week that featured an undercover video made by a gay advocacy group in which a counselor at Bachmann & Associates is shown practicing "reparative" therapy, a process aimed at helping a gay person become heterosexual. In the therapy sessions, gay rights activist John Becker posed as a conflicted homosexual who wanted a conversion ... "This individual came to us under a false pretense,'' Bachmann said. "The truth of the matter is he specifically asked for help.''

See, Bachmann's just giving the people what they ask for, even if those people happen to be "barbarians" he despises. And yes, he's denying that he ever called them that too. Who knew Michele's husband would be an even bigger liability to her campaign then herself?

Commentarium (24 Comments)

Jul 15 11 - 8:25pm

"Christian"... "anti-gay".... synonyms.

Jul 15 11 - 9:15pm

Nah. You need to put your bigotry aside and look more objectively.

Jul 15 11 - 10:42pm

Oh, damn! I'll have to apologize for that, "@DDS". Apparently I mis-read all those references to homosexuality in the christian bible. Silly me! I'll just put aside my bigotry and take another look at the bible - but more objectively this time.... hmmm (leafing through pages), nope.

"Christian"... "anti-gay"... still synonyms.

Jul 16 11 - 11:23am

And still wrong, DDS.

Jul 16 11 - 4:37pm

Apparently we're reading different bibles...

Jul 16 11 - 5:01pm

You must be reading the gay version.

Jul 17 11 - 3:01pm

You need to find the Unabridged Troll Version so you can keep up with me.

Jul 17 11 - 5:41pm


Jul 20 11 - 8:39pm

I'd fuck her, but I wouldn't vote for her.

Jul 16 11 - 10:21pm

God what fucking bigots. Somebody asked them to "cure" him of his homosexuality, and when they tried, they get villified by all these unbiased websites like Hooksexup.

We all know that curing homosexuality is impossible, not to mention homophobic. But taping someone verbally asking for such a service, then acting like it's the most evil thing imaginable? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Jul 17 11 - 2:50am

The reason people are upset by centers that claim to cure people of being gay is because it is treating homosexuality as if it is a sickness or a problem. It is putting a stigma on homosexuals and implying that they are less of a person because of their sexual orientation and the only way to become a good human being, an unsick human being is to cure oneself of being gay.

It may not be degrading homosexuals in a straightforward manor (like by calling them "barbarians -- that need to be disciplined", which Marcus Bachman totally said) but it is implying that being gay is wrong, and therefore, it is anti-gay.

Sure, the people that go to the "clinic" are doing it on their own freewill but the reason they think they need to go there is because they have been told that what they are doing is wrong and they are less of a person for it. I think this issue was displayed well in the episode of South Park where Butters goes to a gay curing center, while it was over the top in the typical SP fashion, it really made a clever point when Butters finally angrily says to the counselors (paraphrase) "I didn't ever feel confused until you started telling me I was!"

Finally, I wouldn't say this is the "most evil thing imaginable." It is bad but at least they are trying to do it with best intentions. It's a step up from verbally assulting them (or murdering them), so it's one thing. But, it is still anti-gay.

Jul 17 11 - 4:29pm

Well said, Julian.

Jul 17 11 - 5:43pm

Well said, Profrobert.

Jul 18 11 - 1:39pm

well said, me

Jul 18 11 - 5:36pm
Doctor Phibes

Group hug!

Jul 18 11 - 9:36pm


Jul 24 11 - 6:23pm
Alan Coffee

Dude. I'd NEVER hug Dr. Phibes. Bad, bad idea. Just sayin'.

Jul 17 11 - 12:55am

it's hard to laugh when I really wish this were all a joke.

Jul 17 11 - 5:46pm
Moe Berg

it's hard to laugh when you know that she's been cheating. had her hands around him and she's been giving it a beating. it's hard to laugh when you know that she's been lying. but you've got to laugh to prevent yourself from crying.

Jul 17 11 - 5:01pm

Isn't castor oil the accepted "cure" for homosexuality?

A couple teaspoons with your morning shredded wheat and you'll be out there chasing Church-sanctioned tail in no time.


Jul 17 11 - 5:48pm
The Baltimoron

No, you bumbling idiot, that's for constipation.

Er wait - hemorrhoids? No - hold on - enterobiases?

Jul 22 11 - 12:25pm

Geez, that's unebliveable. Kudos and such.

Jul 23 11 - 11:45am

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for wiirtng!

Jul 24 11 - 6:22pm

np, old girl! I'll wiirt anytime you like!

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