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Study: Marijuana totally kills your boner

sexy marijuana grower

A new scientific review of studies on marijuana and sexuality found that the weed that you're smoking may be doing more than sapping your drive to succeed and making donuts more delicious. Researcher Rany Shamloul, a physician with appointments at the University of Ottawa and Queen's University in Canada as well as the University of Cairo, states that marijuana use might be inhibiting your "stoner boner." Yes, I just made that term up. 

According to the research, in tissue samples taken from five human-male penises and six rhesus-monkey penises, it was found that the smooth muscle tissue contained receptors for THC and that the presence of THC inhibited the ability for males to achieve and maintain erections. Another study found that a moderate dose of marijuana had little effect on sexual performance, but that higher doses of the drug made for fewer erections.

Personally, I say keep smoking if you want to; these findings aren't conclusive enough to put down the bong. I propose a study on whiskey-dick and its effect on my personal happiness. At least when a stoned dude can't get it up, you can still make a bunch of jokes together and have a fun time watching movies instead. When a drunk dude can't get it up, you're just left with a really irritating, idiotic, drunk dude. 

Comments ( 30 )

Feb 14 11 at 2:50 pm

I find the exact opposite is true in my experience. I've been calling THC "Nature's Viagra" for years.

Feb 16 11 at 5:11 pm
Sr. Bolsa

The lust aspect IS stimulated for me, its the PERFORMANCE aspect that droops.. Has since my mid 40s.. Suspiciously corresponding to the expected Andropause.

With enough T (read teens through 30s), NOTHING gets in the way. YMMV

Feb 14 11 at 3:03 pm

The word "boner" should be retired after high school. Also "whiskey-dick."

Feb 14 11 at 7:49 pm

so's your mom

Feb 14 11 at 3:09 pm

Who is the picture of? She's cute :)

Feb 14 11 at 8:27 pm

Mary Louise Parker — she's in the show Weeds.

Feb 14 11 at 3:22 pm

I stopped reading after "tissue samples taken from five human-male penises". Ouch!

Feb 14 11 at 3:29 pm

I'm a big fan of any drug that minimizes the "PENETRATIVE SEX NOW! IT IS THE WHOLE POINT! THERE IS NOTHING ELSE!" aspect of sex. I think the study is making a lot of assumptions about how sex should be had to suggest that a man temporarily losing his erection means something terrible. Unless it kills all of his and his partner's Hooksexup receptors, I can still think of a dozen pleasurable things off the top of my head that a couple (or more) can do that doesn't involve hard cocks or penetration. I'm a lot more interested in the biological implication that sex organs have natural THC receptors in them.
Creating long-term dysfunction is another matter, but I'll eat my hat if there aren't interacting variables that have no been taken in to account there as well.
One of my favorite things to do with my (male) partner is get too stoned to really move and just make out and pet until we pass out. Then fuck like bunnies in the morning.

Feb 15 11 at 10:38 am


Feb 14 11 at 3:35 pm

I call bullshit.

Feb 14 11 at 4:23 pm
josht45 PDX

I, too, call Bullshit on this. From personal experience, MJ has always assisted my bedroom time, and based on the reports of past GFs, has made me Viking like when I imbibe prior. This "study" of a whole 5 people is a joke. Please.

Feb 14 11 at 5:53 pm

It wasn't a study. It was a review. In a medial review a researcher examines multiple existing studies and attempts to draw larger conclusions from the previous data. The study of eleven tissue samples was only one included in the review.

Feb 14 11 at 7:55 pm

I dated a stoner. He always had a bone is his pocket for me ;)

Feb 15 11 at 2:21 am

I think it's important to realize that there's a difference between occasional use and if-you're-home-you're-high use. I, too, dated a stoner, the latter kind, and he couldn't maintain an erection, which for a 20-something, is a bit unusual. I completely believe this study.

Feb 15 11 at 5:59 pm

maybe you're just ugly. but go ahead, blame mary jane... it won't hurt so much...

Feb 17 11 at 1:51 pm

And you're a misogynistic asshole, bob, who probably sits at home bitterly cursing women because you just can't get laid no matter how hard you try.

Feb 15 11 at 6:59 am

I also call bullshit, because I've been high before and its makes it a lot easier to cum from a blow job

Feb 15 11 at 8:47 am

Same, this is bullshit, I use weed in the bedroom and it actually helps me control my erection and gives me a more pleasurable experience!

Feb 15 11 at 12:02 pm

Based on my personal experience, nah. A pot high turns sex into an operatic epic for me, and things slow down because every touch and gesture gets savored. Recommended.

Feb 17 11 at 5:50 am

I'm a woman but I cannot get into stony sex. I have heard all the glorious effects, and I'd love to be into it, but as soon as I'm high my mind wanders to the point of no return. I'm too hypersensitive to touch and sex just starts feeling really weird rather than good. For me, weed is a huge buzzkill for sexytime.

Feb 17 11 at 12:28 pm

Agreed. I WISH that I could take advantage of the heightened sensations, but when I'm stoned all I can think about is how weird sex is...

Feb 17 11 at 7:06 pm

As a daily user, I can say unequivocally that smoking pot enhances sex, pleasure, boners, the whole thing. If you lose your boner, take the blue pill or down some yohimbe. This assertion by the Doc reminds me of the things they used to tell kids about masterbation -- hairy palms, insanity, etc.

Feb 17 11 at 7:55 pm

Hmm, I call BULLSHIT on this "research"... Never have I ever encountered a problem with a guy smoking & then having sex.. If anything it makes him last longer, more pleasure for me. ;) & for the girl who said she had issues with a guy, sorry sweets, but maybe it was YOUR fault he couldn't stay hard... Gotta know what he likes if you want him hard.

Feb 18 11 at 5:21 pm

Of course, since it is about marijuana people are going to argue incessantly.

Feb 18 11 at 5:23 pm

Also, "my personal experiences which conflict with the results means that the entire study based on objective science is invalid."

Feb 21 11 at 9:48 am

took the words right out of my mouth. but it's natural for people to over-rely on their own experience and forget they are only an n of 1 and hardly representative of the population.

Feb 18 11 at 8:49 pm

I have seen this work both ways. One guys it helped, one it increased desire but he lost in hardness and staying time. They were both late for everything all the time.

Feb 21 11 at 2:31 pm

I clicked on this link because I smoke pot. The head line made me scared for a second but only for a second because of the comments posted. I am male and I don't have any erectile problems as far as I aware, but I will admit, if its late (10-12PM) and really stoned, I would say my performance suffers a decrease. The age, stress of that day, physical exhaustion, hormonal and health problems currently effecting the individual will have the most impact on whether or not he is a lion in the bedroom. A 37 year-old who is over-weight, just lost his job, has to take the bus to turn in applications, and has underlying health conditions, isn't exactly ready to hop on the good foot and to the bad thing right when he comes home, stoner or not. MJ is a huge national issue right now, but I would say that an unhappy unhealthy sex life is a little more important discussion than bad mouthing weed. I think a poor sex-life has ended more relationships than weed. Chemicals have the greatest effect over anything else, everything in your body is a chemical reaction. Exposure to daily chemicals like solvents, glues, and even perfumes can drastically effect hormones and what is going on in your body. As some stated, they're hypersensitive to weed, that is not unusual. However, weed, like any other crop, can be cultivated in the presence of and administered chemical sprays to repel insects and disease. Just like tomatoes, if the plant is not properly flushed a unfavorable taste lingers as with chemical residue. How do you know you reacting to the weed and not the chemical? How would you know if your stoner lover was getting exposed to chemicals at work all day? I am 22 and live in Colorado, am a medical mj patient who grows his own ORGANIC buds, a farmer, I exercise regularly (weights and the dreaded cardio), take numerous supplements, and don't smoke ciggies or drink alcohol. I don't think I am old enough for desire and sexual problems, but even when I was in high school I didn't have the energy to go near girls during hellweek (the first week of football camp) and the next few weeks. I am going to try and take care of myself and avoid chemicals the best I can for the rest of my life so hopefully by the time I'm 40, ED won't be an issue for me. By the way if any of you ladies have aging romeos who take the best of care of themselves and the blue pill doesn't work for them, try looking in the herbal department. Vasobolic make an incredible product, an L word(I'm not sure if im breaking rules by saying the product name), that is highly recommended. Whether its weed or other natural herbs, I've only ever had positive results.

Feb 21 11 at 4:52 pm

Ohhhh, I love smoking pot and having sex. Everything is heightened and I concentrate on every single sensation and I just cannot get enough. Don't smoke it often, but my boyfriend is always so, so happy when I do. My lady parts always feel sad the next day, though.

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