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Michele Bachmann

In a speech at the Toronto screening of Butter (The Weinstein Company's new satire about a small-town butter carving competition), producer Harvey Weinstein asked Michele Bachmann to "co-host" the film's American premiere.

The speech (which was written by Weinstein and read by Olivia Wilde) didn't explicitly state Weinstein's desires to heavily pet the Republican presidential candidate, but I know what it means when a boy invites you to see a movie — an hour and a half of nervous chest-pawing under the judgmental gaze of Bradley Cooper. Besides, despite all her crazy, Michele Bachmann is one foxy lady. 

Hormones aside, Weinstein's invitation isn't entirely off-base — Butter is a political satire in which a butter-sculpting champion's ambitious wife (played by Jennifer Garner) faces off with a gifted, young orphan. While critics have more frequently drawn comparisons between Garner's character and the Republican party's former squeeze, Sarah Palin, a Bachmann parallel isn't too much of a stretch. 

In the speech, Weinstein shares his plans for the big day, including an offer to fly in all of Bachmann's Tea Party friends:

I would like to take this moment to formally invite Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota and Republican presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann, to co-host with me the big premiere of Butter in Iowa in a few months from now. I know Michele will already be in Iowa for the caucus, so we can save some money on airfare and travel. I would of course be more than happy to fly in the other leading members of the Tea Party movement to make an entire day of it. We could take some math classes in the morning to help balance the budget, brush up on the Constitution in the afternoon, play some ping-pong and then maybe some verbal ping-pong on gay rights and women's rights (especially the right to choose). But at night we can all go hand-in-hand to the premiere of Butter, a fun and important film where we'll share some popcorn and laughs. These are the kind of bipartisan efforts that make America great.

No, Mr. Weinstein; what makes America great is the existence of Kraft singles, the undying popularity of Soulja Boy, and the fact that movies about butter-sculpting actually get produced.

Comments ( 7 )

Sep 14 11 at 5:36 pm

Maybe he should sit down with Tubby Propagandist Michael Moore and settle his lawsuit over his 9/11 Blood Money instead?

Sep 15 11 at 7:14 am

While critics have more frequently drawn comparisons between Garner's character and the Republican party's former squeeze, Sarah Palin, a Bachmann parallel isn't too much of a stretch.

Sell Rolex

Sep 15 11 at 7:29 am
Popping Up

Ah, even the self-proclaimed intelligensia of the left is imploding. Keep talking, Harvey, we're all enthralled with your wit and breathtakingly bad judgement.

Nov 20 11 at 2:45 pm

Wow, your post makes mine look fleebe. More power to you!

Nov 21 11 at 1:53 pm

IJHNLk sgajwgsigiop

Dec 03 11 at 11:50 am

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Dec 07 11 at 9:38 pm

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