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In a recent interview with Ebony magazine, Samuel L. Jackson proved that celebrities should be fitted with electronic collars that zap them when they attempt to discuss politics with reporters, when he said that he voted for Obama "because he was black." "'Cause that's why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them," the actor, who skipped the Oscars in 2008 to campaign for Obama, said. "That's American politics, pure and simple. [Obama's] message didn't mean shit to me."

Jackson went on to criticize Obama for failing to do "what he said he was gonna do" while he was campaigning in 2008. "I know politicians say shit; they lie," Jackson griped. "'Cause they want to get elected... In the end, he's just a politician." You guys can insert your own, super-timely and culturally relevant "he's had it with the motherfucking president in the motherfucking White House" line here, 'cause I'm not gonna do it for you (except I totally just did). 

Jackson then proceeded to drop the n-word multiple times throughout the interview, stating that when it came right down to it, the American people "wouldn't have elected a [expletive deleted]. Because what's a [expletive deleted]? A [expletive deleted] is scary. Obama ain't scary at all. [Expletives deleted] don't have beers at the White House. [Expletives deleted] don't let some white dude, while you in the middle of a speech, call [him] a liar. A [expletive deleted] would have stopped the meeting right there and said, 'Who the fuck said that?'" 

Of course, [expletives deleted] aside, what Jackson said about Obama doesn't diverge that much from what millions of now-disillusioned 2008 supporters are saying about the president. So although Jackson should have (or, perhaps, already may have) foreseen the attention his remarks would garner in the press, it's tough to get worked-up about the quote, because he's Samuel L. Jackson and unless he admitted to voting for Obama as part of a pact with the Devil in exchange for eternal youth and a vial of infant blood, he can say whatever he goddamn wants.

(Also, regarding his point that people vote for candidates who look like them: if there was a snarky white Jewish bitch running for President, I can't say that I wouldn't vote for her, particularly if she ran on a platform of making it illegal for U.S. airlines to show anything other than RuPaul's Drag Race as their in-flight entertainment. So in this sense, Samuel L. speaks the truth).

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Feb 13 12 - 4:23pm
kshadeb Discourse,

Well, he hit the nail on the [expletive deleted]'s head on at least one thing: Obama is very much just a typical politician, and not a very good one at that. No hope, no change, just mo' of the same. Muthafukkas.

Feb 13 12 - 5:37pm

what a small minded man

Feb 13 12 - 5:56pm
Saratoga Slim

He voted for Obama because he "was" black? You mean he's not any more?

Feb 13 12 - 6:24pm

Giving him back to the whites after his failures.

Feb 13 12 - 7:40pm
Archie Leach

Am I the only one that thinks Samuel L.J. is overexposed?

Feb 14 12 - 1:02pm

Yup. I've been wondering these past four years as to why Sam Jackson voted for Obama. It's a relief to finally know. Now when will he answer the question of why he added a pause to the line reading of "Sith lord"?

Feb 14 12 - 12:20am

OK, I'm sure that didn't come close to balancing out the white folks who voted for McCain simply because he was running against a black guy

Feb 14 12 - 10:32am

Point out the evils of racism by condoning racism. That will work.

I'm just glad we're now post-racial in this country. I'm also happy that the deficits are half what they were under Bush. The ocean levels are receding!

And there's as much ice in the Himalayas as there was 100 years ago (and ten years ago).

Will the magnificent Obama reveal his divinity before the next election?

Feb 14 12 - 11:29am

I thought he voted for Obama because he was tired of those muthafuckin snakes in that muthafuckin white house. that's why I did.

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