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Michele Bachmann Newsweek cover

Continuing its streak of of (some might say pointlessly) controversial covers, Newsweek's new issue features a googly-eyed Michele Bachmann on the cover accompanied by the headline "The Queen of Rage." Predictably, supporters of Bachmann are up in arms about the cover, and less predictably, some feminists are, too. 

One Tea Party activist dubbed it "chauvinistic" and Michelle Malkin said of Newsweek editor Tina Brown, "You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel "moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged 'crazy eyes?' Really?" Even the president of the National Organization for Women called it "sexist," noting, "Surely this has never been done to a man.”

The Los Angeles Times correctly points out that Howard Dean -- a man -- actually did come under similar fire.

Either way, it's tricky territory: sure, it's a cheap and easy shot to make fun of a woman for something like "crazy eyes," and I'd be the first to say that female politicians face absurd scrutiny when it comes to appearance. But given that Bachmann's built almost her entire political career off of a hate-based platform, is it really that out of line to call her out for her "rage?" Isn't that just appropriate commentary?

More About Michele Bachmann

Comments ( 26 )

Aug 09 11 at 7:37 pm
Leathery Racist

The headline is misleading; NOW finds Bachmann's treatment sexist. NOW is hardly conservative.

And can you please explain the paragraph that begins with "The Los Angeles Times points out that Howard Dean...did come under similar fire...?" "Similar fire" to what? Is Bachmann under fire? It seems to me that she is not. Similar fire to Newsweek? How so?

It's also interesting to note that the story says nothing about her "rage."

Aug 10 11 at 7:54 am

I thought of Dean, too, but "similar fire" is a poor way of putting it. Howard Dean was similar ridiculed as a result of his yelping bellow while campaigning in Iowa for president. The conservatives latched on and wouldn't let it die, and it is credited with ruining his chances. The efforts to use Bachmann's crazy eyes to sidetrack her campaign are similar.

On a side note, don't you think she knew she was making crazy eyes? I mean, geez, she doesn't look like that usually. Maybe the photographer was like, "give me batshit crazy" and she obliged, but that's sort of her fault.

Aug 09 11 at 7:59 pm
John Son

Let's be completely honest here. When do her eyes not look crazy? Has Michelle Malkin ever seen Michelle Bachmann on video?

Aug 09 11 at 8:39 pm

Malkin also has the crazy eyes.

Aug 10 11 at 4:15 am

That was exactly my reaction about Malkin

Aug 09 11 at 8:41 pm

Crazy, but that's how she goes.

Aug 09 11 at 8:53 pm

So good to see Gerald Ford on the cover of Newsweek. Love the new hairdo.

Aug 09 11 at 9:01 pm

They should've given her a red lantern ring.

Aug 09 11 at 9:02 pm

I think what's important isn't whether or not she LOOKS crazy, but whether or not she IS crazy.

Aug 09 11 at 10:44 pm

Are "crazy eyes" really a female thing? Like, if they called her "hysterical" or something, that would seem pretty sexist. But what's sexist about crazy?

Aug 09 11 at 11:18 pm

Agreed, having a politician with crazy eyes on the cover isn't particularly sexist ... what is odd, though, is that the article doesn't go into her "rage."

Aug 10 11 at 10:57 am

I don't know why we are even bickering about crazy eyes. Does it actually say she has them in the Newsweek article? It just seems like that one editor was the one that brought it up.

Aug 10 11 at 4:05 am
Buck Nasty

I live in Minnesota. I wouldn't mind living in her district, if only so I could vote her out, but she represents a shit-hole.

Michelle is bat-shit-crazy. There is no two ways about it. I don't know if someone remembers that State of the Union address that Bush gave where, as he was leaving, she tried to grab on to him. She had that same "crazy" look on her face.

The bitch is crazy.

Aug 10 11 at 6:02 am

Misogyny is on the rise in Minnesota.

Aug 10 11 at 7:54 am

How is that misogyny when he's talking about on specific individual, not women as a whole?

Aug 10 11 at 9:13 am

hobbits are sorta like trolls, right?

Aug 10 11 at 9:47 am

I like to play the victim card when the reality is that I'm a bigot.

Aug 10 11 at 12:33 pm
John Son

Shut up, troll.

Aug 10 11 at 1:39 pm
John Son

I don't like the ugly truth, so I try to silence others with opposing views.

Aug 10 11 at 9:12 am

Conservatives hate a photo of a Bachmann, while most humans just hate Bachmann. There's an overlap here people. Let's recognize that and celebrate our similarities.

Aug 10 11 at 9:17 am
G Unit

People still read magazines? How cute!

Aug 10 11 at 10:52 am

I remember reading newsweek in high school.

Aug 10 11 at 11:29 am

I think there is something to be said about them choosing a deliberately bad photo. I just googled her name and found much more photogenic head shots than that. Furthermore, I wouldn't really consider using a bad photo as sexist, because that happens in politics frequently. I remember in my own congressional district two elections ago Baron Hill's opponent (can't remember his name) used a rather angry and unattractive photo of Baron Hill yelling in every party add. It's a cheap trick that is used on a lot of people.

Aug 10 11 at 2:55 pm

Jon Stewart uses a picture of Charles Rangel's gut on a beach chair all the time. Is that racist? When you're arguing Rangel is corrupt, the gut photo is a good illustration. When you're arguing that Bachmann is a nut, which she is, the batty eyes photo is right on. Conservatives don't like being portrayed as nuts, I get it, but that doesn't mean Bachmann specifically is sane.

Aug 10 11 at 3:10 pm
Rex Merritt

The right can give it but they sure can't take it.

Aug 10 11 at 4:25 pm

Really NOW? Surely this has never been done to a man? Have you ever looked at a magazine stand? People pick photos based on what the article is about. If Newsweek had "QUEEN OF RAGE" with a picture of her playing with puppies, shit still wouldn't look right. That has nothing to do with gender.

PS, I'm also from Minnesota, so I take a lot of joy watching this crazy bitch fail her ass off. Best campaign ever.

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