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Michele Bachmann stumbled into yet another opportunity for public embarrassment last night on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon when Fallon's show band The Roots chose Fishbone's song "Lyin' Ass Bitch" as her walk-on music.  

Given how chipper she seemed, it's a safe bet Bachmann didn't recognize the 1985 song, but drummer Questlove had tweeted ahead of time, "aight late night walkon song devotees: you love it when we snark: this next one takes the cake. ask around cause i aint tweeting title." 

Bachmann's camp hasn't commented, but Fallon later tweeted "@Questlove is grounded." Questlove has since said in a statement:

"The performance was a tongue-in-cheek and spur of the moment decision. The show was not aware of it and I feel bad if her feelings were hurt. That was not my intention."

Watch the above clip to see the whole thing go down, and keep your fingers crossed that NBC doesn't to reprimand The Roots for the, uh, unconventional song choice.

Commentarium (31 Comments)

Nov 22 11 - 6:38pm

Nobody snarks on Michelle more than I do , but this one seems like a cheap shot.

Nov 22 11 - 7:32pm

Cry about it, you big baby.

Nov 22 11 - 7:24pm

Bachmann's "representing" a neighboring district of mine, and the song's practically a compliment. If she weren't on the record for lying, she wouldn't be on the record at all. Fallon should have her husband on so the band can play Gaga's "Born this way." Comedy gold!

Nov 22 11 - 8:10pm

Total lack of class. Disgusting.

Nov 22 11 - 10:37pm

I agree. That such a person is considered a viable candidate for president is ghastly.

Nov 23 11 - 2:45pm

well done, sir.

Nov 22 11 - 8:24pm
The Answer My Friend

Michelle Bachmann embarrasses herself. Something this heavy-handed isn't helpful.

Nov 22 11 - 8:36pm

"I feel bad if her feelings were hurt. That was not my intention."

Um, sure. Whatever. What the fuck is a Questlove anyway?

Nov 23 11 - 9:17am

A "Questlove" is a synonym for "awesome."

Nov 23 11 - 2:46pm

Questlove is brilliant and amazing. Michelle Bachmann is, thankyouverymuch, a lying ass bitch.

Nov 22 11 - 8:47pm

This was hilarious, and hardly heavy handed. It's easy to call a joke heavy handed after it's been explained to you. I bet 99% of the audience didn't notice anything.

Nov 22 11 - 8:55pm

Thats just douchey.

Nov 23 11 - 8:39am

Misogyny directed at a conservative woman? Not surprising but this level of disrespect oriented toward Bachmann due to her gender is amazing. One can only imagine the fallout if something similar was directed to a candidiate due to his/her race or ethnic background.

Nov 23 11 - 12:37pm

It's not about her being a woman, it's about her being an asshole. Imputing meaning that isn't there is pointless.

Nov 23 11 - 2:47pm

God damn it, I hate you, Publius.

Nov 23 11 - 6:21pm

@@Publius - Aww, too hard to form a response, was it?

Nov 23 11 - 9:01am

I really thought they'd go with Radiohead's "Under-Experienced Social Conservative Who Hasn't Polled Above 5% since June." but maybe that was too on the nose.

Nov 23 11 - 9:33am

You don't invite a guest into your home and then insult them. It's this kind of cheap shots that keeps our political discourse in the mud.

Nov 26 11 - 7:23pm

You're right, no conservative talk show hosts or political pundits would dare to do that...

Nov 23 11 - 12:26pm

I despise Bachmann, but this was inappropriate. If you want to challenge someone, even as to their values or honesty, that's legitimate, but do it to their face and give them a chance to respond. This was just an veiled insult -- it's cowardly.

Nov 23 11 - 12:32pm
I love

how people a screaming "misogyny" when defending the homophobic racist known as Michelle Bachmann.

Nov 23 11 - 12:47pm

bigotry--totally okay when used against bigots!

Nov 23 11 - 1:28pm

no it's called losing the moral high ground.

it's a weak mind that resorts to name calling instead of debating the issues.

don't like bachmann, then explain in clear and understandable terms why you don't.

restort to name calling and lower yourself into the mud.

Nov 23 11 - 2:21pm

Totally OK when used by teabaggers!

Nov 23 11 - 2:22pm

Did someone say, "weak mind"?

Nov 23 11 - 6:24pm

How about treating people, even those with whom you disagree, with respect? It's a sign of character, after all.

Nov 23 11 - 5:52pm

Clearly they intended to be demeaning, his sad-ass excuse doesn't cut it.

Typical left response, though, that this is OK because she's a conservative. If it was Michelle Obama on the show and the band played a song called "Gold Diggin' Ho Stealing The Taxpayers Money For Unnecessary Vacation Expenses" you'd all be up in arms over the indignity of it all.

Nov 23 11 - 11:54pm
You're right...'s not funny when people pick on the mentally disabled.

Nov 25 11 - 3:35pm

As a woman, may I just say pleeeeease don't use Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin as some sort of representative for our gender, and how we all should give these women a pass and lower the bar for the sake of inclusion. This isn't the Special Olympics- these people are supposed to have leadership capabilities. I would rather have Vanna White represent my gender, ferchrissakes. At least that bitch keeps doing her job after 30 years and knows how to spell.
If the GOP thinks that the only viable female contenders for leadership are photogenic half-wits with dismal performance records and only a passing acquaintance with reality, truth, and the U.S. Constitution, let us please make that only their problem, and an isolated one at that.

Nov 26 11 - 7:27pm
a woman

Well said. I'm so tired of people being surprised when they hear that I don't support Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann, just because I also have a vagina. People in power who want things to stay the same will use cheerleaders like Palin and Bachmann to make the public think that they are the best women have to offer in the world of politics. How much bullshit did Hilary have to go through, being a qualified candidate? People who don't know how to be leaders or even what newspapers they read should not be given a pass just because they're women.

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