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10 Google Search Suggestions That Make You Weep For Geography Teachers

I'm not expecting much of the internet, you guys, but we should all know where Canada is. It's fucking huge.


I say this because last week, before taking a short trip to Kentucky, I decided to do some quick internet research. As I typed in "Kentucky is..." I was greeted with...this:


Check out that last one again. Check it good and hard. Intrigued/horrified, I decided to see how some other geographic regions fared. It was not pretty:


Ah yes, Alaska. The former governorship of former Vice-Presidential nominee (and possible foreign head of state, apparently) Sarah Palin.


Guys, how could England be a fag country if it's not even a country to begin with? It's probably a fag province.


The initial success of the Third Reich's war effort against central Europe is much more impressive when you find out Germany is in South America.


Hoo boy. This one's just sad. But how about a country that's maybe been in the news a lot?


Never let it be said people are ignorant of the wars being fought in overseas...counties? How about something a bit bigger:


There...there are only seven. It's a short list. Learn it. Love it.


Poor Italy had it the worst. Seriously, no one knows where the fuck you are, Italy.


There. Is. No. Excuse.

Comments ( 6 )

"Germany is the Best Country in the World." Well, that's true.

JK commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:04 pm

This is awesome. Just awesome.

TwL commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:05 pm

Sarah Palin is:

Dan commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:20 pm

England is a country, though, not a province.

Rita commented on Apr 19 10 at 4:48 pm

Rita! Seriously?

thinkywritey commented on Apr 20 10 at 10:01 am

England is one of the nations that makes up the United Kingdom. Country is an acceptable word...

Jenny commented on Apr 20 10 at 2:51 pm

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