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Hey, Did Ellen Page Just Come Out on "SNL"? -- UPDATED

Posted by Bryan Christian

So, um, did you guys happen to see that sketch just now on SNL where Ellen Page was playing a young girl jumping around so excited about a Melissa Etheridge concert and then it turned out that she might have gone gay at the concert, and she totally mimed grabbing a lady with her legs and it was funny, and then that Dick-in-a-Box guy was all like "Well, I'll love you just the same if you are gay" and they like hugged and that was it? Like, it. As in the sketch was over. Heck, the whole show was over.

Was that supposed to mean something? Like, was it supposed to make us think something about something? The last SNL sketch we remember with an ending like that was that hysterical one from 1985 where Oprah and Danitra Vance talked about abortion, and we're pretty sure we're supposed to have thought quite deeply about something after that. So maybe this one too? Or not. Are we being confusing? 'Cause we're totally confused. (Also, we're kidding about that Oprah sketch being hysterical. It was interminable.)

Oh, and did you see this also?

So, seriously: what just happened? A grudging acknowledgement? A full-on response? Or something more? Or was it maybe just like so many other weeks on SNL: an incomprehensible, mostly unfunny final sketch. We have no idea, and frankly might never have even brought up the question of Ellen Page's sexuality without something dramatic happening. Like what maybe just happened. Or not. Yeah, we're confused. Thoughts?

(And yes, in case you're wondering -- we just had to blog about this the minute it happened. We officially have no life.)

UPDATE: Video via the fine folks at Wired News, who seem to think that the point of the sketch was that it doesn't matter whether she's gay or straight -- which we totally agree with, but could think of a dozen other sketches to make the point more effectively. (Like, for instance, have her fighting crime with the Ambiguously Gay Duo -- which, as a bonus, would have saved us from that muddled Obama cartoon.) Anyways, have a look after the jump and let us know what you think.



JCF said:

Yeah, you just ruined it for all the readers in the Pacific time zone who read Scanner up to the minute Saturday Night Live comes on....

Actually, the final sketch of SNL always seems to be the weakest of the show.  All the "good" sketches are presented earlier, and the only reason that last one is there is to keep people watching who don't care about the musical guest and might turn it off otherwise.  I wouldn't consider it a "real" coming out unless her actual girlfriend came on stage and kissed her at that point.  Bonus points if it turned out to be Hillary Clinton.  (No, that's just wrong....)

March 2, 2008 12:56 PM

camipco said:

Wait, enjoying Melissa Etheridge is still shorthand for lesbianism? Are you sure this sketch isn't from 1988?

March 2, 2008 2:13 PM

owhitty said:

I don't really like SNL. I love Ellen Page though (platonic.. just thought I'd let you know, given the topic at hand haha).

The whole Jeffery Wells thing totally insults me, I'm short like Ellen Page, and I'm the same age. Fuck Jeffery Wells! I gots a man! haha

March 2, 2008 6:04 PM

miscecc said:

Ellen Page seems really gay. And that would just be the icing on the cake.

But you know. Whatev.

March 2, 2008 7:38 PM

profrobert said:

This is one of their slice-of-life pieces, in the same vein as Amy Poehler as Horatio Sanz's hyperactive tween stepdaughter (if you go back in time, Gilda Radner did a lot of this type of thing, too).  I thought it was sweet and well written, and I'd be surprised if there was supposed to be some connection to Ellen Page's own life.

March 3, 2008 5:34 PM

About Bryan Christian

Bryan Christian has worked as a writer for Epicurious, GenArt and ID magazine; a web producer for WWD and Condé Nast; and a cameraman for his friends. He's married and lives in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn.
