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Today in WTF: Childbirth Orgasm Video

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


"Orgasmic birth. It will change the way you feel about childbirth... and yourself... forever."

Yes, but if we found out our Moms had done this, we might end up just a wee bit traumatized to find out. Although we should add that we're not against it or anything and we're certainly not going to stop anyone from climaxing for any reason, at any time. [Whoops! Typo fixed-- for some reason this went up before it was finished, incomplete thoughts, sentences, and missing words and all. Sorry about that! No offense intended! Snark intended, though.]

Is this trailer for a supposed documentary yuck... or yum? In any case, this video creeps us the hell out. It reminds us way too much of something produced by the Church of Scientology, know what we mean? Not the act of it-- the video makes the act seem weirder than it is.

Strollerderby has a similar reaction: not against the act, certainly it's a little on the stranger side of the life, but totally weirded out by the clip.

[B]efore you say, "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it," let me be the first to tell you that trying it isn't an issue, because it'll never happen.

You tell me what the creepy factor is. For me, on a scale of one to ten, this is an eleven. But maybe I'm just uptight.

Reader reaction was divided, mostly in favor of the practice:

1) No, you're uptight.

2) The concept isn't creepy. The background music is. Eew.

Our sentiments exactly. One day, someone is bound to make a video about childbirth orgasms that one doesn't constantly expect a laughing and smirking Tom Cruise to come popping out of.

More on this war of words, via Strollerderby. 

Related: 67-Year-Old Midwife Makes The Women Cum. Hard. (from Scanner Nicole); How to F*ck Up Your Kid From Childbirth: Have an Orgasm While He Makes His Way Down the Birth Canal (from Scanner Emily) 



dippy_gumball said:

It's similar in vibe to (and actually features a lot of the same people as) the documentary on homebirth that Ricki Lake produced, which was amazing.  The piano/soft voice IS kind of creepy.  I wish this stuff would be presented in more of a matter-of-fact sort of way.    

It's not about bringing your newborn to climax (which would be one of the most vile forms of sexual abuse my mind can think of).  It's about doing what (the producers) believe is the best thing for mom and baby (bucking social norms).  To say it's about "bringing your child to climax" is, on your part, completely disgusting.

July 9, 2008 2:10 PM

disunstrung said:

Wow, dippy_gumball, you completely took the words directly out of my mouth.  Right on.  Sometimes the snark, it goes too far.

July 9, 2008 2:34 PM

danny said:

Have a problem with language understanding much, guys? The people in the movie were commenting on the fact that birthing a child in this fashion gives the -woman- an orgasm.

Anything that helps the woman relax and be comfortable while giving birth should be applauded.

The fact that we turn it into something clinical and that in many countries the woman is largely left to itself bespeaks the fact that despite our electronic watches, nuclear weapons and neckties we're still a bunch of fucking animals. We don't teach kids what it means to be human, we are not in touch with the world around us. We're just transformed into near-infantile cretins whose only ambition in life is to consume more than the next cretin.

July 9, 2008 2:35 PM

Brian Fairbanks said:

Danny-- totally agree. The point was about how the video made it SEEM creepy, like if Tom Cruise was narrating it with that kooky laugh, but anyway, I wasn't done writing this. Should be fixed ASAP.

July 9, 2008 2:56 PM

crzyquinn said:

wow.. who knew that instead of an agonizing 36 hour labor when my daughter was born I could have had the world's longest orgasm.  Bloody idiots.  who the hell wants to tell their child, "by the way, best orgasm ever!  Much better than daddy."

July 10, 2008 11:23 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
