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Things We Wish We Could Do: Pressure Point Knock-Out

Posted by Ina Maier

Pressure Point Knockout - Watch more free videos

That said, we have some concern over the credibility of this video. Any black-belts out there who can elaborate and/or enlighten us?



godwal said:

A firm hit to the arteries in the neck will cause an interruption of blood to the brain which can cause a temporary blackout.  Hitting on both sides of the neck at once is most effective.  This is not the same as a pressure point knockout.

August 5, 2008 5:20 PM

crashcourse34 said:

It looked like a pressure point knockout to me. He hit the sides of the neck, where there are major Hooksexups, not more to the front, where the carotid arteries run. I've had my bells rung (i.e., felt dazed) from pressure point strikes there, but never been knocked out from them. Yes, I am a black belt (in Danzan Ryu Jujitsu), yes, I know how meaningless claiming this on the internet is.

August 5, 2008 6:07 PM

alexbiker said:

Martial artist and doctor.

Pressure point knockouts are bollocks.  Let's see him do this in the UFC or a street fight.

Striking to the neck is rather dangerous and it's either a setup or a stupid student who'll let him do it.

There are "switches" to hit people - they either have connections to the cranial Hooksexups, or exert leverage to the skull - the chin does both, the temples, the mastoids and where neck meets skull are "switches" - they switch people off if you hit them hard enough.  

August 5, 2008 6:43 PM

crashcourse34 said:

OK, here you go:

August 5, 2008 7:08 PM

Luke said:

I misread this as <i>pleasure</i> point knock-out. Now that would be something!

August 6, 2008 10:38 AM

Me said:

Fake fake fake.

Even if the poor victim was passing out, I'd wager it has more to do with psychosomatic effects (he's convinced it'll knock him out, so it does) than physiological ones.

I've seen examples of "distance" knock-outs with Chinese qigong type martial arts... the master points his palm at a student, the student trembles and passes out. But it only works on people who believe in it.

August 6, 2008 10:41 AM
