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Pervy Ex-Teacher In Ohio Gets Off... With Probation

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


Not her real photo.

An Ohio teacher was hot for student, sending him topless photos and hounding him via MySpace until his friends spoiled the fantasy...

On Monday, former middle school teacher Lisa Temsey was sentenced to five years' probation and is banned from working among children. If she violates that probation, her judge warned, Temsey would face 11 months away from even the sight of teenage boys.

Here's what Temsey did to deserve such treatment:

Temsey was teaching gifted students at East Canton Middle School last May when she was corresponding with a student via her MySpace page, said Katie Chawla, assistant Stark County prosecutor.

The boy, 14, was a former student who had moved out of state.

The discussion "changed from professional to a personal one, and she sent him a naked picture of her breasts," Chawla said.

The exchange came to light when she started talking to two of the boy's friends, Chawla said.

She probably annoyed the shit out of them, too, and was subsequently reported just so she could be gotten rid of. Maybe. Or maybe they just thought she wasn't that hittable*. (Seriously-- you're a fourteen-year-old boy: if a hot teacher hits on you, you try and keep it quiet, maybe; if a teacher you don't like or is not attractive hits on you, well. Let's just say that we've been in a somewhat similar situation at relatively the same age as the male victim here and the same thought went through our heads: "Well, if she was hot, we wouldn't mind. As is, I think I'm just going to block her IMs.")

As far as we can tell, this is a real photo of her, via her now-closed Facebook page:

Of course, it might be some other Lisa Temsey...

Via Canton Rep.


*Disclaimer: We're kidding. Sexual harassment is wrong. Unless you're James Franco or Kerry Washington.


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robert said:

 Most of your facts are wrong, she didn't send any pictures to the 14 year old boy, who by the way didn't move out of state.  She plead guilty to a 5th degree felony because she couldn't prove that she didn't. The boy in question had acess to her computer several times, learned her yahoo ID and was able to get to her e-mail anytime he wanted because she would always stay logged in for 2 week periods. Her kindness to him and his girlfriend was repayed by leaking the "photo" which no one has seen and has never even been proved was her, because she wouldn't take his 13 year old girlfriend to planned parenthood so she could get on birth control. Also the picture you have from the now closed facebook page is not Lisa, but a friend of hers. Lisa is much better looking.

 She was a dedicated teacher who grew up in East Canton, taught for most of her career there, knew just about everyone who lived in that small town, and for 11 years would try to help students with problems at home by opening hers up to them. She was bullied by the State of Ohio into pleading out because she was desparate to protect her family from the spotlight of what would have been a very public trial. I have lived next door to her for 10 years and never thought twice about letting her watch my kids. The Stae of Ohio just lost one of their best teachers because they were more interested in getting to a conviction than to the truth.

September 16, 2008 10:38 PM

Shelly said:

That is not her real picture.  She is blonde.

September 23, 2008 11:42 AM

Student said:

Maybe a lawsuit could come of this.  Your piture is of another women who should sue the hell out of this website.  Mrs. Temsey was a hell of a teacher the media is to blame for most of this.  To bad the youth that was involved in this scam can't be mentioned by law. Once again its everybody's fault but the juveniles.  Once again publish something that is accurate.  Just for the youth that was involved you probably did her a favor.  she is now out of that screwed up school system that has problems for years and is probably making more money now than she did by teaching. Maybe as you youths get older you will have some Karma....  Than you can see who gets hurt.

September 25, 2008 2:37 PM

Sue said:

That's not Lisa MORONS! You don't even know what your talking about.

October 4, 2008 9:55 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
