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Cornell Is Obsessed With Armpit Sex

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


The ladies of prostegious Cornell University have an axillism fetish: they all seemingly want their boyfriends to have sex with their (sometimes hairy) armpits...

Axillism is defined by Sex Lexis as "sexual climax achieved by masturbating the penis in the armpit of a partner." At Cornell, apparently, it's known as "Tuesday night."

My boyfriend won’t fuck my armpit.

As far as I can tell, there is no lady-on-lady equivalent, and no name for the desire to be the receiving partner. Which would have been me. If Boyf would have just shut up and done it.

I first found out about axillism right here in The Sun, when my dear friend Ariela Rutkin-Becker printed an article in defense of the armpit called “Pity for the Pits.” In it, Ariela praises the pit and mentions the radical love some have for it with a caveat: “You should keep those personal details to yourself. The world just might not be ready for that quite yet.” Well here we go, world, ready or not.

The writer of the above is Liana Mancini, who continues her Cornell Sun tome by admitting that, prior to growing a forest in her pits, she had no interest in experiencing axillism. Now, even with a disinterested boyfriend (the jerk!), she's even willing to try self-axillism rather than go back to regular sex:

I started with a little touching. Nothing. A little stroking. Still nothing. I talked a little dirty to my pits in the hopes of arousing their inner beasts. Hell, I damn near tried to contort myself so I could see if maybe they just needed insertion from different angles. Nothing! Call me a quitter, but after twenty minutes of trying to woo my tufts into magical sensations, I gave up. I guess a pit-job really is for the benefit of the penis-bearer. But not my penis-bearing boyfriend. Gosh.

Well, there's always vibrators, Liana...

Via the Cornell Sun.



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alumna said:

In  Liana's support this is the first NOT predictable column she's written so far. (No really, when we heard she was the new sex columnist a friend of mine and I (both cornell grads) jokingly came up with a list of topics she might cover, so far we've been spot on.)

And in the support of cornellians everywhere, while armpit hair might be fairly common, I think axilism is only enjoyed by a select and quiet few.

November 14, 2008 8:56 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
