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A Near-Majority of Women Prefer Internet to Sex... Large Majority of Men Cower in Fear

Posted by Brian Fairbanks

Intel conducted an online survey that found 46% of women would rather play around on the internet than have sex in real life. Men everywhere are feeling more inadequate than ever...

The findings:

46%: the number of women who would rather be celibate for two weeks than have to give up the internet for the same amount of time

49%: the number of women in the 18-34 demographic that would make the same swap

52%: the number of women in the 35-44 category that would heartily agree


30%: the number of men who would trade sex for, clearly, looking at porn online

39%: the number of men 18-34

23%: the number of men 35-44, because clearly they aren't getting any in real life

100%: the number of men, in our version of this survey, that would trade real sex for virtual reality sex, if only they knew how...

Image via the Sun.



Hey Ladies: This Is Why You Aren't Enjoying Sex...

Somebody Pass the Creamy Cum Crepes!

New Study Claims Women Don't Care For (Sick) Men



Felix said:

Was there ever any doubt?

December 14, 2008 9:36 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
